Wednesday, January 22, 2025

WARRIOR MOM Tracy Slepcevic speaks out about her HEALING journey with a vaccine-damaged, autistic son

from Health Ranger Report:


NEW – Large multicenter study published in Nature finds “individuals with COVID-19 vaccination had a higher risk of all forms of retinal vascular occlusion in 2 years after vaccination.”

Flying Blind: FAA Failure To Protect Public From Vaccine-Injured Pilots

by Truth For Health Team, America Outloud:

The DOT, DOJ, FAA, the major US airline carriers (United, American, Delta, Southwest, Alaska Airlines), and the AIG Insurance Group are, at this point in 2023, guilty of at least criminally negligent homicide under U.S. laws that were derived from the Nuremberg Code.

These federal agencies and industry groups have been duly notified in sworn affidavits from legal and medical experts of the irrefutable evidence of the widespread damage and deaths from the COVID shots. This evidence came from the detailed medical records in the military’s DMED database and was delivered by one of the top Army Flight Surgeons to Senator Ron Johnson, who then confronted the Secretary of Defense about this crisis and threats to public safety.

Banking Bummer Not Over, Crash Coming?, CV19 Vax Deaths Ignored

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The banking bummer Jamie Dimon said was over is far from over.  More banks are going down and more banks are finding themselves in deep financial trouble.  The banking collapse of 2023 is already far greater that the banking collapse that touched off the so-called “Great Recession” in 2008.  Did I say it was far from over?  In a new Gallup poll, almost half of all Americans are “worried” about their deposits in the bank.  That’s reassuring!!


from TheCrowhouse:


Genetically Modified Food & Animals Pose a Food Supply Risk & Missouri HB 1169

from Dr. Jane Ruby: