Tuesday, September 24, 2024

UN Cybercrime Treaty Talks End Without Consensus on Scope And Deep Divides About Surveillance Powers

by Karen Gullo, Activist Post:

As the latest negotiating session on the proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty wrapped up in New York earlier this month, one thing was clear: with time running out to finalize the text, little progress and consensus was reached on crucial points, such as the treaty’s overall scope of application and the reach of its criminal procedure mandates and international cooperation measures.

Instead, a plethora of proposed word changes was added, further complicated by additional amendments published in informal reports well after the two-week session ended September 2. We saw many of the same highly dangerous criminal offenses and surveillance measures that had not made it into the zero draft reintroduced back into the text. The original zero draft, as well as the last set of amendments discussed in behind-closed doors negotiations, turned into a sea of redlines.


from We Are Change:

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Let’s Talk About The Ancient Three-Fingered “Alien Corpses” That Were Just Shown To Lawmakers In Mexico…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Did we just witness the unveiling of the most amazing “alien discovery” in history, or was it all a hoax?  2023 has been a really weird year, and it just got even weirder.  On Tuesday, an independent researcher named Jamie Maussan brought two small mummified specimens with him when he testified at a congressional hearing in Mexico about UFOs.  The mummified specimens were contained in two glass display cases, and so they could be very clearly seen.  By now, you have probably come across photos or videos of these creatures on social media.  But are they actually real?  According to Maussan, carbon-14 dating that was conducted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico has “determined the remains were 700 and 1,800 years old”

The Murderous Ideologies Behind COVID-19

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Viruses are Detergents But C-19 is an Injectable-Only Bioweapon


All viruses are good.  “(Natural) Viruses are detergents.
AIDS was invented in a lab at UCLA in 1961-62 to study cancer (funded by DOD).
AIDS, Swine Flu and SARS-2 are bioweapons (not viruses)
The only way to ‘catch’ a bioweapon is by injection.”
– Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD.


from The New American:

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JFK & MARILYN MONROE: When the true story is far stranger than Khazarian-fabricated fiction

from State Of The Nation:

Here’s how JFK totally tricked the Khazarian Mafia and why they really killed him.

SOTN Editor’s Note: As the following exposé clearly indicates, President John F. Kennedy knew that he would be the most monitored POTUS in history.  Especially after his older brother, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., was assassinated by the Khazarian Mafia to terminate his presidential ambitions, JFK knew that his every move would be scrutinized by the White House Khazarian overlords who made his election win possible.  With the Khazarian-installed Allen Dulles as CIA Director, Kennedy was also well aware that he would be subjected to the most sophisticated and technologically advanced spying and surveillance apparatus in world history.  And so he was.

Do you know what “safe and effective” means according to the CDC? I’m going to tell you.

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Safe means tested in 50 people and nobody died and only 8% needed professional medical attention. Effective means there is NO evidence whatsoever of a clinical benefit. Got it?

Executive summary
The CDC now recommends updated Covid-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older. Here’s the CNN story on the CDC approval.

What is the evidence for safety and effectiveness?


from childrenshealthdefense:

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ALARM set! Buckle up! Biden, McCarthy, 9/11, HEART, PRAY!

from And We Know:

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RFK Jr. Threatens to Leave Democrat Party Plantation

from 21st Century Wire:

Recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has come out swinging against the Democrat’s notorious practice of rigging the primary and convention stages of the election to clear the way for the candidate chosen by the donor class and deep state. Hence, RFK J. has made his party’s perennial corruption and vote-rigging one of the primary messages of his campaign.

He has also criticized the “superdelegate” process which was designed by party luminaries in order to prevent any insurgent candidate from over making it past the primary stage of a national election.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Calls Out ‘Rot’ in U.S. System Over ‘Political’ Persecution of Donald Trump

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Russian President Vladimir Putin is calling out the “rot” in the U.S. System over the nakedly political persecution of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Putin made his remarks on Tuesday during the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

“The things that are happening to Trump are persecution of a political competitor… That is what it is. And it is done in the full view of the US public and the entire world,” he said, adding that the U.S. “cannot claim the right to teach others democracy” due to their immense hypocrisy.

“[The US] demonstrates what they called in Soviet times ‘the bestial scowl of imperialism’,” Putin said.

CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘Billions Will Die in 2024’

from The People’s Voice:

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Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Gets 60 Days in Prison for ‘Amping Up’ Crowd With Patriotic Speech On J6

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Infowars host Owen Shroyer, who did not enter the Capitol building on Jan 6, was sentenced to 60 days in prison on Tuesday for allegedly “amping up” the crowd with a bullhorn while delivering a patriotic speech.
From Politico, “Owen Shroyer, InfoWars host and colleague of Alex Jones, gets 60 days for Jan. 6 misdemeanor”:

A judge on Tuesday sentenced InfoWars broadcaster Owen Shroyer — who shadowed his boss and ally Alex Jones onto Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021 — to 60 days in prison for breaching the restricted area.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:

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Too hot for TV: U.S. senator bleeped for reading library’s obscene ‘youth books’

from WND:

U.S. senators and parental rights advocates took on the Left’s “book banning” narrative head-on at a hearing Tuesday, saying it is simply common sense that parents have the right and duty to keep sexually explicit “children’s books” from their kids in taxpayer-funded libraries and schools.

“The ‘book ban’ narrative is a manufactured crisis to distract from families’ valid concerns about the quality of their children’s education and age-appropriate material in the classroom,” testified Nicole Neily, founder and president of Parents Defending Education, at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.