Monday, October 7, 2024

JUST IN – Kenya suspends “eyeball scan” crypto project Worldcoin over safety concerns in the East African country.

Russia Launches Large Baltic Sea Naval Drills As EU Officials Push “NATO’s Lake” Rhetoric

from ZeroHedge:

Russia has kicked off a major planned naval drill in the Black Sea, dubbed the Ocean Shield-2023 naval exercises, coming after a series of close encounters with NATO in the form of recent aerial intercepts over both the Baltic and Black Seas.

Russia’s somewhat regular drills in these waters are often in response to NATO exercises in the region, in tit-for-tat muscle flexing. Some EU policy wonks have of late begun to call the Baltic “NATO’s lake” in a direct challenge to Moscow.

The Alliance

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

Russia and China head an alliance that poses the first direct challenge to the American empire since its inception at the end of World War II. Their strategy has been to follow Napoleon’s advice—not interrupting the U.S. government while it makes mistake after mistake—and to pursue the opposite of its hapless policies. Their power waxes; American power wanes.
August 29, 1949, the day the Soviets detonated their first atomic weapon, was the beginning of the end of the American empire. The U.S. government’s unrivaled power lasted four years and 23 days, from when it dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The Soviet bomb gave the world a counterweight to an American nuclear monopoly.

HERSH EXPOSES US FALSE FLAG! – Crimean Bridge Attacked By United States According to Intel Insiders!

from World Alternative Media:


Viktor Orbán speaks inconvenient truth: ‘Russia cannot be defeated because it is a nuclear power’

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Why can’t the neocons in Washington understand they are dealing, not with Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi, but with a nuclear superpower?

If the U.S./NATO-backed Ukrainian counter-offensive were to prove successful in retaking certain Russian territories, Russia would be forced to use nuclear weapons.

This was the message of Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council.

Russia-Africa Summit a Timely Milestone on the Road to Multipolar World

from Strategic Culture:

The Russia-Africa summit this week could not have been held at a more timely juncture in international relations. The event symbolizes seminal global change, which ultimately heralds a better future for humanity, despite the dangerous and terrible wrench associated with that change in the present.

Amid the dreadful NATO-fueled proxy war in Ukraine with Russia, leaders of nearly 50 African nations attended the two-day forum in St Petersburg, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” – Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

from ZeroHedge:

Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley, CA in the central San Joaquin Valley?

What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility.

The Fraud That’s Called ‘Democracy’ in The West

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The clearest example of this is today’s UK Government as described by a renegade former UK Ambassador, Craig Murray, headlining on July 19th about the next general election there between the conservative Keir Starmer who leads the Labour Party versus the conservative whomever will be leading the Conservative Party; he headlined “Has Western Democracy Now Failed?” and demonstrated that, and how, it has failed, and that it is, in fact, fraudulent, and represents ONLY the super-wealthy. The UK’s Government is an aristocracy, instead of a democracy: it is one-dollar-one-vote, instead of one-person one vote. Its billionaries rule there. He opened:

JUST IN – US sends $345 million in weapons to Taiwan.

UN Chief: ‘The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

The “climate change” cult has shifted back to whining about “global warming” now that it’s summer and the weather is hot again.

“Weather is not climate” — unless it’s hot outside.

“The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived,” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said during a speech on Thursday.

Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile – Moscow

from RT:

The Russian military condemns the incident in Taganrog as a “terrorist attack” on civilians

The Russian Defense Ministry has acknowledged that a missile struck the southwest port city of Taganrog on Friday, calling the incident a “terrorist attack” by Ukraine.

The city center was hit by a major blast on Friday, with at least 15 people injured, according to local authorities.

The “Covid Pandemic” Was an Orchestration

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The American Medical Establishment, a collection of corrupt enemies of human health bought and paid  for by Big Pharma,  continues to explain away the enormous sudden deaths and health injuries  following the Covid Vax injections as “coincidences.”

Medical science knows no such thing as massive numbers of coincidences.  If everything is a coincidence, there cannot be tests. 

What has happened is that Big Pharma and the medical authorities on its payroll and sharing its patents, together with media flush with Big Pharma advertising funds, and politicians flush with Big Pharma campaign contributions, have created a false narrative that covers up the mass murder and health injury caused by an orchestrated “covid pandemic” in which the only people who died from Covid were infected patients denied treatment with Ivermectin and HCQ.

“Little Red Classrooms” Report on CCP Influence in American Schools

by David Kelly, The New American:

Parents Defending Education (PDE), a grassroots organization “working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas,” released a report on Wednesday that provides evidence linking the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to sponsoring affiliated educational programs to a number of American K-12 schools.

The report, titled “Little Red Classrooms,” details how 143 school districts, including 20 near military bases, have or had partnerships with Confucius Institutes to provide “Confucius Classrooms,” which are “centers that teach Chinese language and culture.”

China’s gold consumption reaches 555 tons, rising 16.4% in the first half of 2023

from Global Times:

China consumed 554.88 tons of gold in the first half of 2023, up 16.37 percent year-on-year, data from the China Gold Association (CGA) showed on Tuesday, as Chinese citizen’s income continues to rise steadily.

The “gold rush” is partly fueled by the investors’ growing risk-aversion in buying equities and bonds, over concerns about volatile global financial environment, which is exacerbated by the US bank financial crisis and the US debt ceiling issue.

How U.S. Congress Just Voted to Make Permanent War Permanent

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

In a bold display of the bipartisan determination of the U.S. Congress after 9/11 to lock-in forever the bonanza that the Congress temporarily granted to America’s ‘Defense’ industries (manufacturers of war-weapons, etc.), the proposed congressional Resolution, on July 19th, “On the Amendment (Paul Amdt. No. 222 )”, aiming “To express the sense of Congress that Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not supersede the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war before the United States engages in war,” was voted down in the U.S. Senate, by the huge bipartisan margin of 83 Nays to 16 Yeas. All of the 16 Yeas were Republican Senators. However, 32 Republicans, and both of the Senate’s ‘Independent’ Senators (Sanders of Vermont, and King of Maine), also voted Nay — they voted that the U.S. Constitution’s clause which demands a congressional authorization before the U.S. President may send U.S. forces abroad into a war, be nullified if NATO declares war. (For example: if NATO declares war against Russia regarding Ukraine — which COULD happen — then America is automatically at war against Russia, and no congressional authorization is needed in order for the U.S. to immediately launch a nuclear invasion of Russia.)