Sunday, October 6, 2024

(Video) U.S. & Chinese Warships’ CLOSE CALL In Taiwan Strait!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


China Begins Drilling A 32,000-Foot Deep Hole Into The Earth’s Crust Ostensibly Looking For Oil But More Likely Has Sinister Intentions Behind It

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Communist China is a rogue nation that likes to pretend that they are civilized, but in reality are not, they are always up to some sort of scheme. Because of their large size and their economy, most nations and nearly all corporations turn the other way in order to keep doing business with them. In 2021, we reported to you on the concentration camps active in China for the purpose of enslaving the Uighur Muslims. Nike profits handsomely by using this slave labor pool to make their trendy sneakers, and radical Leftists like Colin KaepernickLebron James and nearly the entire NBA, just to name a few, lose no sleep over this arrangement. Walt Disney as well has no guilt or remorse filming movies within a mile of the concentration camps. So when China wants to ‘drill a hole’ that extends 32,800 feet into the earth you just know something shady is going on.

China Places Country Dangerously Close To US Warship

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

The US military has released video footage of a Chinese navy ship cutting across the path of an American Destroyer in the Taiwan Strait over the weekend, reportedly forcing the US vessel to slow down to avoid a collision.

statement on the incident from US Indo-Pacific Command says the Chinese ship “executed maneuvers in an unsafe manner” in the presence of US and Canadian warships during a “routine south to north Taiwan Strait transit” by the naval forces of those nations, coming as close as 150 yards from the American vessel.

Here we go! It’s STARTING! | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Kakhovka dam destruction: What you need to know

from RT:

Moscow has accused Kiev of an act of deliberate sabotage that put at risk thousands of local residents

A major breach of the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in Russia’s Kherson Region inundated huge swaths of land on the banks of the Dnieper River, prompting large-scale evacuation efforts in the area. Moscow claimed that the facility was damaged by a Ukrainian strike, while Kiev placed the blame on Russia.

Russia Says It Put Down Major Ukrainian Offensive Hours After It Began

from ZeroHedge:

Did Ukraine forces just attempt to kick off their much anticipated major counteroffensive, only to have it put down immediately after it began? 

That’s what the Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) suggested early Monday in announcing that Ukraine began a “large-scale offensive” in mounting attacks along five sections of the frontlines in the eastern Donbas region. But Russia said it thwarted the major attack and that some 250 Ukrainian troops were killed, which included Ukraine sending six mechanized and two tank battalions to Russian-controlled southern Donetsk.

Wagner Ready To Defend Russia’s Border Region After Whole Towns Evacuated

from ZeroHedge:

The war from across the border has impacted citizens in the Belgorod region of Russia to the point that many towns and villages have been evacuated, with some looking like ghost towns–this after armed groups mounted multiple raids since the war’s start–as well as increased shelling and rocket fire. Just two days ago the anti-Moscow “Russian Volunteer Corps” said they launched another attack out of Ukraine, after a bigger one nearly two weeks ago left multiple casualties and many saboteurs killed.

Engineered Climate Chaos Is Here, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:



from SGT Report:

Col. John Mills returns to SGT Report to discuss what I refer to as the 2020 Marxist COUP D’ETAT which installed Joe Biden as the illegitimate leader of the United States. In a Coup, “the leader may unlawfully assume extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances. Other measures may include annulling the nation’s constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers.” Kinda sounds like what we are enduring now, huh?

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John’s site:

LBJ’s Unconditional War On Poverty Resulted In Poverty Winning – Welfare Has Now Become A ‘Lifestyle’ Passed From ‘Generation To Generation Like A Legacy’

by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

Sometimes stories almost write themselves as they just seem to flow from my fingertips, and other times it is just the opposite; try as I might, I just cannot get it done the way I envision.  Stumbling over words, finding the right quotes, arranging things so they make sense and trying to keep from being the target of dangerous people, it all seems difficult on some of those stories.  “Those stories”?  I meant on this one specifically as it is a difficult one to get out without sounding like something I do not wish to sound like.  Like racist or arrogant or prideful, which is not my intent so if I miss, this is my apology (and excuse?).

Lukashenko: ‘The West Are Preparing a Coup in Belarus’

from 21st Century Wire:

Western countries along with Ukraine are preparing a coup in Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko has claimed. He insisted that Minsk’s security forces are prepared for the threat, and will not let such a scenario materialize.

Speaking on Thursday at a meeting of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security chiefs, Lukashenko said a “violent regime change is being prepared” in Belarus.

He went on to allege that “in Poland, Lithuania and, unfortunately Ukraine, illegal members of armed groups are being trained.” The operatives, according to Lukashenko, intend to create “sleeping extremist cells” in Belarus.

Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand. Scott Ritter

by Scott Ritter, Global Research:

I just returned from a month-long visit to Russia, during which time I had the opportunity to see a dozen different cities covering nearly the entire expanse of the Russian Federation. Prior to my departure, I was filling up the tank of my car, when I noticed a sticker on the gas pump.

The sticker portrayed a smiling Joe Biden, the President of the United States, gesturing to his right. Underneath the image were printed the words, “I did this!”

Far from being a compliment, the sticker was a form of humorous protest against the Russia sanctions adopted last year after the start of the special military operation. Many of these sanctions involved Russian energy, and the resulting economic chaos in global energy markets prompted gas prices to surge. Biden was quick to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming on June 22, 2022, that “the simple truth is gas prices are up almost $2.00 a gallon because of Vladimir Putin’s ruthless attack on Ukraine.”

Every Time Putin Utters a Truth – The World’s Liars Go Crazy

by Phil Butler, New Eastern Outlook:

Many people in my country are beginning to understand the lies and control mechanisms put in place by our elites. Liars are easily found over time.  A Cold War mentality of our elite dinosaurs grafted onto the new breed of soulless elites is now crystal clear. The proxy war in Ukraine, the aggression toward China, and the hubris of Western leadership are finally tipping the scales.

Take this lead to an article from AP and Euronews the other day as a prime example. The author, Mark Armstrong, tried to convert fact into fiction by complaining the Russians are “claiming” the G7 and NATO are trying to divide Russia. Say what?

Failures of an Economic Hitman in Turkey: Erdogan Re-elected

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

President Erdogan’s re-election in Turkey is a monumental failure of Western pressure. Because of it, it’s time to take our eyes off Ukraine and look at a different theater of World War III with equal if not bigger implications.

Turkey is another in a now long string of failed Economic Hitman operations cum Color Revolutions. The last big one to fail was in Belarus in 2020 following the re-election of Alexander Lukashenko.


from SGT Report:

The enemy has employed FEAR and PROPAGANDA with great skill and deception, but we have uncovered the nefarious, evil plans of the enemies of humanity – and it is up to all of us to stop them, or they will literally enslave us all and use our children for their satanic sexual perversions. Independent journalist Dan Fournier joins me to discuss he work, and the truth.

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