Saturday, October 5, 2024

Jim Hoft Breaks Massive Story On Huge Democrat Voter Fraud Operation In Michigan And In Other States

from AlexandraBruce:


White House: ‘All’ Big Storms ‘We Continue to See Are Definitely Caused’ by Warming, Might Declare Emergency

by Ian Hanchett, Breitbart:

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby stated that President Joe Biden hasn’t decided whether he’ll declare a national emergency on climate and that “all the severe storms” that “we continue to see are definitely caused as a result of what’s going on in the rising temperature across the globe.”

Kirby said, “The President hasn’t made a decision yet on declaring a national emergency on climate, Poppy. But, for all intents and purposes, he’s treating this with all the due gravity and the seriousness that the climate crisis deserves. It’s been a focus for him since day one.”

China Expert Claims Beijing Will “Bring War To The West” By 2024

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Prominent China hawk Kyle Bass told CNBC on Tuesday that he believes Chinese President Xi Jinping is determined to “bring war to the West,” with an invasion of Taiwan likely before the end of 2024. “If you listen to what [Chinese president Xi Jinping] says, I believe he will end up acquiring, reacquiring Taiwan by force by the end of next year,” Bass told “Street Signs.”

Bass, who is the founder and chief investment officer at Hayman Capital Management said that Xi, much like Russian President Vladimir Putin, is unconcerned with the economic fallout of such an attack, according to a report by CNBC. 

Rogue Feds at Bundy Ranch Hit With MORE Whistleblower Bombshells

from Conversations That Matter:


FBI Memo Linking Catholic Faith to ‘Extremists’ Drafted by Several Offices – GOP Lawmakers

from Sputnik News:

House GOP lawmakers have blasted the FBI director for “inconsistencies” in his testimony after he claimed that a report from the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, field office identifying “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” as a potential source of “violent extremism” was an isolated incident. They say that new evidence suggests otherwise.

Beware the great unwind

by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:

This chart strongly suggests that US Treasury bond yields, widely regarded as the risk-free yardstick against which all other credit is measured are going significantly higher, not stabilising close to current levels before going lower as commonly believed. I conclude that US Treasury bond yields could easily double, and the political class will be powerless to stop them going even higher. The implications for interest rates globally are that they will be forced considerably higher as well.

FBI Subverts Voter Fraud Investigation In Michigan: 2020 Police Raid Uncovered MASSIVE Voter Fraud

from Stew Peters Network:


Report: Nearly 120,000 young adults, children died from COVID shots

from WND:

Revelation found in secret document from Centers for Disease Control

A new report reveals that a secret Centers for Disease Control document confirms that nearly 120,000 children and young adults died “due to the COVID-19 vaccine’s dangerous side effects.”

That includes more than 78,000 excess deaths in that age group during 2021 after the shots were available, and governments started demanding people accept them, and the 39,000 plus in 2022.

Who’s the Real Barack Obama? Things Are Finally Becoming Clearer


by Victoria Taft, PJ Media:

Who is Barack Obama? You’d think a guy who’s penned three memoirs and is the subject of several authorized and unauthorized biographies would be an open book, but he isn’t, as most sentient Americans know. But now we’re learning more.

A recent story in Tablet Magazine by David Samuels, which includes an interview with one of Obama’s biographers, David J. Garrow, gives us some clues about America’s first half-black, half-white president and why he has meticulously hidden details of his life from the American people.

Episode 2945: Comer Talks Subpoenas For The Bidens

from Bannons War Room:


PROJECT HUNGA TONGA: The Ultra-Secret Back Story

from State Of The Nation:

An NWO Globalist Psyop &
US Geoweapon-Triggered Black Op

There must be a specific reason why it’s hotter than Hades this summer of 2023.  As follows:
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano explosion

This happened on 15 January 2022 in Tonga but we didn’t hear much about it because it was underwater. However, this was a major event which NASA warned could temporarily warm the Earth’s surface.

WHO: Climate Change Might Require Vaccinating Populations Against Migrating Mosquitoes

from Activist Post:

A World Health Organization (WHO) official suggested that mass vaccination might be required to combat mosquito-borne illnesses as the infected insects migrate to new countries due to climate change.

WHO: Climate change might require vaccinating populations against migrating mosquitoes

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, made the comments at a recent press conference.

BANKS SECRETLY STEALING YOUR MONEY! – Is Wells Fargo Normalizing Bank Theft For A CBDC?

from World Alternative Media:


Could a New World Currency Dethrone the Dollar?

from Birch Gold Group:

The U.S. dollar has been the world standard for currency since the end of World War II – but there are legitimate contenders that could take that title away. Whether it’s the relatively new conglomerate of economic powerhouses with a BRICS currency, the Chinese yuan or even digital currencies like bitcoin, there are many options. The world could choose to step away from the dollar as its value continues to sink and the instability of American politics puts a strain on the once unstoppable greenback.

History tells us it’s really only a matter of time. Global reserve currencies don’t last forever. Portugal filled the role back in the 1400s and that only lasted 80 years. After that, Spain took up the mantle and held it for an impressive 110 years, and no country has beat their record since. While it might seem unchanging for the generation or two living with a particular reserve currency, if you take a look at the entire span of human history, global reserve currency turnovers happen about once a century.

“Demonic Nihilism”:

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The Zombies Have Invaded

Jill and I are in Mountain View, California today. It turns out this is a long way from Virginia. And I am not just talking about physical distance.

Between a lovely VIP dinner with lovers of freedom last night and my speaking event tonight, I have an important interview about AI and a podcast with Shannon Joy. That gives me a few hours to get a Substack out. All on West coast time – which shifts us three hours. No problem. Life on the road is something we just adapt to.