Saturday, September 14, 2024

Court Rules Biden Admin Violated First Amendment Rights Of COVID Critics

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Censorship is not just an attack on the free speech rights of the speaker; it is a coordinated effort against you, the citizen, and your right to information. It aims to perpetuate power by silencing dissent and destroying opposition.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed this principle on Friday night when it ruled that the White House, the FBI, and the CDC violated the First Amendment by encouraging and coercing social media companies to suppress free speech.


from SGT Report:

Ray Vahey the founder and CEO of Bitchute joins me to discuss YouTube and Google’s tyranny, Bitchute, free speech and the war against humanity. Thanks for tuning in.

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Elite Crackdown On Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies

by Michael Shellenberger, Activist Post:

From North America to Australia to Europe, elites seek censorship, privacy invasions, and the prosecution of wrongthink as “pre-crime”…

The leaders of nations, representatives of international organizations, and philanthropists say they are committed to creating free and open societies. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook has independent fact-checkers, is open to all perspectives, and doesn’t interfere in elections. And, in response to questions from a colleague at Public, a representative from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations insisted the philanthropy supported free speech.


by Fernando De Castro, The Gateway Pundit:

The socialist President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has overturned all the policies of former President Jair Bolsonaro that eased access to firearms in Brazil and led to a reduction in crime in the country. Lula’s dictatorial decision confirms his intention to control firearms among citizens in Brazil, as previously anticipated by TGP in May.

The new gun decree introduces new restrictions based on left-wing ideological criteria rather than technical aspects. The new law prevents civilians from acquiring firearms and prohibits citizens from buying .38, .40, .45, ACP, and 9mm caliber guns. Lula has also banned the purchase of semi-automatic firearms.

Facebook Admit They Censored ANYBODY Biden Admin Told Them To: “We Didn’t Ask Questions”

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Facebook have been forced to admit that they unquestioningly censored everybody and anybody that the Biden administration ordered them to, according to newly leaked emails.

A leaked email from 2021 written by the company’s president of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, to colleagues, states: “We were under pressure from the Biden administration and others to do more,” adding “We shouldn’t have done it.”

1st Amendment is Slowly Being Taken Away

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”- This is our first amendment right which was signed in 1791. According to a recent poll, it is said that 55% of Americans believe that the government should have a say in restricting false information online and then 65% of Americans believe that Tech companies should remove content on what they believe is misinformation. I am not sure why anyone would think that this is a good idea. If our sources of information are regulated (which most of it is), and everything is being portrayed how the government wants us to see it- we are provoking the constitution ourselves.

The scariest poll you’ll see this summer

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

A majority of Americans – and an overwhelming number of Democrats – no longer support First Amendment protections for free speech.

The government should restrict “false” information online, even if doing so blocks people from “publishing or accessing information,” 55 percent of Americans said in a large poll released Thursday. Only 42 percent disagreed.

The antipathy to free speech represents a sea change in attitudes in just five years. It is driven by a powerful new hostility to First Amendment rights on the left.

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took under Marxism. I find it ironic that all we hear is that China is this horrible communist government that suppresses free speech when the United States is doing the same. I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell with a friend to visit his family trapped there. If anyone was close to us, the rhetoric of how wonderful the government was became the speech. Then came the truth when we were alone. This is where we are headed.

Who Qualifies as “The Press” Under the First Amendment?

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D., The New American:

It is an easy step from restraining the press to making it place the worst actions of government in so favorable a light, that we may groan under tyranny and oppression without knowing from whence it comes. — “Cincinnatus” No. 2

The First Amendment is clear:

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….

If the Constitution is to be respected as the “supreme law of the land,” then any attempt by a government official to prevent a person’s access to the press is unconstitutional and historically one of the first steps toward absolute tyranny.

Greenwald: Ex-Spies Run Censorship Operations for Tech Giants

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

On a recent episode of his show ‘System Update,’ journalist Glenn Greenwald explained how the ‘censorship-industrial complex’ merges corporate media, big tech and the security state to crack down on dissent.


from Smoke&Mirrors:


OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

Ireland passes controversial hate speech law: Those caught “misgendering” someone will face five years in prison

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

If you live in Ireland and refuse to play make-believe with a transgender and its mental delusions about being something other than its natural biological sex, you could be thrown in the slammer for up to five years.

Dubbed an “anti-hate speech” bill, legislation that is moving through the Irish parliament right now received 110 votes in favor and just 14 against, despite widespread public opposition to the Orwellian nightmare it threatens to unleash on the normal parts of society that still exist.

Lies are the biggest weapons. Censorship increases their power.

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

In human affairs, lies are the biggest weapons, because weapons are used in order to control (or maybe even kill) the given target, and the main way to do that when the target is another human being, is to deceive that person, so that that person mentally becomes the liar’s slave.

For example, it worked this way, during the build-up, starting on 7 September 2002, to America’s invasion of Iraq, which was based totally upon lies from the White House, which succeeded at enslaving the U.S. public to support doing that criminal invasion, which destroyed Iraq and caused the U.S. Government to be hated by virtually all Iraqis.

DC Court Obliterates US Bill of Rights

from Reese Report: