Thursday, March 6, 2025

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

from ZeroHedge:

Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it’s impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet another…) into a 737 Max 8 jet that encountered a dangerous mid-flight ‘Dutch roll’ several weeks ago. Now, a report from the New York Times reveals that some Boeing jets are built with ‘counterfeit titanium.’

Qatari researchers find SARS-CoV-2 accelerates biological ageing

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Since 2021, Walter Chestnut has been investigating whether SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein causes accelerated biological ageing.

On Monday, researchers from Qatar published a paper that explored and summarised research on biological ageing markers in covid patients.  This paper confirmed Chestnut’s hypothesis that the spike protein induces accelerated ageing.

Gates Foundation Awards $4M Grant To Fund Digital ID Initiative

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

The Gates Foundation continues to bankroll various initiatives around the world aimed at introducing digital ID and payments by the end of this decade.

The scheme is known as the digital public infrastructure (DPI), and those pushing it include private or informal groups like the said foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), but also the US, the EU, and the UN.

India’s Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer?

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

A rotavirus vaccine used in India increases infants’ risk of intussusception, a serious bowel condition that if left untreated could cause death, according to a new peer-reviewed study by Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Children’s Health Defense’s Brian Hooker, Ph.D. U.S. rotavirus vaccines may pose similar risks.

Rotavac, the rotavirus vaccine used in India, increases the risk of intussusception in infants, according to a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine.

Hitler Undergoing Rehabilitation


from Moonbattery:

Adolf Hitler may soon secure a place of prominence in the pantheon of progressive founding fathers, along with other socialist dictators like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro. For generations he has served as a bugbear for leftists, who have unconvincingly attempted to hang him around the neck of their opponents. However, now that it is woke to hate Jews, Hitler is undergoing rehabilitation:

Episode 3681: A Primal Scream From A Dying Regime

from Bannons War Room:


Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT!

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died.  What does this mean to Americans?  The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country.  In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive.  Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars.  Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America.  When you have a lot of something, the price goes down.  The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today.

Why Has Sperm Become 30% More ‘Sluggish’ Since 2019?

by Alex Kriel, Daily Sceptic:

The media recently reported on the results of a study of Danish sperm donors from 2017 to 2022 which showed ‘sluggish sperm’ and attributed this development to the effect of lockdowns. In reality, the study showed a very significant 30%-plus decrease in motile sperm concentration and there is every reason to imagine that both lockdowns and vaccination are to blame.

The fact that this topic was even vaguely reported is surprising given that the mainstream media have been studiously ignoring the well documented negative effects of vaccination on sperm since the end of 2021. I first highlighted these problems years ago using data from a November 2021 paper published in Wiley Andrology and authored by a group of Israeli scientists, Itai Gat et al. The paper was fascinating, not only for its stunning findings, but also because this paper had enormous viewing figures and was widely reported by the ‘conspiracy theorists’ on social media. The huge reach meant that every media science editor must have been aware of the findings and all of the major outlets ignored the findings, with the Epoch Times being one of the only outlets to cover this (see my 2022 video on the media blackout).

Mel K & Matt Ehret | Geopolitical Turmoil Exposes Failure of Zero Sum Thinking

from The Mel K Show:


State Department Funding Ukrainian Propaganda Outlet That Issued “Enemies List” of U.S. Legislators, Conservative Media Outlets

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

A media shill for Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky’s corrupt regime has assembled an “enemies” list of nearly 400 American legislators, commentators, think tanks, and media outlets that are responsible for “impeding aid to Ukraine.”

Published by the little known website, the hit piece falsely claims that U.S. legislators and figures such as Tucker Carlson are Russian propagandists because they oppose U.S. funding for and involvement in Ukraine’s losing war.

But worse than that, U.S. taxpayers are financing the anti-American propaganda through the State Department.

Will New York City Die of Stupidity?

by Robert Weissberg, American Thinker:

Since the 1960s many of America’s foremost cities, notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and even New York City may soon join this list. Our urban failures cannot be explained by the usual destructive forces. No foreign invader sacked them or bombed them into rubble; no earthquakes or plagues made them unlivable nor have economic depressions rendered them irrelevant. Their decline is entirely man-made, so as Pogo famously said, “we have met the enemy, and he is us.”

“Remarkably Lopsided”: NYT Bestseller Bias Laid Bare

from ZeroHedge:

After a March tweet by Elon Musk decrying the New York Times bestseller list as “pure propaganda” after the outlet was forced to admit in court that it’s not a ranked list, The Economist decided to see if there was any merit to longstanding claims of bias against conservative authors.

They found, of course, that there is.

In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If you live in a major city, you can see them all around you.  I am talking about aging vans, RVs and trailers that are parked on the side of the road for months at a time and that obviously have people living in them.  There is an entire class of people that live in such conditions, and there is an entire class of “businessmen” that prey on such people.  When I was growing up, there were lots of headlines about “slumlords” that were taking advantage of the poor.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a “slumlord” is “a landlord who receives unusually large profits from substandard, poorly maintained properties”.  Today, we have a different sort of a problem.  “Vanlords” are parking vans, RVs and trailers along the streets of the worst parts of our major cities, and they are renting them out to people that cannot afford regular homes.  Sadly, we live at a time when lots and lots of people cannot afford regular homes because homelessness is absolutely exploding all over the nation.  In some areas there have been efforts to crack down on the “vanlords”, but when things get too hot in one area they just move somewhere else.  As long as there are vast hordes of homeless Americans that are deeply suffering, there will be “vanlords” that are eager to take advantage of them.

Moscow Stock Exchange BANS DOLLARS and EUROS as West vs East currency wars escalate

from Health Ranger Report: