Monday, October 7, 2024

Russian Defense Minister: NATO assembled 360,000 troops in Eastern Europe. Poland is preparing to occupy Western Ukraine.

China Expert Claims Beijing Will “Bring War To The West” By 2024

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Prominent China hawk Kyle Bass told CNBC on Tuesday that he believes Chinese President Xi Jinping is determined to “bring war to the West,” with an invasion of Taiwan likely before the end of 2024. “If you listen to what [Chinese president Xi Jinping] says, I believe he will end up acquiring, reacquiring Taiwan by force by the end of next year,” Bass told “Street Signs.”

Bass, who is the founder and chief investment officer at Hayman Capital Management said that Xi, much like Russian President Vladimir Putin, is unconcerned with the economic fallout of such an attack, according to a report by CNBC. 

Could a New World Currency Dethrone the Dollar?

from Birch Gold Group:

The U.S. dollar has been the world standard for currency since the end of World War II – but there are legitimate contenders that could take that title away. Whether it’s the relatively new conglomerate of economic powerhouses with a BRICS currency, the Chinese yuan or even digital currencies like bitcoin, there are many options. The world could choose to step away from the dollar as its value continues to sink and the instability of American politics puts a strain on the once unstoppable greenback.

History tells us it’s really only a matter of time. Global reserve currencies don’t last forever. Portugal filled the role back in the 1400s and that only lasted 80 years. After that, Spain took up the mantle and held it for an impressive 110 years, and no country has beat their record since. While it might seem unchanging for the generation or two living with a particular reserve currency, if you take a look at the entire span of human history, global reserve currency turnovers happen about once a century.

Ukrainian ‘Kill Teams’ Using U.S.-Supplied Black Hawks to ‘Carry Out Assassinations Inside of Russia’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Ukrainian special forces “kill teams” are using US-supplied Black Hawk helicopters to carry out cross-border assassinations inside of Russia, according to a new report from The Times.

The US specifically told Ukraine not to use US-supplied equipment to attack inside of Russia at the start of the war to avoid dragging the US into the war and risking WW3 but now they’re just looking the other way as Ukraine is regularly striking Russian territory (most likely using US-supplied intelligence).

Ecuador’s Outspoken Anti-Narco Presidential Candidate Assassinated In Broad Daylight

from ZeroHedge:

Ecuador has declared a countrywide state of emergency for 60 days the morning after presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was gunned down at a campaign rally in the capital, Quito.

Video of the assassination is widely circulating, showing an assassin firing multiple shots at close range while Villavicencio entered his vehicle on a crowded streets. He had just spoken at a high school before an audience of young supporters.

China Buys 23 Tons Of Gold In 9th Straight Month Of Purchases, Total Rises To Record 2,137 Tons

from ZeroHedge:

Not only is China ravenously buying up all the physical gold it can get its hands on – something it has been doing pretty much non stop since 2009, for the most part covertly with occasional periods of public disclosure meant to achieve specific political goals – more importantly, it is letting the world know it is buying up all the physical gold it can get its hands on.

On Monday, the Chinese central bank revealed that in July it increased its gold reserves for a ninth straight month as central bank purchases – in big part out of China – continue to underpin the price of the precious metal, offset selling by ETFs.

France, Niger and Why Five Basis Points Continue to Change the World

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

Lenin famously said there are years where nothing happens and weeks where years happen.  That was last week, especially in geopolitics.  Let’s start small with an article from Zerohedge discussing the latest H.4.1 data from the Fed’s balance sheet.

It came with this headline:

Biden’s Energy Sec Held Secret Talk With China Before Tapping Into Oil Reserve

by Luis Miguel, The New American:

The energy decline of the United States has been one of the most prominent features of Joe Biden’s tenure in the White House. New reporting raises the question: Is all of this deliberately orchestrated in coordination with America’s enemies?

According to previously undisclosed meetings revealed in internal Energy Department calendars obtained by Americans for Public Trust (APT) and shared with Fox News, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met with her Chinese counterpart, China National Energy Administration Chairman Zhang Jianhua, right before the administration’s 2021 announcement that it would release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to fight nationwide high gas prices caused by Biden’s own energy policies.

Target China

by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

The Biden Administration is implementing a plan to draw Taiwan into a direct military confrontation with the People’s Republic of China. The plan bears many similarities to the strategy that was used in Ukraine where Russia was goaded into invading the country in response to emerging threats to its national security. In this case, Beijing is expected to react to mounting challenges to its territorial integrity by US proxies and their political allies operating in Taiwan. These incitements will inevitably lead to greater material support from the United States which has stealthily worked behind the scenes (and in the media) to create a crisis. The ultimate objective of these machinations, is to arm, train and provide logistical support for Taiwanese separatists who will spearhead Washington’s proxy war on China. According to a number of independent reports, there is already growing operational collaboration between the Taiwanese Army and US Armed Forces. That collaboration will undoubtedly deepen after hostilities break out and the island is plunged into war.

NEW – Saudi Arabia asks its citizens to “quickly leave” Lebanon.


Gold and Silver No Longer Subject to State Capital Gains Taxes in Arkansas

by Michael Maharrey, Schiff Gold:

On August 1, a law making gold and silver legal tender in Arkansas went into effect. The new law also effectively repeals the state capital gains tax on gold and silver.

Enactment of this legislation will relieve some of the tax burden on investors, and take a step toward treating precious metal bullion as money instead of a commodity.

Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R) and Sen. Jonathan Dismang (R) sponsored House Bill 1718 (HB1718). The law makes “gold and silver specie” legal tender in the state, meaning it is recognized as a medium of exchange. Practically speaking, this will allow Arkansans to use gold or silver coins as money rather than just as mere investment vehicles. In effect, it will create a more favorable legal structure for using gold and silver in transactions.

Poland’s 50/50 gold buying: 50 tonnes bought over 3 months, but another 50 tonnes to go


by Ronan Manly, BullionStar:

Poland’s central bank, Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP), is officially the biggest central bank gold buyer in the second quarter of 2023, having accumulated a massive 48.52 tonnes of monetary gold between April, May and June of this year. This is the first time in nearly 4 years since the Polish central bank last bought gold for its reserves.

This large concentrated buying by the NBP during Q2 also puts the Polish central bank in third place globally for gold buying during the first half of 2023, behind China and Singapore.