Tuesday, October 8, 2024

SCOOP: I’m told Billionaire donor and investor Barry Sternlicht was in China today and that he’s quietly pushing behind the scenes to have Joe Biden go to China to sit down with Xi JinPing


The whole world sees what is happening to Trump and understands why. The #WEF2030Agenda controlled politicians in the #USA are the ones behind this along with their #Globalist chums like #Sunak in the UK.


China to Implement Dress Code

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

China is considering a new control tactic by dictating what people can wear. We see this in numerous Islamic nations where women are forbidden from being in the public eye uncovered. However, China’s upcoming dress code is not due to religion. China is seeking to eliminate any attire that could be seen as anti-government or not aligning with Chinese values.

Chinese Gold Demand Improved in August

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

Chinese gold demand improved on multiple fronts in August.

China ranks as the world’s biggest gold market.

While the price of gold declined in dollar terms last month, it was up 1.8% in yuan due to Chinese currency weakness.

With prices rising, gold has outperformed most other assets in China, according to data from the World Gold Council.

Why Are We in Niger?

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

The July military coup in the west African country of Niger has once again brought attention to the fact that the US government runs a global military empire that serves Washington’s special interests, and not the national interest.

Before the coup made news headlines, most Americans – including many serving in Congress – had no idea the US government maintains more than 1,000 troops stationed on several US bases in Niger. But it’s even worse than that. A recent report in The Intercept suggests the Pentagon repeatedly misled Congress about the extent and the cost of the US presence in Niger.

Hoot of the Day: Argentina, a BRICS+ Nation, May Adopt the Dollar

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The leading candidate in the Argentina presidential election promises dollarization.

Libertarian Javier Milei  Leads Polls After Primary Shock

Reuters reports Milei Leads Polls in Argentina Election After Primary Shock

Argentina’s pollsters, caught out by the surprise win of radical libertarian Javier Milei in August’s presidential primary, now show him easing to first place in an Oct. 22 general election, likely ahead of ruling party economy chief Sergio Massa.

Biden Holds Bizarre, Rambling Press Conference in Vietnam


by Kristina Wong, Breitbart:

President Joe Biden held a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, on Sunday evening where he appeared confused and rambling, and eventually told the audience he was going to bed.

Biden, 80, made an awkward joke where he called the 1987 anti-Vietnam War movie Good Morning, Vietnam, a “song.”

“One of my staff members said, remember the famous song ‘Good Morning Vietnam’? Well, good evening, Vietnam,” he said to no laughter.

Reuters: Russian Bank Could Return to SWIFT Banking System

by Angeline Tan, The New American:

On September 8, Reuters news agency reported that Russia’s major agricultural lender, Rosselkhozbank, might obtain access to the SWIFT international banking system as early as this month, according to a UN letter dating back to late August. The news agency elaborated that the move was to prompt Moscow to return to the Black Sea grain deal suspended in July this year.


from State Of The Nation:

The Most Vicious and Vengeful, Evil and Wicked, Malicious and Malevolent, Nefarious and Noxious, Dangerous and Deadly, Odious and Repugnant Witch in the World!
SOTN Editor’s Note: Truly, the current United States Deputy Secretary of State — Victoria Jane Nuland — has proven to be the bane of our existence, both of the American people and the human race.   Of course, she is only the face, the frontman, of the well-concealed “secret society” that tyrannically rules the Earth realm.

The Dream Is Dead

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

The global desire to move away from the dollar as a medium of exchange for international trade in goods and services has gone from a discussion point to a novelty to a looming reality in a remarkably short period of time.

It’s impossible to check headlines without seeing a new story about major trading partners planning to substitute their local currencies (or in the BRICS case, a newly formed currency) for the U.S. dollar in payment channels supporting world trade.

Russian Air Defenses Down Ukraine Drones Over Moscow, Bryansk Regions & Rostov-on-Don City


from Sputnik News:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Air defense forces in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don destroyed two drones overnight, one crashed outside the city and another one in the city center, damaging vehicles and injuring one person as a result, Rostov Region Governor Vasily Golubev clarified early Thursday.


from SGT Report:

First China and now India have successfully landed animations on the “moon” and in upside down world you are expected to digest it all as fact despite precious little proof that these scientific “accomplishments” are real. And in the case of India’s moon mission, the animation on South Park is better. David Weiss and Jeran join me to discuss it and more.

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NUCLEAR WAR: Russia Activates Longest Range Nuclear Missile for Combat Duty


by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

On September 1, 2023, the Russian government announced that it had placed its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) on “combat duty.”

Russian media news outlet RIA quoted the head of Roscosmos — Russia’s space agency — Yuri Borisov, noting: “the Sarmat strategic complex has been put on combat duty.”

The Sarmat ICBM can be nuclearly equipped and was previously praised by Russian President Vladimir Putin for being able to hit “any target on Earth.” Many arms experts believe it is the missile with the longest range in Russia’s missile arsenal. NATO authorities have nicknamed it the “Satan II” for its perceived power and its being allegedly the longest range missile on the planet.

Top Climate Scientist Reveals the Key Fact He Deliberately OMITTED In “Climate Change” Paper to Pacify Woke Editors and Get His Paper Published in Top Scientific Journal

by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

A prominent climate scientist has come forward and admitted his role in deceiving the public on “climate change.” At the same time, he also exposed the inordinate power woke editors at scientific magazines have over the careers of actual scientists.

Patrick T. Brown, a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and doctor of earth and climate sciences, wrote in the Free Press that climate science must now fit into “pre-approved narratives” to receive publication by notable scientific journals. He also revealed that he omitted a key fact regarding climate change and fires in a recent paper for one of these journals.



from Black Pigeon Speaks:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/