Monday, October 7, 2024

Waiting for BRICS…

by Alasdair Macleod, Schiff Gold:

The sell-off in precious metals which started in late July continued this week, but its momentum slowed with silver even showing a modest gain on the week so far. In early European trading, gold was $1892, having traded down to $1885 yesterday, for a net fall of $19 on the week. Silver was $22.78 having traded down to $22.30 on Tuesday but is up just 10 cents from last Friday’s close. On Comex, turnover in the gold contract was subdued, but in silver it was moderate to healthy.

Stunningly Low Prices – A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket

from The Conservative Treehouse:

I wouldn’t normally write a post like this, but WE ARE NOT going to find this level of ground reporting anywhere in U.S. media.   As you might be aware, I have been doing extensive research on the Russian economy specifically with the outcome of western sanctions.

In his video a Youtuber I follow visited a local supermarket, similar to a WalMart Super Center to share information for his USA followers.

Dig It! #197: NEW Links Between Bidens, Clintons & China

from Corey’s Digs:


Will the Seas Soon Be Ruled by a BRICS Naval Contingent?


by Phil Butler, New Eastern Outlook:

In the run-up to the 15th BRICS summit in South Africa, the Chief of the South African Navy, Vice Admiral Monde Lobese, told a gathering of BRICS naval brass of his country’s excitement over the current reshaping of the geopolitical landscape.

Visiting Russia’s annual Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg, Admiral Lobese joined heads of state from the Republic of Congo, Mali, Eritrea, and Burkina Faso, who had just attended the Russia-Africa Summit last month.


from SGT Report:

Alastair Still the CEO of Gold Mining Inc. is backed to discuss the generational opportunity in gold silver and copper as he explains how buying shares on GLDG today results in investors getting a lot of free gold and tangible assets which are not currently reflected in the stock price.


This video was produced on behalf of GoldMining Inc, and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC and/or affiliates. For our full disclaimer, please visit:

Democratic Party News Media’s Thirst for Russian Blood

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

On August 14th, one of the Democratic Party mainstream ‘news’-media, NBC, deigned to do an on-air interview of RFK Jr., who is running in the Democratic Party’s primaries to be the 2024 Presidential nominee instead of Biden, and this occasion offered the best presentation I’ve yet seen of how radically against Biden RFK Jr. really is on the Ukraine issue (the issue that’s the likeliest to bring WW3, so it’s probably the most important of all the world’s issues). His historical account had the time-line — the sequence of events in this matter — mixed-up, but was otherwise, so far as I’m aware, entirely truthful about what the key events were, and about the U.S. Government’s deeply shameful actions regarding Ukraine, which have led to this war.



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Maui is burning, the Quislings in charge of “the West” are betraying their countries, doubling down on a sanctions war against Russia they cannot win, and willing to fight that war to the last drop of Ukrainian blood; the western economies are a trash heap of “financial instruments” and – surprise surprise! – the West has discovered that it cannot sustain a major industrial war against Russia because it shipped its manufacturing capacity overseas decades ago, so, too bad for the Ukraine which chose to believe all those empty promises about arms aid that it can’t even provide enough ammunition for.

The West is fighting to hold onto its waning hegemony

by Veniamin Popov, New Eastern Outlook:

The Western nations are currently concentrating their efforts on preserving their dwindling supremacy by primarily retaliating against the actions of their biggest rivals, Russia and China.

At the same time, they are eager to push for a new model of world order in which they could be in control. The idea of population control and the establishment of a “world government” are strongly promoted by them in this regard.

The world’s demographics are changing: Europe is shrinking, China is shrinking, and India, a much younger country, is overtaking them as the world’s most populous power.

Mel K & Tom Luongo | Geopolitical Shifts While the U.S. Spins into Chaos

from The Mel K Show:


The West Loses Africa

from Peak Prosperity:


Russian Arsenal Unleashed: Highlights of the ARMY-2023 Military Expo in Moscow


from Sputnik News:

Some of the most advanced and efficient Russian armaments, many of which have already been tested in combat on the battlefields of the Ukrainian conflict, are going to be showcased at the ARMY-2023 military expo, which launches in Moscow on August 14.
The intense battles of the Ukrainian conflict, where NATO military hardware wielded and operated by Kiev’s forces ended up clashing with Russian-made gear employed by the troops quickly made one thing apparent: the Russian military equipment is not inferior to its Western counterparts.

Maui Wildfires Blamed on Climate Change, but Government Was the Real Problem

by James Murphy, The New American:

The catastrophic wildfires on Maui have spurred many to speculate on what caused such a tragedy on an otherwise lush tropical island. And, of course, many in the climate cult are simply closing their eyes, covering their ears, and shouting that climate change is the cause of this tragedy, and that everyone of us with our use of fossil fuels is personally to blame.

As of this writing, at least 93 are dead and the community of Lahaina lies in smoldering ruins as firefighters struggle to contain blazes on the island. People have been stunned to hear about a wildfire, of all things, devastating a tropical paradise. Such things are only supposed to occur in dry areas such as the American West or Australia — not on a lush tropical island.

D E V O L U T I O N — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

from SGT Report:

Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to discuss current events, the Karen Kingston situation and the possibility that DEVOLUTION is real. Pedo Joe Biden is the President of the bankrupt US Corporation and Donald J. Trump is the rightful President to the Republic of the 50 states. And the evidence and truth about the 2020 election coup will soon be known to all.

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JFK was taken out by the WAR MONGERS who seized control of America – Author Dick Russell interviewed by Mike Adams

from Health Ranger Report: