Saturday, October 5, 2024

Lawsuit Unveils Murky Web of Censorship Against US Citizens

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Between lawsuits and voluntary document releases such as the Twitter Files, it’s become apparent that most censorship is being directed by the U.S. government, in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution
  • The U.S. government based some of its censorship decisions on information from an obscure U.K.-based group called the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)


from SGT Report:

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LGBT Targeting of Children Continues


from Moonbattery:

As they menacingly chant and sing, they are coming for our children.

It isn’t just in classrooms, at drag shows, and in the Boy Scouts that LGBTists target kids. In woke Austin, children are placed at the forefront of parades in honor of sexual perversion:

Corporate moonbats have the same emphasis, as aggressively displayed by Disney and Target. They even wrap kids’ candy in politicized depravity:

mRNA vaccines in ORGANIC meat; Biden builds CITIES for ILLEGALS

from Health Ranger Report:


“Big Pharma Dissident Kingston Claims Forced to Flee Country To Save Life,” Diana West

by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin, America Outloud:

Karen Kingston appeared on our former TV show, ReFounding America, on in March1 and then April2 of 2023. We liked and admired her, and I recall that she was a powerful reformer but not yet feeling the confidence that I encouraged her to have. She was coming up with new and important questions and information3 about the science and politics surrounding COVID, and exploring what seem like forbidden areas, such as nanoparticles.

Like many people, Karen was unnerved by Robert Malone’s attacks on good members of the health freedom movement, by his threats to use lawsuits, and by his $25 million lawsuit against us.

Biden’s Latest Land Grab Less About Saving Native American Culture Than Seizing Control of Uranium

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D., The New American:

The White House has claimed control over more than 900,000 acres of land in Arizona. President Biden insists that the land grab was necessary to “tell a more complete story of our nation” and to “strengthen climate resilience across America’s National Parks system,” but the real reason is likely a little less noble.

As reported by Reason, the control of critical deposits of uranium might have motivated the president to “preserve” this particular swath of the Southwest:

Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land

from Reese Report:


‘Rich Men North of Richmond’: A Stirring Ballad for the Real Forgotten Man

by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

See also: The underground populist workingman’s protest song that’s gotten millions of plays

A truly beautiful thing happened in the past week, as I hope you’ve already heard.  Oliver Anthony, a singer-songwriter from Farmville, Virginia, captured lighting in a bottle with a recording of his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” which quickly proceeded to become the most popular and talked about song in the country.

Georgia Grand Jury Delivers Indictment Hours After Court Claims Trump RICO Document “Fictitious”

from ZeroHedge:

Update (2033ET): A grand jury in Atlanta handed in an indictment late Monday related to a Georgia prosecutor’s investigation into former President Trump’s alleged efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results.

The details were not immediately clear, but we know what’s coming.

Hawaii, Iowa, TARMAC COMMS! Winning Information WAR! PRAY!

from And We Know:


Judge Jed Rakoff Has Regularly Dined in the Past with the Chairman of the Law Firm that Just Got a Big Win in His Court in the JPMorgan Sex Trafficking Case

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

In 2017, Simon & Schuster released the book, The Chickenshit Club, by the Pulitzer-prize winning public interest writer, Jesse Eisinger. The title derives from the premise that the prosecutors at the U.S. Department of Justice are too worried about losing a case or harming their ability to get those seven-figure pay packages at the big Wall Street law firms to do their jobs properly as prosecutors. Aside from that narrative, which is brilliantly analyzed by Eisinger, the book reveals a stunning fact about Manhattan federal district court Judge Jed Rakoff – a man who has gone out of his way to portray himself with the media as the protector of the public interest.

NEW TUCKER RFK JR. INTERVIEW: Ukraine, Bio-Labs, and Assassinations

from TheLibertyDaily:


Middle Class Meltdown: Thanks To The Reckless Policies Of Our Leaders, The Middle Class In The U.S. Is In Huge Trouble

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

The middle class in the U.S. has been steadily shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated that process.  In 2020, 2021 and 2022 they absolutely flooded the system with new money, and almost all of that new money went into the pockets of the wealthy.  The gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is now larger than ever, and that isn’t a good thing for our society.  Even if you are still making as much money as you did a few years ago, you have lost a lot of ground financially, because the cost of living has been rapidly eating away at our standard of living.  As I covered the other day, household income in the United States has declined by 9.1 percent since April 2020 after adjusting for inflation and taxes.  In other words, the middle class is a whole lot smaller than it was in April 2020, and it continues to get smaller with each passing day.