Sunday, October 6, 2024

Stop the Accelerated War Drive of G7 Hypocrites

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The arrogance of western predators was on full display at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, beginning with the choice of that city as the site to reaffirm their commitment to permanent war!  To counter their drive to possible nuclear war, Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued a statement, commemorating a different America, as expressed in President John F. Kennedy’s address at American University on June 10, 1963, in which he called for peace not just for Americans, “but for all men and women”, and a peace “for all time.”

Ukraine loss, MSM LIES, Clinton, CRIMEA, Elections, Grooming, PRAY!

from And We Know:


Why did Jake Sullivan fly to Saudi Arabia?

by Viktor Mikhin, New Eastern Outlook:

The unconditional further strengthening of Saudi Arabia’s authority and influence in the Middle East in the recent period has significantly increased the general interest in developing relations with the kingdom. This is especially true of the “beacon of democracy,” the United States, and its closest ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Ten years ago, in assessing Saudi Arabia’s international activities, many assumed that Riyadh preferred to give money to various elements in the region and entrust them with protecting its interests. At one time, the Saudis, according to some reports, even allegedly gave money to the Islamic State (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) to make the group fight against the Iraqi government, which had fallen under Iranian influence. The Saudis thought they were rich enough to give money to others and hire them to fight for their cause.

GLOBAL UPRISING AGAINST WEF! – 200 Cities Protest Against Great Reset! – London Speaks Out!

from World Alternative Media:


Joe Biden Is Preparing to Provide US F-16 FIghter Jets to Ukraine – World War III Can’t Come Fast Enough for These Elites

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Bakhmut, Ukraine on Saturday.

Joe Biden is preparing to supply fighters for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
He wants more war.

This is a serious escalation in the War in Ukraine and it comes on the same day that Russia captured Bakhmut, an important base in eastern Ukraine.

Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7

by Peter Caddle, Breitbart:

Efforts by Trudeau to push his LGBT agenda at the G7 reportedly left Italian PM Giorgia Meloni looking “visibly” irate.

Sparks are reportedly flying at the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, with a comment on LGBT issues by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau being described as leaving his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni, looking visibly annoyed.

Since assuming power last year, Meloni has been steadily pushing Italy to the right on various social issues, including LGBT ideology, something that has seen her party rise to commanding heights in popularity polling.

The Asian Century: We’re In It, and should plan for it.

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

On May 3rd, Japan’s NikkeiAsia headlined “China and India to drive half of 2023’s global economic growth: IMF”, and opened:

China and India will account for more than half of this year’s global growth, the International Monetary Fund predicts, underscoring the Asia-Pacific region’s strength amid rising uncertainty over the U.S. economy.

The IMF forecast in April that Asia-Pacific real gross domestic product will increase 4.6% in 2023, an upgrade of 0.3 percentage point from last October’s projection. It sees the global economy expanding 2.8%.

AstraZeneca Exec: Build a Company that ‘Loves the Communist Party and Loves’ China

by John Hayward, Breitbart:

Wang Lei, global executive vice president for British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and president of its decades-old branch in China, said on Friday that the company “loves the Communist Party” and will strive to express its patriotic affection for the tyrannical regime in Beijing.

Other AstraZeneca executives refused to comment on these astonishing remarks or confirm if Wang was expressing the company’s true posture toward China.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Warmly Welcomed Back Into Arab League After 12-Year Ban

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

It’s over for US hegemony.

From Al Jazeera, “Assad gets warm reception as Syria welcomed back into Arab League”:

After more than a decade of isolation, Bashar al-Assad, the president of war-torn Syria, has been welcomed back into the Arab League.

Why Ukraine Must Lose to Save the World

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I originally thought you were just a Putin supporter. Yet as time has gone by, it is becoming very clear that you are correct and that Zelensky is waging this war for the West to conquer Russia. His meeting with the Pope and rejecting his offer to mediate clearly established he will not seek peace. Are we headed into a nuclear war? Did Ukraine really shoot down a Russian hypersonic missile?

The Biggest Russiagate Liar Is STILL LYING!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Argentina’s Left Craters, Opening Presidential Path for Libertarian Populist Javier Milei

by Christian K. Caruso, Breitbart:

Argentine libertarian economist Javier Milei formally debuted his political coalition’s campaign platform on Tuesday, a formal requirement for him to run in the October 2023 presidential elections.

Milei’s La Libertad Avanza (“Liberty Advances”) coalition issued its formal request to join the presidential race as the nation’s ruling leftist Frente de Todos (“Front for All”) coalition flounders in disarray, lacking a presidential candidate after incumbent President Alberto Fernández announced in April that he would not run for reelection. The current vice president, far-left former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has also withdrawn her name from the race, again confirming on Tuesday that she would not run.

China’s Cognitive War Against America: Strategic Deception To Unrestricted Warfare

by Edward Haugland, America Outloud:

In this episode, we discuss China’s strategy in cognitive warfare using the concepts of strategic deception and unrestricted warfare with Dr. Li-Meng Yan. We get her perspective as we discuss the following three areas:

  • Perspectives of Strategic Deception and Covert Action” in the Journal of Public Security Science in 2020, Senior Colonel GAO Jinhu
    • This paper focuses on the military aspects of deception.

Wheels Coming Off Global NATO “Coalition”

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The economic contraction of western economies is posing a deepening problem for NATO war hawks.  Though NATO remains committed to breaking up Russia, to loot its raw materials, the means to do so are questionable, and voices are being raised — in the Global South and within the U.S. — in opposition to pursuing a permanent war doctrine.