Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Recipe for $150 Oil

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

How do the wars in Ukraine and Gaza impact global economic growth and the U.S. economy in particular?

Both wars are ongoing and cataclysmic impacts may yet be felt. Here’s where events stand at the moment. Let’s start with the war in Ukraine…

From a strategic perspective, the situation in Ukraine resembles a smaller-scale version of the situation in Europe in late 1944. At that point, the Allies had successfully completed the D-Day invasion and liberated Paris.


from Truthstream Media:


Germany the Crisis in the Making

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

COMMENT: Marty, Germany is following your forecast, and even the courts just ruled that moving money from one designated purpose to another is unconstitutional. When will Germany wake up? Ukraine is destroying Europe, and they were the culprits that blew up the Nord Stream to hurt Russia but did more economic damage to Germany. Then Zelensky wants us to keep handing him money after he was responsible for our energy crisis. It is just unimaginable how idiots occupy our government.

ALERT: FALSE FLAG ON GRID? – Regulators Warn Of Grid Collapse THIS Winter! – JP Morgan Attacks Oil!

from World Alternative Media:


“Green Economy” Expected to Boost Silver Demand and Other Silver News

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

Silver is expected to play a significant role as the “green economy” evolves. The Silver Institute recently participated in a panel discussion titled “Silver’s Role in the Green Economy” at the London Bullion Market Association’s Global Precious Metals Conference in Barcelona, Spain.

This is one of several silver-related stories in the latest edition of Silver News published by the Silver Institute.

Silver Institute Chairman Phillips Baker emphasized that silver is a vital component in solar panel production and demand is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. While there are efforts to replace silver with less expensive substitutes, Silver Institute technical director Trevor Keel said that silver remains the critical ingredient in making solar panels functional, and it will remain so for quite some time.

Electric Vehicles Set to Be Auto Market’s ‘Next Big Flop,’ Says FreedomWorks Economist

from The Epoch Times:

A senior economic advisor for former President Trump has warned that waning demand for EVs suggests that they’re poised to be a massive market flop.

Stephen Moore, senior economist at FreedomWorks and once a senior economic adviser to former President Donald Trump, has issued a grim prediction about America’s electric vehicle (EV) market, saying EVs are poised to be automakers’ “next big flop.”

Despite Past Deadly Telecom Equipment Related Fires; Officials Didn’t Require Mandated Safety Measures for 5G Permit Applications

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post:

A growing number of Americans – including lawmakers and celebrities – have been trying to stop cell towers and antennas of all sizes, 5G and 4G, from being installed throughout their communities (see 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627).  In doing so, some Americans have convinced their local councils to pass protective wireless ordinances as well.  Sometimes that may not be enough though, like in Malibu, CA where officials now have some explaining to do.

Thursday Conversation – Chris Martenson

by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

Chris Martenson has been a friend for over a decade. Over the years, he has helped us with everything from financial guidance to warnings about Covid. He’s back today to give us the latest on the fading pandemic and the things that concern him most as 2023 begins to blend into 2024.

First of all, if you’re unfamiliar with Chris, his work and his website, you should be sure it check it out. You’ll find that the community there is a lot like TFMR…the primary difference is that the host is a lot smarter!

NEW – True costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of gasoline, a new analysis found.

Greenies Are All About the Green

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

There’s a lot going on in the world right now that bears close monitoring. But we can’t forget about the elites’ war on our freedoms.

You’ve no doubt heard about the “Green New Deal” — a set of government proposals designed to fight the “climate change crisis.”

If enacted, these laws would impose radical changes on nearly every facet of society, costing companies billions of dollars while diminishing our standard of living.

But anyone who examines the scientific facts instead of the pseudo-science and phony models knows that these government-mandated sacrifices are in vain.


from SGT Report:

Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to teach the history which Americans must understand before spending another dollar of our treasure and blood in yet another middle eastern war for Israel.

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The Seven Dirty Secrets of Solar Energy

by Lorraine Miles, American Thinker:

Four headlines struck me, over my morning coffee, this week.  They are headlines that I think will change forever our understanding of energy sources.  From Germany comes “Wide-Scale Bankruptcies in the EU’s Solar Sector Now Seem Likely” and “Germany to Fire up ‘Brown Coal’ Power Plants because of Fears of Energy Shortage.”  From Sweden, “Sweden Embraces Nuclear Energy,” and from France, “Nuclear energy now non-negotiable.”


from SGT Report:

Deep researcher Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to discuss the capstone people and the plasma fires. Directed energy weapons are now being used worldwide to separate peoples from their lands in order to usher in UN Agenda 2025 and steal the people’s birth right.

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Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing, One Year Later

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

With NATO moving to Plan B to fulfill their intent of breaking apart Russia, it is crucial that the reason behind it is made clear.  Seymour Hersh has provided part of the story — the Biden administration blew up the pipelines to prevent Germany from falling “under the sway of Russia.”  The deeper reason is rooted in the geopolitical doctrine of the British Empire, of acting to prevent a German-Russian alliance, which would threaten the power of the Anglo-American Unipolar Order.  German experts have offered a peace plan to end the war.

Germany Leads Europe in Ditching Net Zero Commitments as Reality Hits

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Things are not going well in Germany’s bid to reach Net Zero by 2045, says Ross Clark in the Spectator, “five years earlier even than Britain’s own unrealistic target”. As reality starts to hit, the scramble to back out of green economic self-harm becomes more and more frantic.

For months, the German Government has been trying to devise a way to save its heavy industry from high energy prices which are sending production fleeing to Asia. Just last year, chemicals giant BASF announced that it would invest in a new £10 billion plant in China rather than Europe, thanks to the cost of energy.