Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Oncologist: Teachers Are Being DECIMATED by Aggressive Turbo Cancers — Dr. Makis Interview

from Man in America:

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COVID Jab Spike Protein Remains Six Months After Jab

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • According to recent research, there may be no off switch for spike protein production in some individuals who got the COVID jab
  • Recombinant spike protein was detectable in half the blood samples of jabbed individuals for at least 69 days, and up to 187 days (about six months, which was the end of the study period)

New Mexico AG Tells Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham He Will Not Defend Her Unconstitutional Gun Ban in Court


from The Conservative Treehouse:

The Attorney General for New Mexico has informed Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham his office will not be appearing in court to defend her against the unconstitutional gun ban she has decreed by fiat in Alburquerque.

New Mexico – Democratic New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez announced he will not defend the state in pending lawsuits against the governor’s public health emergency order suspending open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque and surrounding counties.


from childrenshealthdefense:

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Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature.

Cancers Rise Dramatically in Tandem With Covid Vaccinations

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

This Substack has been exposing turbo cancers and exploding mortality:

This release reports increased trends of cancer incidence that suddenly accelerated after the vaccine rollout began. First, we consider what the media are currently reporting about rising cancer incidence and then what they could have investigated but haven’t.



from MediaGiant:

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URGENT: the Centers for Disease Control just admitted the truth – the vast majority of people now hospitalized for Covid are mRNA jabbed

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

An advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control is meeting now to discuss recommendations for the updated Covid jabs that the Food & Drug Administration approved yesterday.

Spoiler alert: the committee is likely to press the jabs on most adults, and possibly even children. The group is nominally independent, but Dr. Nirav Shah, the CDC deputy director, telegraphed this plan to The New York Times two weeks ago:

Covid can still be nasty even if it doesn’t put you in the hospital. A booster shot will reduce its potency. Shah argues that children (over 6 months old) should also get a Covid shot this fall, even though their own Covid risk is very low.

MHRA Admits it Has No Process for Assessing the Cause of Covid Vaccine Adverse Events

by Nick Hunt, Daily Sceptic:

We already know that MHRA does not have a procedure for following up Yellow Card reports, even just the fatal and serious ones or those involving children or pregnancy. Nor does it know how many it has actually followed up to obtain any missing information one would think was critical to investigating reported deaths and serious side-effects of medicines – information like the age of the subject, his or her medical records, time between administration and death or injury, medicine batch data and so on, which are missing from many Yellow Card reports. No, it has no idea.



from The Salty Cracker:

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Dr. Ding-A-Ling: Making Us All a Little Dumber

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

I am fussy about stupidity, and that means I have a lot to be fussy about. The amount of stupidity right now is absolutely shocking. If you ever want to really find stupid, Twitter is a wonderful place to go. Now there’s also some brilliance on Twitter. There’s a lot of good stuff on Twitter, but there’s also a lot of bad stuff. Right now, I’m looking at a guy who’s an absolute moron. His name is Eric Feigl-Ding. We are just going with Dr. Ding-a-Ling. He’s apparently an epidemiologist and health economist. Dr. Ding-a-Ling posted on Twitter last night:

JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800

by Jack Cashill, American Thinker:

On Saturday, the New York Times surprised many people, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. among them, with a lengthy article questioning the “single bullet theory” in the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The man who got the Times’ attention is Paul Landis, a long-retired Secret Service agent who stood on the running board of Kennedy’s car that fateful day. What is odd about that attention is how little new information Landis adds to the conversation.



from The Red Elephants – Vincent James:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

US Seizes 1 Million Barrels Of Iranian Oil Allegedly En Route To China

from Great Game India:

The US seized 1 million barrels of Iranian oil from the ship Suez Rajan in April, which was allegedly being sold to China by the IRGC.

The American administration has acknowledged that it intercepted about a million barrels of Iranian crude oil that were reportedly headed for China.

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Agency’s Cover-Up of Covid Origins

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A CIA whistleblower has spoken out to drop bombshell allegations about the intelligence agency’s efforts to cover up the origins of COVID-19.

According to the agency insider, the CIA has been manipulating investigations into the origins of Covid.

The whistleblower has given testimony to congressional committees to detail the allegations.

According to the whistleblower’s statements, the CIA has been making a coordinated effort to shift investigators away from the theory that Covid originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.