Sunday, September 8, 2024

RFK Jr. Says The CIA Could Assassinate Him, So He Must “Be Careful”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

During a discussion with the infamous commentator Joe Rogan, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior admitted that he is putting his life in danger by speaking out about the assassinations of his uncle and his father. He added that he “takes precautions” to ensure the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) doesn’t assassinate him.

RFK Jr. is actively attempting to be the next ruler of the United States. During their discussion, Rogan asked RFK Jr. what he thought would happen if he managed to get into office, to which Kennedy replied “I gotta be careful.”  “I’m aware of that, you know, I’m aware of that danger. I don’t live in fear of it — at all. But I’m not stupid about it, and I take precautions,” he added.

Slojd: Opting Out by MAKING What You Need


by Aden Tate, The Organic Prepper:

This has been a multi-year process of gradually deciding, “You know, I’m not supporting that company with my money anymore,” and it’s rapidly gotten to the point where my blacklist has a lot in common with the length of a CVS receipt.

We’re witnessing the culmination of “the long march through the institutions,” and there are a lot of Americans out there who are in the same boat as I am here with all this.



from Press For Truth:


Is the Banking Crisis Being Orchestrated?

by Steven Cinelli, Mises Institute:

As a banker and economist, I am riveted by the expeditious demise of Silicon Valley Bank and other institutions. Were these crashes due to bank mismanagement, as many pundits as well as regulators have posited? Were they due to not managing risk, not hedging, and unfettered exposure to sectors of concern? Or maybe something else is afoot, a movement that may have begun a decade ago.

Recall the Great Recession (2008–10), buoyed by a housing and mortgage crisis created by imprudent lending practices, and then the music stopped. In its inimitable wisdom, the government came in legislatively and regulatorily, via Dodd-Frank, crafting what they thought was a belt-and-suspenders approach to avoiding another debacle.

Remembering Daniel Ellsberg


by Cindy Cohn, Activist Post:

“Popular government without popular information is but the prologue to a farce or tragedy.” – James Madison

The world lost an unmistakable voice this week, as Daniel Ellsberg passed away at 92.  

Dan will be remembered for many things, of course most prominently providing the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971. Although he hated being called one, he was rightly a hero to anyone who believes that we must be in a position to evaluate our governments and cast our votes based upon truth rather than lies.  

Why Trump is STILL the Greatest Threat to the New World Order — Todd Callender Interview

from Man in America:


There was no pandemic


by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

While respiratory issues can occur on any day of the year, we often find a time period on our calendars, depending on where you live, during which there is a significant increase in human beings suffering from respiratory infections.

This is not a cause for alarm. It is simply a part of being human. Prior to the covid hysteria era, these heightened months of respiratory infections were referred to as cold and/or flu season, umbrella terms to describe the virtually infinite amount of particles that can disturb our immune systems.

John Fetterman is such a mess than even Joe Biden is starting to get visibly uncomfortable with it

by Harambe, NotTheBee:

Seriously. This is just awful to watch. Even President Joe Biden, who at last count was 1,900 years old and can no longer speak or think in complete sentences, is starting to get really bothered by it.

See if you can count how many words Fetterman invents during this short video clip. Also watch Joe Biden’s reaction. Also see if you can grasp in any way what exactly Fetterman is trying to say:

The True Crimes of Alex and George Soros Revealed


from The Alex Jones Show:


If vaccines don’t cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence?


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

We see an odds ratio of 5 when comparing autism in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed in MULTIPLE studies. The before:after odds are even more extraordinary. How can we ignore all this evidence?

Executive summary

Here’s my favorite short list of evidence that can’t be explained if vaccines don’t cause autism. Does anyone think I’m wrong and can explain the list?

The list (in no particular order)

Here is a list of some of the most compelling evidence I’ve run across.

If there is a hypothesis that is a better fit to this evidence than vaccines cause autism, I’d love to hear it.

Devin Nunes – Plumbers Have Infiltrated The Country, Investigators Need To Be Investigating

from X22 Report:


Communications For a Dystopian Future – Part 1


by Tunnel Rabbit, Survival Blog:


As the conditions for worldwide famine, pestilence, and war increase, we can anticipate that the Third World will suffer first, and many residents will be forced to flee elsewhere, looking for resources.  A flood of illegal immigrants will rush unabated through our now undefended southern border.  Desperate tens of millions, and potentially, hundreds of millions in the future, who would come from around the world into the U.S via our southern border in the next few years as risks escalate. This scenario is based on the work of Micheal Yon:

Ukrainian Pilot Trained in America for Two Years Dies Just Weeks After Returning to Ukraine in ‘One of The First Combat Missions He Flew’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

A Ukrainian pilot who trained for two years in America died during “one of the first combat missions he flew” upon returning to his home country to fight in the US’ proxy war with Russia.

From Politico, “U.S.-trained Ukrainian pilot who died in combat had been eager to get back into the fight”:

When Russia invaded Ukraine last February, Capt. Vladyslav Savieliev, a Ukrainian Air Force pilot with deep experience flying MiG-29 fighter jets against Russian forces, desperately wanted to fight for his country.

Attempted World Takeover With James Corbett + James Roguski

from childrenshealthdefense: