Saturday, March 22, 2025

A New Vent Has Opened At The Yellowstone Supervolcano, And The Campi Flegrei Supervolcano Could Erupt “At Any Moment”

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Are two of the most dangerous volcanoes in the entire world starting to wake up?  We live at a time when seismic activity is on the rise all over the planet.  More than three dozen volcanoes have recently erupted, and there have been more than 850 earthquakes in California and Nevada within the past seven days. Unfortunately, most people are not taking the threat that we are facing seriously.

The China Covid Narrative: What We Missed in 2020

by Randall Bock, Activist Post:

Five years ago, in March 2020, Yale sociologist and physician Nicholas Christakis MD, PhD, MPH took to Twitter to marvel at China’s response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind Covid-19. In a detailed thread, he described China’s “social nuclear weapon” (of the people-clearing ‘neutron bomb’ -variety?): unprecedented lockdowns, movement restrictions on 930 million people, and a collectivist culture harnessed by an authoritarian regime. He framed it as a Newtonian feat: the sheer force required to stop the virus revealed its power. Contrast this with Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, MA (economics): equally credentialed, but clear-eyed (the French term is “clairvoyant”), who early on delineated Covi’s stratified risk and urged an adaptive model over authoritarian mimicry.

Invasion of the Killer Karens

by Donald Jeffries, ”I Protest”:

Pit bulls for propaganda

I love women. There is nothing more heartwarming than a kind word or touch from a real lady. Or a sincere smile emanating from a beautiful face. What used to be called “the feminine virtues” are timeless qualities that fueled human civilization. Someone needed to tame the brutish nature of males. Females were very adept at that.

Decades of Secrets -The JFK Files Unlocked

from Vaxxchoice:

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15 seconds


Countering Drones – Part 2


by TacOps, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

Current Anti-Drone Applications

As drones have continued to threaten civilian and government spaces, different groups have taken various approaches to down drones in their airspace. Both Ukraine and Russia have adopted a ballistic solution. Using cheap, Turkish-made shotguns has allowed them to supply mass Infantry units with counter-drone capabilities. They have found that #4 buckshot from a 12-gauge shotgun has had the most effectiveness against small drones – the ones dismounted Soldiers are most likely to encounter. However, 12-gauge shotguns have a maximum effective range of only fifty meters.

THE TRUMP-PUTIN-ZELENSKY SHOW: Khazarian Kabuki Put On Super Steroids

from State Of The Nation:

America’s Gunboat Diplomacy Proceeds With All Deliberate Speed

Submitted by An Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
SOTN Exclusive

Remember when Trump hosted President Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago during his first term and, at the very beginning of the dinner reception, the U.S. Navy launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea into Syria (and at the Shayrat Airbase controlled by the Syrian government).

That was typical Yankee gunboat diplomacy on full display which, once again, showed the whole world just how utterly crass, crude, coarse, callous, cruel and corrosive American exceptionalism can be.  Only a complete and total ZOG would ever stoop to such Khazarian brutishness.

Fed Trapped In Their Own Trap, Trump Wants Fed To Cut Rates, Economic Transition

from X22 Report:


The Left Knew They Were Lying to Us All Along

by Victor Davis Hanson, Townhall:

For years, the left has advanced utter untruths for cheap partisan purposes that it knew at the time were all false. And now when caught, they just shrug and say they were lying all along.

Once it was known that the first COVID-19 case originated in or near a Chinese communist virology lab engineering gain-in-function deadly viruses — with help from Western agencies — the left went into full persecution mode.

EU Covets Citizens Savings to Invest in Its ‘ReArm Europe’ Plan

from 21st Century Wire:

In its statement dated 7 March 2024, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) emphasized the importance of expediting the Savings and Investments Union initiative. This project, as articulated by European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, employs nuanced language and financial terminology whilst presenting the project as an investment opportunity, to obscure a strategy aimed at leveraging the savings of EU citizens to enhance the defense sector within the European Union. During the press remarks by the European Commission on the first 100 days of the 2024-2029 Commission, EC President Ursula Von der Leyen highlighted the Savings and Investments Union project in the context of mobilising private capital for defence as part of the ReArm Europe Plan, stating:

JFK Files, Emergency Powers, & the Forbidden Discussion – Jon Fleetwood

from ZeeeMedia:


France Sends Chilling Alert to Its Citizens

by Paul Joseph Watson, Modernity News:


The government is sending a ‘survival manual’ to every household in France warning them of an ‘imminent threat to the country’.

An EMP Attack on the U.S. Power Grids and Critical National Infrastructure

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Steven Starr is an expert knowledgeable about high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP).  His analysis leads him to the conclusion that an opponent doesn’t need large numbers of nuclear weapons to destroy the United States.  Three will suffice.

Starr’s analysis will be considered controversial, because it shows EMP to be a grave risk to the safety of nuclear power plants. The Nuclear Regulator Commission (NRC), a captured agency, denies that EMP poses a threat because the nuclear utilities do not want to be forced to spend lots of money to correct design flaws in their plants.

Jimmy Kimmel Cheers on Domestic Tesla Terrorists

from TheSaltyCracker:


China’s space dogfighting: A new frontier in the battle for orbital dominance


by Willow Tohi, Natural News:

    • The U.S. Space Force revealed that China is practicing “dogfighting” maneuvers with satellites in low Earth orbit, using coordinated movements to inspect, stalk and potentially disable other satellites, signaling a growing threat to U.S. space infrastructure.
  • U.S. adversaries, particularly China and Russia, are rapidly closing the capability gap in space warfare, with China demonstrating advanced satellite maneuvering and Russia showcasing aggressive satellite stalking techniques.