Thursday, March 6, 2025

Why Would Disney Shelve a Movie About Human Trafficking?

by Lincoln Brown, PJ Media:

There are moments when a range of emotions collide within you to create a situation in which you are rendered incapable of speaking or even thinking. It has not happened often in my life, but I remember the last time it happened. It was in Cambodia.

I was on a human trafficking awareness mission trip with a church group. We were there to learn more about the issue and about what an NGO was doing to rescue trafficked children and help them restore their lives. I won’t name the organization. It does good work and does not deserve to be placed on some cancel list by a group of partisan hacks.  We had been in the country for several days and had toured Tuol Sleng, one of the sites of the killing fields in the country.

Elon Musk is right: Bellingcat is a Western ‘psy-op’

by Aaron Mate, The Gray Zone:

The Twitter CEO draws establishment media outrage for criticizing a NATO state propaganda outfit.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has triggered headlines by claiming that the website Bellingcat, a trusted source for establishment US media outlets, engages in “psyops.”

Musk invoked Bellingcat’s role in “psychological operations” while expressing skepticism about the group’s claims that the mass shooter in Allen, Texas was motivated by white supremacist views. Prominent voices came forward to defend Bellingcat as a “a great journalistic organization” (CNN anchor Jake Tapper), and “a treasure trove of hugely important investigative journalism” (Yale professor Timothy Snyder).


from Sarah Westall:


Girl, 6, Performed Oral Sex in Class With Teacher in Room

by Alex Newman, The New American:

As LGBT propaganda and sex mania takes over government kindergartens across America, those warning of a “slippery slope” have been proven right yet again with yet another horrific scandal. In fact, after this one, parents are slowly waking up to the fact that their children are not safe in the government’s hands.

Critics say government “educators” and the sex-ed fanatics have some serious explaining to do after a 6-year-old girl at a government school in Texas was forced to perform oral sex on a boy in first-grade class. Classmates filmed the monstrous crime on April 19 even as a teacher was in the room, according to news reports.

Nike Marks Pride Month With Doc Who Does Kids’ Gender Surgeries, Leaked Email Shows

by Spencer Lindquist, Daily Wire:

Nike will celebrate Pride Month by hosting a panel discussion with a surgeon who said he performed “gender affirming mastectomies” on minors, a leaked email obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The email begins by stating, “This year’s theme is Together We Are Undeniable. The LGBTQIA+ community continues to fight for equality – their fight to be themselves.”

‘Chilling Effect’: States Are Cracking Down On Therapists Who Don’t Affirm Kids’ Trans Identities

by Laurel Duggan, The Daily Caller:

  • “Conversion therapy,” a term widely understood to mean bans on clinical attempts to get patients to stop feeling same-sex attractions, has been redefined with the encouragement of transgender activists to include attempts to change a patient’s “gender identity.”
  • Dozens of states have banned conversion therapy for minors under this new definition, leaving therapists concerned that they could be penalized if they don’t automatically affirm and encourage their underage patients’ transgender identities.  

Two White Women Fired from Their LuluLemon Job Because They Called Police on Black Robbers

by Paul Kersey, DC Clothesline:

Two white women arrested for daring to call the police on black robbers…[LULULEMON FIRED TWO EMPLOYEES FOR TRYING TO STOP SHOPLIFTERS,, May 28, 2023]:

Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them wear egregiously overpriced yoga pants.

Lululemon fired two employees in Georgia earlier this month for confronting masked robbers who were ransacking their store.

‘Incredible’: Matt Walsh’s ‘What Is a Woman?’ hits 132 million views on Twitter

by Jean Mondoro, LifeSite News:

(LifeSiteNews) — After a chaotic day and a half of suppression and free speech victories, the groundbreaking What Is a Woman? documentary has reached over 132 million views (Sat. 2:50 p.m.) on Twitter. Numbers will continue to rise as the Daily Wire has left the film free to view on the platform over the weekend. 

Matt WalshDaily Wire podcaster and star of the film,  shared on Saturday morning that in addition to 110 million views, the movie had “120 thousand retweets,” figures he described as “incredible.” 

MORE – BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink said, “you have to force behaviors” in companies regarding “diversity and inclusion.”


from Banned Youtube Videos:


The Source Of The Marxist Takeover Of American Institutions Is So Obvious It Hurts

by Gage Clipper, The Daily Caller:

It is impossible to deny how far left all of America’s institutions have shifted in the past few years. Corporate board rooms, the media, sports teams and even the military all chant the same dogma and insist that you comply.

How did that happen? As Ernest Hemingway wrote on how one goes bankrupt, “gradually, then suddenly.” Indeed, our leading institutions face a moral bankruptcy unprecedented in American history.

Allegedly, a Southern-California high school teacher gave students explicit instructions on pleasure during anal sex.

Transgender Mafia, Incited By The Liberal MSM, Are Threatening To Bomb Businesses, Yet The Biden Regime Labels Conservatives As ‘Radicalized’ Domestic Terrorists

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Target department stores across the United States have been receiving bomb threats, forcing evacuations and terrifying employees, after Target was forced to pull or move certain “pride” displays from their stores after backlash from conservatives over the prominent displays pushing the “transgender” lifestyle, where children can easily see them and be influenced.

Conservatives and even some independents, find it off-putting to see “tuck-friendly” or “chest-binding” imagery so prominently displayed in stores they bring their children to, so they spoke up, refused to shop there.

Target: CEI Score 100 – $10 Billion Gone in 10 Days

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Target achieved a 100% score on the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) in 2022, and was rated #4 by the Human Rights Campaign for being one of the wokest companies. This arbitrary social credit score goes against American values and people are protesting with their dollars. Target managed to lose $10 billion in ten days after the public became aware of their aggressive rainbow marketing campaign geared toward children. Will Target become the next Bud Light?


from Mark Dice: