Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ukraine and NATO Launch New Provocations

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The attack on the Kursk region of Russia by Ukrainian forces is being hailed by War Hawks as a possible turning point in the war, one which exposes Russian weaknesses and the importance of resupplying Ukraine with more military aid.  However, it more closely resembles two campaigns by a desperate Hitler’s forces, the Battle of Kursk in July 1943 and the Battle of the Bulge, ending on January 25, 1944, during which it became evident that the allies would soon be victorious.  The positive spin on Ukraine is designed to inspire western countries to continue backing NATO’s proxy war — with devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine.  For a dialogue among military professionals and political activists on ending the proxy war in Ukraine, use the link to watch the dialogue from last Friday’s International Peace Coalition Zoom call, linked here:

IAEA Chief warns Ukraine’s ‘reckless attacks’ on Russian nuke plant risk catastrophic ‘accident’

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

Drone attack on Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Station causes massive fire to plant’s cooling system; what is Ukraine trying to accomplish here?

Now we have Part 2 of Ukraine trying to create mass chaos in the world and provoke World War III on behalf of its sponsor, the United States of America — this time by shelling a nuclear power station operated by Russia. (Part 1 was filed earlier today providing details of a cross-border invasion of Russia in which the Ukrainian military appears to have targeted civilians in a terrorist attack reminiscent of October 7 in Israel.)

Top Hackers Expose Vulnerabilities in Voting Machines for 2024 Election

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

America’s top hackers have revealed that the voting machines due to be used in the 2024 presidential election have vulnerabilities that allow ballot counts to be manipulated.

However, despite the discovery, it may be too late to address the vulnerabilities before the critical November elections.

The vulnerabilities were revealed by hackers at the annual DEF CON conference in Las Vegas.

Libs made San Francisco a ghost town.

WARNING— SHOCK VIDEOS: German And UK Governments Use Children To Lure Islamicists To Europe For Sex

Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care Ceremony

from Reese Report:


There’s Just One Problem: AI Isn’t Intelligent, and That’s a Systemic Risk

by Charles Hugh Smith, Health Impact News:

Mimicry of intelligence isn’t intelligence, and so while AI mimicry is a powerful tool, it isn’t intelligent.

The mythology of Technology has a special altar for AI, artificial intelligence, which is reverently worshiped as the source of astonishing cost reductions (as human labor is replaced by AI) and the limitless expansion of consumption and profits. AI is the blissful perfection of technology’s natural advance to ever greater powers.

The consensus holds that the advance of AI will lead to a utopia of essentially limitless control of Nature and a cornucopia of leisure and abundance.

RFK JR. GOES THERE: He says the European Union engaged in ELECTION INTERFERENCE by trying to censor Elon Musk’s conversation with Donald Trump.

“An Intricate Fabric of Bad Actors Working Hand-in-Hand” – So is war Inevitable?

by Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture:

Walter Kirn, an American novelist and cultural critic, in his 2009 memoir, Lost in the Meritocracy, described how, after a sojourn at Oxford, he came to be a member of ‘the class that runs things’ – the one that “writes the headlines, and the stories under them”. It was the account of a middle-class kid from Minnesota trying desperately to fit into the élite world, and then to his surprise, realising that he didn’t want to fit in at all.

Now 61, Kirn has a newsletter on Substack and co-hosts a lively podcast devoted in large part to critiquing ‘establishment liberalism’. His contrarian drift has made him more vocal about his distrust of élite institutions – as he wrote in 2022:

BREAKING: A Democrat Election Worker in Harris County, Texas named Darryl Blackburn has just been charged with six felonies for his part in rigging the 2022 midterm election against Republican candidates

From Bathrooms To Olympics, An Evil Depopulation Agenda Is Being Shoved Down Our Collective Throats As Gender Confused Suicide Rates Remain Higher Than The National Average

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

As regular ANP readers know, I personally have not been able to contribute much to the very site Stefan and I own, and with him being as sick as he is, taking care of him has been a full time job in and of itself.

I only note this so readers that haven’t been with us for very long understand why I am coming to this topic a little….no, a lot, late to the “game” so to speak, but I have been literally fuming over the what the Olympics has become, and what they have done to an event that countries could be proud to compete in…..but not anymore.

From the opening slap in the face to every Christian or person of faith, almost any faith, to allowing men, people with  XY chromosomes, otherwise known as “sex chromosomes” to literally beat on a woman, all in the name of “inclusion,” has cost the event the respect of any decent human being, from any nation.

Paris Olympics Failure – Green Policies on Display

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The Paris Olympics was a preview of what to expect under Agenda 2030 and other lofty climate change goals. Paris aimed to host the most sustainable Olympics in history with a 50% target reduction in carbon emissions compared to previous Olympics like Rio 2016 or London 2012. The world’s most impressive athletes are now speaking out to tell the world that climate goals are NOT sustainable for human life.

First, the International Olympic Committee planned to offer the athletes sustainable living conditions. The unairconditioned rooms had cardboard beds made of reusable materials. The picture of Italian swimmer Thomas Ceccon sleeping outside has gone viral. “There is no air conditioning in the Village, it’s hot, the food is bad,” he told The Sun. “Many athletes move for this reason: it’s not an alibi or an excuse, it’s the reality of what perhaps not everybody knows.” He said he was too tired to make the final as he was exhausted from the climate-friendly accommodations.


from SGT Report:

This is Part 2 of my discussion with Nathan Reynolds about shadow state and corporate assassinations. In this one Nathan slays some sacred cows, two of whom are Generals, and one of whom is very close to Donald J. Trump. Thanks for tuning in.

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from SGT Report:

Show host, author and poet Mark Attwood returns to SGT Report to discuss the COLLAPSE OF THE UK into total Orwellian tyranny and much more, thanks for tuning in.

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TSA Puts Tulsi Gabbard on “Quiet Skies” Terrorist Watchlist

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

When I first saw this headline I thought it was a spoof. It’s political retribution, not a spoof.

This came the day after Gabbard criticized the Biden Administration according to the video above.

Please note Lawmakers incensed after former congresswoman placed on terror watch list

Representatives Gene Ward, Diamond Garcia, Davis Alcos and Elijah Pierick sent a letter to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) asking for answers and calling the move “harassment.”