by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
I may or may not be seeing things correctly, so that’s why I’m filing this one under the “You Tell Me” category. But the way I’m seeing this is that the state of Texas seems to be leading some sort of “revolt of the states”. It began some years ago with Texas starting its state bullion depository, placing the state out in front of other states that had already passed “constitutional money” resolutions recognizing gold and silver as legal tender. Texas, by starting its own state bullion depository, took practical action to give those resolutions teeth, and now a number of other states are adding teeth to their resolutions, including exemptions from taxes and Wyoming took the unprecedented step of passing laws requiring the state to accept specie in payment of taxes. My point with all of this has been that as that federal-enclave- of incompetence and bottomless corruption called Swampington, DC, an enclave surrounded by an unfortunate circumstance called reality, continues to print money at throw it at the Ukraine, the cultural divide in the country continues, and its becoming more and more clear that the two sides of that divide are mutually incompatible.