Thursday, January 9, 2025


from Vaxxchoice:


Finally, the Feds Find Pfizer Fraud!

by Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley, America Outloud:

In his most important interview to date, Steve Kirsch interviews three prominent scientists who discuss the recent acknowledgment by Canada’s FDA that Pfizer shots have an SV40 DNA promoter contaminant. This is huge news! This fact has been known for a long time, but finally, a country’s regulatory agency has stated it. With their acknowledgment, sadly, they did not recommend a significant course of action- which should be STOP THESE SHOTS! There were many other important points made in the interview- please watch: COVID vaccine adulteration w/Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch (


from SGT Report:

Corey Lynn from returns to SGT Report to explain just how far the NWO TOTAL CONTROL GRID has come: Space & The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

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MAJOR MEAT COMPANY INVESTS IN BUGS! – Tyson Foods Wants You To Eat The Bugs!

from World Alternative Media:


Poster Boy for COVID Vax Dies Suddenly

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Yonatan Moshe Erlichman was an 8-year-old boy used by the Israeli government to promote COVID vaccinations for children. Safe and effective. He was only 5 when his parents subjected him to the experimental mRNA treatment in 2020. The previously healthy child suddenly died due to one of the main side effects of the vaccine.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

If you were tuned in last Friday to my News and Views from the Nefarium, you’ll recall that I offered my opinion that the whole story was capable of basically two interpretations; (1) it was criminal activity, pure and simple, or (2) it was a covert intelligence operation.  My reasons for advancing the latter view were, quite simply, because the behavior of the man alleged to have committed medical fraud could be interpreted as being that of someone engaged in covert operations: he used several aliases, he often changed addresses, and the medical companies which he allegedly started and ran also did the same, and like many covert operations, corporations are often used as fronts for their activities (which fronts often do double duty as money-laundering operations).

DATA: Pesticides Causing Leukemia in Kids

by Jake Welch, The National Pulse:

Children living in close proximity to dense vineyards have been found to be at an increased risk of developing leukemia as a result of the pesticides used on the grapes, according to a recent study published in the highly accredited Environmental Health Perspectives journal on Wednesday.

The study, to which seven scientists and researchers contributed, examined over 3,700 cases of pediatric leukemia in under 15s recorded in France between 2006 and 2013 while also accounting for the home addresses of the children. The researchers then compared the information to 40,196 healthy children of the same age.

Another COVID “Vaccine” Is Being Developed

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The big pharmaceutical companies are creating yet another COVID-19 “vaccine,” because apparently, there is no limit to how many times they want the sheep injected. Dr. Kevin Saunders, the associate director of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, and his team created a trivalent vaccine targeting MERS and two forms of SARS which are all variants of the coronavirus.

“We are trying to develop a vaccine where you would be immunized with this vaccine and would have protection against multiple different coronaviruses and that you wouldn’t necessarily have to worry about the coronavirus that’s coming in the future because you would have broad immunity,” Dr. Saunders told CNN.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Children are up to 52x more likely to Die following COVID-19 vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the UK Government is trying to hide it

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

On 20th Dec 21, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a dataset containing details on ‘deaths by vaccination status in England’ between 1st Jan and 31st Oct 21.

The vaccines are adulterated. The FDA should take them off the market. New court ruling shows how vax manufacturers are liable.

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

I’ve talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big.

This is important.

This tweet has over 1M views in just 6 hours.

Please read the entire thread and PLEASE hit the retweet icon.

Goal: 100,000 retweets.

Mortality Rates per 100k shockingly reveal Four-Dose COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens & Young Adults are up to 318% more likely to Die than the Unvaccinated according to quietly published Government Report

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In a recent dataset released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), a surprising pattern has emerged regarding mortality rates per 100,000 in teenagers and young adults, sparking a wave of questions and calls for further investigation from public health experts.

The ONS dataset, available on the ONS website here, details deaths by vaccination status from April 1, 2021, to May 31, 2023. Our analysis focused on mortality rates per 100,000 person-years from January to May 2023 among residents in England aged 18 to 39, and what we found is truly shocking.

The Great Awakening is Here: Only 2% Take New COVID Vax/British

from The Alex Jones Show:


“OK, you were right. We admit vaccine is contaminated with SV40, but we found some experts who think it’s not a problem.”

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?

Please read and retweet these messages now

VERY URGENT: federal researchers find evidence Covid mRNA jabs cause seizures in young children

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The safety signal appeared in a huge Food and Drug Administration database; did the Centers for Disease Control know before recommending Covid boosters for kids last month?

(NOTE: I asked the FDA for comment for this article before noon on Thursday. The agency has missed my deadline of noon Friday to respond. mRNA shots are still promoted to children, so the fact they may cause seizures is an urgent public health issue. I have decided to publish the article now, including my questions to the FDA in it. When they respond I will update.)