Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wow. @RepSwalwell and @BetoORourke campaigned for Stacie Laughton- the nation’s first transgender elected state rep who was arrested for child porn and child exploitation.


from SGT Report:

This is the story of my follow-up visit to Dream Body Clinic in Mexico for ethically sourced stem cells to treat my arthritic knees. Josh Ketner joins me to discuss regenerative medicine treatment for joints and much more, and we also talk about Mexico as a place of respite if and when the SHTF in the United States.

Lear more:

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from Ivory Hecker:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

$1,000 SILVER [SERIOUSLY, STOP LAUGHING] – Bix Weir, Chris Marcus, Jean-Claude

from SGT Report:

Bix Weir from RoadToRoota.com, Chris Marcus from ArcadiaEconomics.com and Jean-Claude from BeyondMystic are back to discuss the manipulation of the most undervalued tangible asset on earth, and the very real possibility that one ounce of silver may cost exponentially more in coming years, or even months.

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The Left’s Elections ‘Fortification’ in 2024

by Hayden Ludwig, The American Conservative:

The left wants all future elections to look just like they did in 2020, and we have the blueprints to prove it. Covid-19 was the excuse Democrats used to radically transform our nation’s election systems in ways that make them less secure, less fair, and more vulnerable to mischief. Virtually all of the “temporary” changes introduced—ever-earlier voting, mass mail-in balloting, and lax penalties for fraudsters—have become codified everywhere Democrats rule unopposed.

WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’


from The People’s Voice:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

NATO’s Shame – Ukraine’s Epidemic of Human Trafficking

by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

As millions of Ukrainian women and children fled into the supposed safety of NATO, their new hosts were researching how to rape them.

Because our objective is to identify the guilty parties implicated in Ukraine’s child sex trafficking industry, whilst also exonerating the innocent, we follow the same general path of my earlier 15th July piece. Thus, we again elaborate on the fake charges against specific Russian citizens before looking at trafficking both within Ukraine and from Ukraine to countries further west, as well as re-examining the White House’s porta parties and further revelations regarding MI6 related child sex trafficking into Ireland so that others might have a firmer foundation to work from. Although evidence adumbrated hereunder indicates there is a mountain of abuse occurring that the authorities in Washington, Dublin and Kiev are deliberately ignoring because it does not suit their nefarious agendas, collecting that evidence as a prelude to achieving justice for the victims must continue through efforts like this.

NEW – Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell, was found dead after drowning near Martha’s Vineyard, the former president’s home.


from Chembuster:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Biden Executive Order Comparing ‘Lab Grown Meats’ To ‘COVID Vaccines’ Proves They’re Cooking Up A ‘Recipe For Disaster’ As His Govt Pushes To Completely Control What YOU Eat

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

If we wanted to get a good look at where this bizarre future of ours is rapidly herding us, all we need to do is take a look at this recent story at CNN reporting the US Department of Agriculture just gave gave two brands, Upside Foods and Good Meat, approval to start producing and selling ‘cultivated chicken.’

With ‘cultivated,‘ or ‘lab-grown meat,‘ being a modern-day ‘concoction‘ that is ‘developed‘ in a laboratory that looks a bit like a brewery, with the ‘growers‘ of this ‘garbage‘ actually using real animal cells while adding ‘nutrients‘ such as amino acids, combined like a lab experiment in massive bioreactors, Susan and I will agree with Michael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog as he reports in this new story of this new development, we’d rather crawl on our bellies for a mile on a gravel road filled with razor-sharp glass shards than eat a single bite of lab-grown “meat.”

How U.S. Congress Just Voted to Make Permanent War Permanent

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

In a bold display of the bipartisan determination of the U.S. Congress after 9/11 to lock-in forever the bonanza that the Congress temporarily granted to America’s ‘Defense’ industries (manufacturers of war-weapons, etc.), the proposed congressional Resolution, on July 19th, “On the Amendment (Paul Amdt. No. 222 )”, aiming “To express the sense of Congress that Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not supersede the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war before the United States engages in war,” was voted down in the U.S. Senate, by the huge bipartisan margin of 83 Nays to 16 Yeas. All of the 16 Yeas were Republican Senators. However, 32 Republicans, and both of the Senate’s ‘Independent’ Senators (Sanders of Vermont, and King of Maine), also voted Nay — they voted that the U.S. Constitution’s clause which demands a congressional authorization before the U.S. President may send U.S. forces abroad into a war, be nullified if NATO declares war. (For example: if NATO declares war against Russia regarding Ukraine — which COULD happen — then America is automatically at war against Russia, and no congressional authorization is needed in order for the U.S. to immediately launch a nuclear invasion of Russia.)


from Rebel News:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Trump: I Want Everyone to Stop Dying

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Trump seems to be the only one concerned about the casualties of war. When I went to Mar-a-Lago in March 2020, Trump stressed the fact that he was tired of calling mothers and telling them that their sons had been killed in Afghanistan. Granted, he would have devised a better strategy than Biden of simply leaving, but we avoided war under Trump.



from DavidIcke:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

A Total Destruction of the Political Center. Does Anyone Speak for You?

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Eurointelligence has an interesting article about the vanishing center in Germany. The US is no different, and arguably worse.

Squeezed Left and Right

Let’s briefly discuss Germany before turning attention to the US.

Please consider Squeezed Left and Right.