All evidence points towards the Deep State pulling something big Monday.
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 4, 2025
All evidence points towards the Deep State pulling something big Monday.
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 4, 2025
from State Of The Nation:
First, read this highly informative and illuminating exposé on OPERATION GLADIO, the military terrorist arm of NATO (aka the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)
In point of fact, the United States of America has likewise been targeted by a similar nonstop campaign of Gladio-style terrorist attacks since the University of Texas tower shooting on August 1, 1966. Actually, a strong case could be presented that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the C.I.A. marked the beginning Operation Gladio C in the USA.
from Dustin Nemos:
by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is telling the public to brace themselves for the evil deeds that will be done to try to keep President Elect Donald Trump from taking office. This includes a false flag nuke that will be blamed on Russia. One side of government is trying to nuke America, and another side of government is trying to stop it. This is what some say all the drone traffic is about. Quayle explains, “A false flag is when you initiate an illegal act. In this case, we are talking about the detonation of not only ‘dirty bombs’ but also nuclear warheads. The rumors are there are active nuclear warheads. . . .They that hate Trump and want to literally destroy this country to save the majority of the Democrats and Republicans that appear to have an affinity for China. That came out in the Australian News about how many US politicians are on the China payroll.”
by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:
The ongoing Drone Psyop is still making headlines today in both the corporate and “alternative” media, with seemingly everyone chipping in to give their opinion about what is really happening.
We are going on almost 4 weeks now where the “headline” news in the U.S. has been obviously following a carefully written script to get the public’s attention. It started with the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, which amazingly stayed in the news cycle as the headline story for over 3 weeks.
Get ready for the "cosmic false flag" of a fake alien invasion!
— HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) November 29, 2024
from SGT Report:
So the persecution of Patriots in the United States continues. As 68-year old Gold Star mom Tina Peters is about to be sentenced to prison for defending election integrity in Colorado, James Fetzer PhD is facing a crooked judge in Madison Wisconsin for daring to question the official story surrounding the events on Dec 14, 2012 in Newton CT at Sand Hook Elementary. As you’ll learn in this interview Fetzer is living through an episode of black mirror. This one will blow you away.
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from State Of The Nation:
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides indisputable proof that all of the Apollo Moon landing propaganda and prevarication presented a fake Moon landing. In other words, NASA’s own official reports completely debunk their entire moon landing narrative—CONCLUSIVELY!
A rabbi talking about false flag operations:
"Drop a missile on Al Aqsa and blame it on the Iranians so the Arabs and Iranians can wipe each other out."
— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) August 14, 2024
from SGT Report:
It’s now perfectly clear to anyone who can THINK that the US Secret Service has been lying about every single detail about the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, PA on Saturday, July 13th. New video from Fox News from the Trump rally clearly shows the shooter walking on the roof of building 6 from a vantage point much lower than the Secret Service sniper’s vantage point. There is NO WAY they didn’t see the shooter (or hear him on the roof), but they allowed the assassination to attempt instead of taking out the shooter. Journalist Daniel Fournier joins me to discuss the latest in this developing story about treason and the shadow government.
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from TheCrowhouse: