Thursday, January 2, 2025


from SGT Report:

As the NWO push toward a global government ramps up, UFO’s and aliens are on the mainstream “news” on a regular basis which calls to mind Wernher von Braun’s warning that the “last card” they would play is the alien card “and all of it is a lie”. Researchers Laura Eisenhowser and Patty Greer join me to discuss the UFO-alien agenda as we try to separate facts from fiction.

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The US Government and the Bidens Are…Wait! Look! UFOs! Aliens!

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

I watched a lot of X-Files as a teenager.  My best friend had a big crush on David Duchovny, and we would watch episode after episode with Mulder and Scully investigating mysterious situations, usually involving aliens.

But we knew it was silly. Nobody really believed in aliens, right?  It was just crazy people in the desert that thought UFOs were real.  Or people giving fuzzy photos to the National Enquirer.  Nobody respectable talked about aliens.


from SGT Report:

Author Donald Jeffries returns to SGT Report to discuss current tyrannical events and his new book about the greatest psyop in world history: Masking the Truth – How Covid-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties. Thanks for tuning in friends.

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Taibbi: It’s Like Media Outlets ‘Get a Memo to Not Cover Stuff’ Like Biden Influence-Peddling Charges, Twitter Files

by Ian Hanchett, Breitbart:

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” journalist Matt Taibbi stated that he believes there has been a lack of coverage of allegations of influence-peddling against President Joe Biden because “it happens to be politically inconvenient” and stated that it almost seems like members of the media “just get a memo to not cover stuff.”

Taibbi said, “I think a lot of journalists of an older generation feel the same way, which is, once upon a time, most reporters didn’t really care who was in office. If they were corrupt, if they did something wrong, we’d do the reporting. It didn’t really matter to us. The idea that you would non-report something like the Biden story because it happens to be politically inconvenient would have been inconceivable, I think, in the mainstream press, even a dozen years ago.”

‘Boiling Oceans’ Alarm Sounded by Media – But No Mention that Total Ocean Heat Has Risen Just 0.03% in 125 Years

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

In early April, the Guardian ran a story reporting that the world’s ocean surface temperature was at an “all time high” of 21.1°C, and this was leading to “marine heatwaves” around the globe. “The current trajectory looks like it’s heading off the charts, smashing previous records”, said arch-climate activist Professor Matthew England from the University of New South Wales. The story did what it was supposed to do and upped climate alarm, but, curiously, less publicity has been given to the recent fall to 20.8°C in just seven weeks.

Is the deep state pushing the UFO/alien narrative on conservatives?

by Michael Iachetta, American Thinker:

I recently pointed out on American Thinker that Matt Walsh, after his huge Twitter triumph last weekend, immediately published two controversial posts claiming aliens are real on his Facebook page. Walsh’s readers are reacting: as of this writing, the first post has 1.3K comments and the second 4.9K.

Knowing that Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has long spoken of Twitter as a tool of the deep state, I visited that site to see it if was covering the alien UFO issue. Sure enough, it was, but in a form I did not expect: a feature on Tucker Carlson’s new show on Twitter, which debuted the same day Walsh posted his views on UFOs on Facebook. (The alien connection wasn’t mentioned by Sundance but noticed by his readers in the comments.) In his monologue about the latest news in Ukraine, Carlson mentioned  (starting at 6:50) the same UFO story that prompted Matt Walsh’s post:

SELCO: “The media manipulated people, bombarding us with fear and hate” during the Balkan Wars. Sound familiar?

by Selco, The Organic Prepper:

Editor’s noteA point I’ve been harping on a lot lately is how we in the United States have been divided by politics and the media lately. Many have become callous and lost their humanity. People have begged for laws and rulings against others but don’t like those laws and rulings when it later applies to them. The media is adamantly promoting division. Advertisers are abandoning customers to abide by agendas. Our own government is labeling many of us as “terrorists” for the simple act of disagreeing.

It will ring familiar when you read this article as Selco shares how the media manipulated the population of the Balkans fanning the flames of hatred and fear. To paraphrase, if we don’t learn from history, we’ll repeat the mistakes, again and again. Don’t let yourself be manipulated by half-truths and hate-mongering propaganda.

Mainstream media asking Ukrainian soldiers to hide their Nazi patches from reporters

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Ukraine, and especially the eastern portion of the country, has a serious Nazi problem that the corporate media has been trying to conceal for many years – but no longer can.

Only recently was The New York Times forced to admit that Nazi ideology rules and reigns among Ukraine’s military and paramilitary – though the admission was reluctant due to the simple fact that the corporate media is having a really hard time stopping the public from seeing Nazi symbols on the helmets and uniforms of Ukrainian fighters while reading or watching the news.


from FireMedic8:


Who will replace Chris Licht at CNN?

Project Mockingbird Anyone? – Biden admin learned from a “close ally” that the “Ukrainian military” had planned a “covert attack” on the Nord Stream pipeline.

Media colluding with feds to lay narrative for ‘right wing’ attack on U.S. power grid

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

When the lights go out, it’s becoming clear who will be blamed

The media is not your friend.

That may sound like an overly simplistic statement, and yet look how many Americans marched in lockstep to the advice of the media over the last two-plus years when it came to taking a deadly toxic, spike-protein laced injection. I personally know many who wish they had not succumbed and taken those shots. Some will admit it openly. Others not so much. But you can see the distress in their eyes whenever the topic comes up.