Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Dirty Bomb Attack Articles Have Already Been Written by British Press Blaming Russia

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda, Martin Jay writes.

John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda. It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event to be ‘reported’ based on what President Zelensky just merely says.

Is Ukraine Planning a False Flag Attack on Their Own Nuclear Plant?

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

With precedent set after the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and the Nova Kakhovka dam, nothing seems off the table for those who want this war to spread into WWIII.

“False Flag” was trending on Twitter Tuesday night and for good reason. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared Russia is about to destroy the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. Russia responded by saying Ukraine is going to blow it up to try to frame Russia.

Who’s lying?

SCOTT RITTER: Biden’s 3am Moment in Ukraine

by Scott Ritter, Consortium News:

In June, Biden was confronted with the ultimate “3 a.m. phone call” moment. He could have made a call which would have helped reduce the threat of a nuclear crisis or worse.

During the 2008 Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton ran an ad which sought to diminish her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama, in the eyes of the voters.

Building upon Obama’s lack of experience in national security affairs, and what the potential cost would be should Obama falter at a critical moment, Clinton’s ad sought to make the question personal, setting a scene that could be any home in suburban America at night.

US Navy Thwarts Iranian Attempt To Seize 2 Oil Tankers, Shots Fired

from ZeroHedge:

The US Navy’s Fifth Fleet has announced that early Wednesday Iranian naval vessels attempted to seize two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, which included firing shots at one of them.

The US Navy said it responded and prevented the seizures. “The Iranian navy did make attempts to seize commercial tankers lawfully transiting international waters,” Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, confirmed in a statement“The U.S. Navy responded immediately and prevented those seizures.”

NEW – Biden is pushing for Ursula von der Leyen to be installed as the next NATO secretary general.

Ukraine ‘Preparing For Nuclear Explosion’ As Russia Reduces Zaporizhzhia Plant Presence

from ZeroHedge:

Ukraine’s President Zelensky has once again been warning the public and the West that Russia is planning to stage some kind of disastrous nuclear fallout event centered on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, Europe’s largest. The claims from Ukrainian top officials have been persisting for weeks at this point, but have grown louder in the last several days, as Americans are busy with July 4th festivities.

French police union declares “civil war” in France: it’s us or the violent minorities…

from Revolver News:

The situation in France has escalated alarmingly fast. Police are reporting that “violent minorities” are wreaking havoc across the county — setting things on fire, looting, and wreaking widespread destruction.

The chaos erupted after a police officer shoot a North African teenager who allegedly failed to cooperate, threatened the police, and sped off in his car. The current scene playing out in France looks a lot like the US “color revolution” that was unleashed after George Floyd’s death. It’s almost as if there’s a predetermined script that’s everyone’s following. France is much smaller than the U.S., so their “George Floyd Revolution” is hitting a lot harder. The situation has escalated to the point where police unions are now sounding “civil war” alarms, claiming they’re dealing with an “us versus them” conflict.


from Banned Youtube Videos:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Western Leaders Have Effectively Embraced Ukrainian Nazism

by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

As all wars do, the war in Ukraine has produced volumes of propaganda. The most popular theme is that Volodymyr Zelensky (genetically Jewish but without any Jewish religious or cultural ties) opposes the “Hitler-like” Putin. Indeed, Zelensky has accused Putin of Hitler-esque antisemitism, a claim that garners support from American Jews and the media. Israelis, however, do not support this assertion. They know the truth, which is that Ukraine has deep roots in Naziism, a relationship Ukraine celebrates to this day.

Whistleblower: Ukraine is Harvesting the Organs of Children in Laboratories – New Films on Child Sex Trafficking

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

A whistleblower from OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) has recently gone public describing laboratories found in buildings in Ukraine bombed by Russians where children are being kept in basements where their organs are being harvested.

A whistleblower who worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) revealed in a video interview that Ukrainian Nazi groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement adrenochrome labs that are being discovered after the buildings are destroyed by Russian strikes.

World Peace, or World War

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Well, as you can tell, this week we’ve all been guessing what’s going on with the so-called coup, so today (Friday) I have decided to round out the speculations by tossing in some observations that occurred to m as soon as I heard that a “deal” had been worked out between Prigozhin and the Kremlin, allowing Prigozhin to go to Byelorussia (or Belarus), to live out his days happily in bald-headed exile, while the rest of the Wagner group is absorbed by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The moment I heard that, the antennae started pulsing with suspicion, and my suspicion meter itself shot into the purple zone, which is beyond the red zone by several factors. “From Byelorussia,” I thought, “the leader of the Wagner group is within easy striking distance of Kiev.”

France is facing a new generation of riots

from RT:

The cause of unrest lies deeper than police crackdowns and social media censorship can reach

Dr. Karin Kneissl is the head of the GORKI (Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues) think tank and Austria’s former minister of foreign affairs. In June 2020, Dr. Kneissl published her book titled ‘Diplomacy Makes History – The Art of Dialogue in Uncertain Times’ (Olms Verlag, Hildesheim).

Reports: Top Russian General with Ties to Wagner Mutiny Leader Disappears

by Frances Martel, Breitbart:

The Moscow Times, among several other outlets, reported on Wednesday that top Russian General Sergei Surovikin has apparently been missing since Saturday – and may have been arrested in the aftermath of the aborted Wagner Group mutiny against the Defense Ministry this weekend.

Surovikin is reportedly close to the head of the Wagner mercenary group, Evgeny Prigozhin, who announced a march into Moscow on Friday night in an apparent attempt to oust Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Prigozhin made it into the strategically vital city of the Defense Ministry of Rostov-on-Don before marching towards Moscow with thousands of fighters.