Friday, January 10, 2025

BREAKING: ‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’

Maria Zeee: MSM Preprogramming Of Containment Camps REVEALED

The Debate Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Americans

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

There were plenty of surprises in last week’s presidential debate. For one, Americans who rely on the mainstream media for their news learned that they had been lied to for the past three years about President Biden’s capability to do the job he was elected to do.

The realization that the media has been lying for years about Biden is a positive development, as, hopefully, thoughtful Americans might begin wondering what else the media has been lying about. For example, they will find out that the media has been lying to them for years about Russia and Ukraine and about the Middle East and elsewhere. They will find out that our hyper-interventionist foreign policy does not make us safer and more free, but the opposite.

The most disturbing thing about the MSM turning on Biden is that about half the country had to be told by the propagandists

Google Launches New Censorship Effort to Crack Down on ‘Toxicity’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Big Tech giant Google is expanding its online censorship as the critical 2024 elections draw near.

The new crackdown is being led by Google’s Jigsaw censorship division.

Jigsaw, originally called Google Ideas, was launched under former CEO Eric Schmidt in 2010.

Schmidt’s idea sought to tackle “issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.”

However, the program was later deemed too “open and honest” and was reworked into Jigsaw by Google’s parent company Alphabet.

Grown men are now riding bikes naked in front of small children in Seattle.

Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions

from Tucker Carlson:



from SGT Report:

Christopher James returns to SGT Report with the REAL NEWS the mockingbird whore CIA media refuses to share with the American and Canadian people. The fix is in, but the good news is the people are waking UP all over earth.

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Nature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters discusses the incredible pain relief effects of 100% Drug Free Conolidine:
This changes pain relief FOREVER ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

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A Warrior Calls:

Cracking the Code:

BREAKING: Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker reveals Disney won’t hire anyone “who’s not white or not Jewish” for C-Suite roles

Desperate Biden Camp Posts “Cheap Fake” of Biden vs. Trump at Same Philly Venue – Here’s What the Biden-Obama Event Actually Looked Like – And It Wasn’t Even From This Year! (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Did someone say “cheap fake”?

The desperate Biden Campaign posted a side-by-side photo of President Trump’s Philly rally and doped up Joe Biden ‘speaking at the same venue.’

President Trump brought down the house in deep blue Philly this weekend.


The Western Mainstream Press – Just Want War

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

COMMENT: Marty: Hello from the UK across the pond. Nigel Farage has come out and said what you have been reporting all along – that the West started this war. You can certainly tell you are friends.

REPLY: It is interesting how little intelligence exists in the mainstream media. There are just no independent thinkers and certainly no investigative journalists left. Mainstream has chased them all out. Or is it that they are just taking orders like the Nazis insisted at Nuremberg? All you have to do is look at the press reporting in 2014. It was the UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland and her Neocons, who then directed them to attack the Donbas to draw in Putin.

REPORT: San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Schools in the progressive haven of San Francisco are facing a major budget crunch. Things are so dire that the district may have to actually close some schools.

It’s amazing that these schools are having cash flow problems when you consider the taxes people pay to live there.

Officials from the school district recently met with some financial experts who gave them some tough love.

As The Reality-Starved Public Prepares For Anything But A ‘Fair Fight’ Come ‘Debate Night,’ It May Turn Into A Ritual Sacrifice As Joe’s ‘Handlers’ Turn On Him & Set Up His ‘Replacement’

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Now that the gunplay and colorful flash-mobbery of Juneteenth has concluded, it’s on to next week’s big debate between the two major party candidates — if debate is even the right description for what is more like a joint press conference conducted by one candidate’s PR firm. What does the reality-starved public think it will see? Probably anything but a fair fight.

It’s hard to imagine what possessed “Joe Biden” to decide this was a good idea for him (unless he wasn’t the decider). Since we’re in an era of archetypal psychodrama, the event looks more like a ritual sacrifice. His recent public performances have been, shall we say, less than reassuring in both utterance and physical poise. He comes off as Captain Queeg meets Mr. Magoo. So, you have to wonder if some ancient tropism-of-the-mind steers him to certain destruction, egged on by those of his own faction who will benefit from his exit.

NEW – Report uncovers Wikipedia’s leftist political bias links right-wing figures to “fear, anger, disgust,” left-wing to “joy,” and may indoctrinate AI trained on its articles.

Everything In Our Civilization Is Stacked To Keep Us Believing The Propaganda

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

It’s not so much that people buy into the mainstream propaganda worldview because humans are dumb, or because humans are selfish. Primarily, people buy into the mainstream propaganda worldview because humans are lazy.

By this I don’t mean to say that people don’t work hard enough or don’t stay busy enough; humans sleep less than any other primate on earth, and if anything the world would probably be better off if our species chilled out a bit. When I say people are lazy, I mean we are lazy thinkers.