Monday, October 7, 2024


from Rebel News:


West sufferers from ‘mix of megalomania and inferiority complex’ – Moscow

from Azerbaycan24:

The US and its allies have been pursuing a path full of mistakes in recent years, Russia’s Deputy FM says

The geopolitical decisions of the US and its allies are being dictated by “impotent rage” over the West’s dwindling influence on the global stage, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has stated.

Following his meeting with members of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund in Moscow on Friday, Ryabkov was asked to comment on this week’s hearing at the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs,

Ukraine Used “Cluster Munitions” In Attack On Russia

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Ukraine has used a controversial weapon, cluster munitions to attack Russia’s Belgorod region on Saturday. At least three cluster munitions were employed by the Kyiv forces during a large-scale attack on the settlement of Zhuravlevka, Gladkov wrote on Telegram on Saturday.

According to the governor, 21 artillery shells and ten mortar rounds were also fired at the village. It was also targeted with a single kamikaze drone, according to a report by RT. 

IMF hints that countries will soon be able to repay debt using Chinese YUAN currency

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Following Argentina’s recent debt repayment in the Chinese yuan, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has hinted that it may soon accept the yuan from all countries that need to settle their debt obligations.

IMF spokesperson Julie Kozack confirmed that Argentina paid off $1.1 billion of its $2.7 billion debt using the yuan, and that it may soon become the norm for other countries to do the same.

War Planning: U.S. Nuclear Submarine Visits South Korea As Rulers Talk War

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The ruling classes of the United States and South Korea are talking about war. While these talks were going on, Washington brought a nuclear missile submarine along.

For the first time since the 1980s, a U.S. nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) visited South Korea on Tuesday, as the allies launched talks to coordinate their responses in the event of a nuclear war with North Korea, according to a report by Reuters. White House Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell confirmed the rare visit.

The War In Ukraine Is Not Going Very Well For The Biden Administration

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that the U.S. is going to be involved in the war in Ukraine “for as long as it takes”, and our leaders just keep pouring billions upon billions of dollars into the conflict.  But the truth is that the war is not going very well for Ukraine.  After sending them lots of shiny new vehicles and enormous mountains of military equipment in recent months, U.S. officials pressured the Ukrainians to launch an ill-advised “counter-offensive” so that the public could see that some “progress” was being made.  Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, the Russian defensive positions are extremely well prepared at this stage, and thousands upon thousands of young Ukrainians have been needlessly slaughtered.  An Irish volunteer that recently returned home told Sky News what life is really like on the front lines at this point…

Ukraine and Cocaine

by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

There is an eerie parallel between what passes for America’s Ukraine policy and the fact that a fat sack of Bolivian energy dust got discovered in the White House and was promptly forgotten. These two happenings are two sides of the same coin, and its denomination is failure. It is the failure of our establishment, the last gasp – or snort – of a ruling caste that has discovered that, at the end of the day, it could get away with getting high on its own supply (at least for a while) and, like Tony Montana, ploughed its face into a mountain of nose candy as his world collapsed.

Great King’s Days Are Numbered

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

As I’ve been warning my readers, the most significant development in international finance since 1971 will be unveiled just over one month from today.

A new BRICS gold-linked currency will be announced on Aug. 22 at the BRICS Leader’s Summit conference in Durban, South Africa (the BRICS are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

The fact is the global desire to move away from the dollar as a medium of exchange for international trade in goods and services has gone from a discussion point to a novelty to a looming reality in a remarkably short period of time.

Almost 600 Wildfires In Canada Are “Out Of Control”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Canada has been having its worst year of wildfires in history. Of he over 900 wildfires raging in Canada, 599 have been “out of control” as it has already recorded its worst year ever.

British Columbia is the worst-affected province, accounting for a third of active fires, according to CIFFC statistics. The blazes have devastated 10.7 million hectares (26 million acres) nationwide during this fire season, with over 4,200 outbreaks reported this year, according to a report by RT.  The area already burned just this year is the largest since the monitor started compiling statistics in the 1980s. The previous record was set in 1995 when over 7 million hectares (17 million acres) burned out in Canada.

The U.S. And Our NATO Allies Are Running Dangerously Low On Ammo

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

This is not a time to be running low on ammo.  A major conflict could erupt in the Middle East at any time, and thanks to the recklessness of the Biden administration the U.S. could soon find itself fighting wars with both Russia and China simultaneously.  So you would think that our military brass would be absolutely determined to make sure that we have plenty of ammunition stockpiled.  But we don’t.  In fact, as a result of sending so much ammo to Ukraine our own stockpiles have gotten dangerously low.  This is something that General James Hecker commented on during a recent panel discussion

Does Putin Understand that Russia Is at War?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

This morning Russian media sources reported that a Ukrainian followup attack to the one on the Crimea bridge by 28 drones was defeated by Russian air defenses.  In response, Russia destroyed the manufacturing sites of the drones and fuel storage facilities that provide fuel for Ukraine’s military.  The two words, “in response” tells us what is wrong with Putin’s conduct of the war.  Why did it take a Ukrainian attack on Crimea for Russia to do what any other country at war would have done a long time ago—destroy its enemy’s armaments factories and fuel depots?  It is as if Russia is not at war.  The offensive initiatives are with Ukraine.  All Russia does is to retaliate to Ukrainian attacks.

Swiss Government Plans to Lock Away Secrets on Credit Suisse Collapse for 50 Years

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

The “Deep State” is increasingly feeling like the “Deep Banking State.” Try to get any meaningful information to unravel the corrupt and dangerous interconnections between global banking behemoths today and some government or other entity has slapped a padlock on the information.

The latest example is the Swiss Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry that is delving into the collapse in March of the second largest global bank in Switzerland – Credit Suisse. The Commission has announced that it plans to lock away the details of its findings for 50 years. (UBS, the largest global bank in Switzerland, bought the crumbling remains of Credit Suisse earlier this year.)


from SGT Report:

SGT Report producer Matt is back to share all of the REAL news the mainstream mockingbird media sees fit to omit. Thanks for tuning in!

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