Friday, September 27, 2024

Putin: Authorizing Long-Range Missile Strikes Against Russia Would Be an Act of WAR by NATO


by Christopher Tomlinson, The National Pulse:

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has flatly stated that any long-range missile strikes carried out by Ukraine against the territory of Russia will constitute an act of war against the Russian Federation by NATO.

He warns that if Ukraine is empowered to strike Russia with long-range missiles supplied by NATO, the alliance would be at war with his country:

University Faculty and Jewish Rabbis Join Students in the Largest Anti-war Protests on U.S. Campuses Since the Vietnam War

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

In a major story that has been vastly under-reported in the U.S. media, but is now becoming headline news, anti-war student protests against the Israeli war in Gaza are continuing to increase on campuses all across the United States, something not seen on American University and College campuses since the 1970s and the anti-war protests over the Vietnam War.

U.S. media and politicians from BOTH the Republicans and Democrats continue to call these protests “antisemitic” protests, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Tornadoes, Hail And Chemical Ice Nucleation, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


Drone Attacks in Moscow: What’s Known So Far

from Sputnik News:

After the drone attack on the Kremlin in Moscow earlier this month, UAV launches have been banned in Moscow and in many parts of the country.
Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said several buildings in the Russian capital were slightly damaged this morning in a drone attack.

NUCLEAR EXTORTION! What could go wrong?


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: This rapidly developing nuclear threat is — BY FAR — the most serious and consequential conflict on the global military chessboard today.

Kiev Crazymakers Now Attacking Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

Does the US-UK-UA-NATO Terror Group really believe that Russia will not react with fury should the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant be bombed?

The Stage Is Being Set For The Biggest War In Human History

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Most people don’t realize this, but all of our lives are about to change.  We are moving into a time of global war, and the death and destruction that we will witness will be off the charts.  World War I was supposed to be “the war to end all wars”, and it resulted in approximately 20 million deaths.  It was a truly nightmarish conflict, and those living at the time thought that we would never see anything like it again.  But then World War II erupted, and it resulted in approximately 75 million deaths.  Sadly, global leaders seem to have forgotten the lessons of World War II, because now the stage is being set for the biggest war in human history so far.  During World War III, billions of people could die.  Unfortunately, it appears that there will be no turning back now.

Russia strikes Ukraine’s energy infrastructure – MOD


from RT:

Officials in Kiev claim that 15 regions were targeted and that emergency blackouts were activated

The Russian military has conducted a series of strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has confirmed. Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged that the country has experienced one of the most extensive barrages in recent months, causing widespread power outages.

Russia promises ‘symmetrical response’ if West seizes assets

from RT:

Ukraine’s backers have been mulling ways to confiscate the frozen funds in order to aid Kiev

Moscow will respond in kind if the West goes through with threats to confiscate Russian assets blocked abroad, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov warned in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Monday. He noted that Western states themselves still have assets in Russia that could be jeopardized if the frozen funds are tapped.


from SGT Report:

28-year military vet & jet pilot, patriot, husband, father and prepper returns to SGT Report to discuss a topic that has been “off limits” for the entirety of our lives, Zionism. Specifically Rothschild Zionism, the reason for war after war and so much human suffering on earth. Thanks for tuning in.

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True Story of the “Mutiny” Begins to Emerge

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Both US and Russian media have set in stone the false narrative of “Prigozhin’s mutiny.”  By publicly agreeing, Putin has validated the neoconservatives’ propaganda that he is weak and tottering and that the US can win in Ukraine if the US acts more forcibly. 

Nevertheless, the real story is coming out bit by bit.  Prigozhin’s protest march was directed at Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov who were forcing Prigozhin to turn the Wagner Group over to the Russian military command by July 1.—lawmaker-1111544635.html 

Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

by Ron Unz and Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

“Much of the current political legitimacy of today’s American government and its various European vassal-states is founded upon a particular narrative history of World War II, and challenging that account might have dire political consequences.”—Ron Unz

Question 1: Hitler

Let’s start with Hitler. In the West it is universally accepted that:

  1. Hitler started WW2
  2. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the first step in a broader campaign aimed at world domination

RFK Jr. Interviews Col. Douglas Macgregor On Ukraine

by Peter Mccullough MD, Corageous Discourse:

Presidential candidate has frank conversation with leading critic of U.S. government and MSM orthodoxy.


Demonstrating once again his extraordinary quality as a free and heterodox thinker, presidential candidate RFK, Jr. interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor about U.S. policy in Ukraine in the May 5 episode of his podcast. It would be hard to overstate just how much this interview is a departure from conventional MSM and U.S. government orthodoxy and practice. Colonel Macgregor is without question the most knowledgable and strident critic of the U.S. government’s (blundering and destructive) war policy.

BREAKING: WW3 FALSE FLAG PLAN LEAKED! – German Government PLAN For Global War With Russia In 2025!

from World Alternative Media:


World Economic Forum Wants to Make You a Serf

by Jim Bovard, Discern Report:

The January meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, should have set off alarms among freedom lovers around the globe. The annual confab of billionaires, political weasels, and deranged activists laid out plans to further repress humanity. But at least the gathering provided plenty of comic relief for people who enjoy elite buffoonery.

Self-worship is obligatory in Davos. John Kerry, Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, hailed his fellow attendees as “extraterrestrial” for their devotion to saving the earth. Greenpeace complained that “the rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate and inequality behind closed doors.” Being a climate change activist is “the privilege of rich and elite folks” who want to force people to use unreliable and ineffective wind and solar for energy, according to Daniel Turner of Power the Future.