Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

by Ron Unz and Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

“Much of the current political legitimacy of today’s American government and its various European vassal-states is founded upon a particular narrative history of World War II, and challenging that account might have dire political consequences.”—Ron Unz

Question 1: Hitler

Let’s start with Hitler. In the West it is universally accepted that:

  1. Hitler started WW2
  2. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the first step in a broader campaign aimed at world domination

Report: Saudi Crown Prince Threatened US With “Major Economic Consequences”

by Dave DeCamp, Activist Post:

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned the US would suffer economic consequences if President Biden retaliated for OPEC oil cuts that were announced last fall, The Washington Post reported.

The Post report cited a document allegedly leaked to Discord by Airman Jack Teixeira, although it did not publish the document. The report said MbS claimed “he will not deal with the US administration anymore” if Biden imposed “consequences” on Riyadh over the OPEC cuts like he said he would.

Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive Runs Into Defensive Wall

from Sputnik News:

Over the course of the past few days, Ukraine has thrown two of its best-trained, best-equipped mechanized brigades into offensive operations against entrenched Russian defenders in the Zaporozhye sector of the front lines.

Mission Impossible: Ukrainian Navy Nord Stream pipeline edition

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

On Nord Stream and Ukraine. The ruling class has no respect for your intelligence.

The Washington Post has published a new report, citing anonymous transatlantic intelligence sources, doubling down on the idea that Ukraine pulled off the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage attack without coordinating with a global major power in the process.

NEW – United States is reportedly preparing “evacuation plans” for American citizens living in Taiwan.

Busted Big Time… U.S., NATO Ultimately Responsible for War Crime of Kakhovka Dam Destruction

from Strategic Culture:

The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam is intended to bolster flagging public support for NATO’s geopolitical machinations in Ukraine. The fraud of “democracies” no longer holds any water. 

The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam this week is a monumental war crime tantamount to using a weapon of mass destruction against a civilian population. The ultimate perpetrators are the United States and its NATO partners in crime.

Russia ‘Destroys German Leopard And U.S. Bradley Tanks’ Grouped Together In An Open Field


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Video released on social media allegedly shows the Russians destroying a group of German-supplied Leopard tanks and US-supplied Bradley fighting vehicles in Ukraine as they grouped together in an open field.

The Liberty Man John Moore reveals INTEL pointing to imminent conflict with Russia, China

from Health Ranger Report:


Unrelated Events Show Why Americans Should Be Prepared For Everything From Unbreathable Air To Nuclear War – Once The First Nuke Drops, It Will Be Too Late To Prepare

by Susan Duclos , All News Pipeline:

Everyone knows that the next world war will be nuclear.

We haven’t seen one expert claim differently, so as the war drums beat more loudly than ever before, with the Biden regime poking not only the Russian bear, but also being openly deceitful with China, both of which are nuclear powers, we are closer to World War III than ever before.

Add to that the lesser but not unimportant issues of an erupting volcano in Hawaii and out of control wildfires in Canada literally causing health alert warnings for air quality in the U.S.,  and we find ourselves feeling the need to be prepared for more than just grid down scenarios or food shortages.

NOW – Major fire with explosions in Hamburg, Germany.

NATO Escalates, Putin De-Escalates the War Stakes. The Only Game West Has Left Is Russian Roulette

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

NATO, which uses the word ‘de-escalation’ in such an abusive way it is almost comical, is forced to raise the stakes in Ukraine.

The law of unintended consequences can be marked by a week of media gaffes where so-called leading figures on the Ukraine war put their foot in their mouths and reveal not only how deluded and misinformed they are about the crisis but just how bad it is for the west.

The Greatest War Crime of the Ukraine War Changes Everything—BIG TIME!!! (Updated)

from State Of The Nation:

Now we see what Zelensky’s BIG counteroffensive is: BLOW UP THE DAM.
Really, what else needs to be said?
State of the Nation
Zelensky spent months trumpeting the supposedly game-changing Ukrainian Spring ‘counteroffensive’.

Big Sale By Turkey Dropped Global Central Bank Gold Reserves for First Time in a Year

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

A large sale by Turkey in April caused global central bank reserves to fall for the first time in over a year, even as central bank gold buying continued.

Official global reserves dropped by 71 tons in April, according to the latest data collected by the World Gold Council.

While the overall drop in global reserves was significant, it does not reflect an about-face by central banks and doesn’t likely signal a new trend. It was primarily the result of an 81-ton sale by the Central Bank of Turkey.

Russia Claims Ukraine Considered Using A “Dirty Bomb” Attack

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Ukrainian military intelligence considered detonating a “dirty bomb” on Russian territory, the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Moscow has claimed. The FSB accused Kyiv’s military intelligence of plotting to smuggle a radioactive device using light aircraft.

A dirty bomb is a conventional explosive device covered with radioactive material, which contaminates a large area around it after detonating.

Preparations for the “terrorist attack” were revealed during an investigation into Kyiv’s use of light planes for clandestine missions against its neighbor, the agency said according to a report by RT.