Friday, March 7, 2025

Government Secret UAP Program –They’re Using UFO Free Energy Technology!

by Paul Philips, Activist Post:

Because of the current energy crisis, we know that a vast number of citizens struggle to make ends meet with forever increasing energy bills. This energy crisis has ultimately been caused by power-hungry politicians tied into Big Oil, greed-based energy corporations making record profits, and special interest groups.

Further, the related self-serving governments involved don’t want you to know about certain highly effective alternative energy technologies. Alternative energy technologies don’t fit into the politically driven greed-based system because there are no gains to be made, and if allowed, would indeed severely undercut the currently thriving energy businesses.

GOP Lawmakers at UN Embrace Oil, Gas … & Democrats’ War on CO2?

by Alex Newman, The New American:

BAKU, Azerbaijan — The United States will move full-speed ahead on expanding energy including oil and gas, explained Republican lawmakers who arrived at the 29th annual United Nations climate summit in the wake of climate skeptic Donald Trump’s victory. It is a matter of national security, the members of Congress said.

However, the GOP congressmen also appeared to embrace some Democratic climate policies, and even the UN-backed government controls on carbon dioxide, a gas known to scientists as the “gas of life.” The Republicans also offered no resistance to the increasingly discredited hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 represent “pollution” that is causing dangerous “climate change.”

Get Ready for the Republican Carbon Market

by Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout:

Despite Republican rhetoric and Trump’s past policy on the Paris agreement, the incoming Trump administration is being heavily influenced by figures tied to carbon markets and efforts to implement dubious climate finance schemes.

While many Republicans for years have railed against the official narrative around climate change and many of the solutions promoted to mitigate it, climate finance is poised to make a comeback over the next 4 years, despite Republicans taking both the White House and the legislature by a significant margin. This is because many of the most influential names in the incoming Trump administration, as well as the previous one, have become intimately involved in creating carbon markets in recent years, while others have a long-standing track record of pushing carbon taxes and other forms of “carbon pricing.”

Why is the U.S. Department of Defense giving $90 million to a private corporation to reopen an old lithium mine in Western North Carolina?

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

The citizens of Kings Mountain, N.C., do not want the dust, debris, truck traffic and environmental degredation of a lithium mine in their community, but will their local politicians sell them out?

The United States is moving aggressively to bolster its national battery supply chain as globalists seek to force consumers into more expensive and less practical electric cars as part of their so-called Net Zero climate agenda.

In order to produce EVs, you need lithium for the batteries. Lots of lithium.

UK Government To Introduce ‘Electricity Rationing’ as Part of WEF’s ‘Net Zero’ Agenda

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The UK government has announced plans to introduce ‘electricity rationing’ for all citizens as part of the WEF’s radical ‘Net Zero’ agenda for humanity.

According to new government policy, this winter all citizens in the country will be required to severely limit the amount of electricity they use or face being cut off from using the grid.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Today’s blog is unusual because it is not about an article that was shared, but rather about a “tweet” on the former “Twitter” (now “X”) that was shared by V.T., and the “tweet” caused me to think about more connections and “combinations” of the sort I was warning about in last Monday’s blog.  The “tweet” or “X” was this:

Now why would a tweet about the deaths of people who have invented so-called “free energy” devices have triggered my thoughts today? Indeed, I’m so “triggered” that I had difficulty deciding whether or not to put this under the “Call it Conspiracy” tab or “Babylon’s Banksters” tab, and it could easily go under both. But again, why am I compelled to write about a “tweet” rather than about an article or normal blog?

Samsung’s new silver solid-state batteries are poised to revolutionize EVs with an impressive 600-mile range, 9-min full charge, and 20-yr lifespan.


from SGT Report:

XCEL Energy wants to innovate to zero by 2050. XCEL Energy is pure evil. And XCEL Energy put a SMART meter on our house the other day without our consent after we had already ‘opted out’ of their United Nations EMF radiation depop program SEVERAL TIMES… This is what happened.

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Biden admin’s $2.2 billion for power grid ‘upgrade’ will fund empowerment of artificial intelligence for surveillance state

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

This project sounds good on the surface but will do little to truly improve the reliability or security of the grid. It will supply AI with the power needed to surveil everyone 24/7

The U.S. Department of Energy is allocating $2.2 billion in grants for upgrades of the power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather events and accommodate more renewable energy. reports that the jolt of federal funding will add to private-sector financing to support eight grid upgrade projects across 18 states.

California Regulators Propose Taking Control of Oil Refineries to Tackle Price Hikes amid Green Agenda Push

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Regulators are proposing plans for the California government to take control of oil refineries to manage energy price hikes as the state pushes to advance green agenda policies.

State officials have proposed a variety of government intrusions into the petroleum industry to combat future energy price surges.

The proposals were revealed in a new report released by the taxpayer-funded California Energy Commission (CEC).

Half of EV Owners Experience Buyers’ Remose

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Consumers have been reluctant to make the switch to Electric Vehicles, and nearly half who have experienced buyer’s remorse. A new study by McKinsey & Co.’s Mobility Consumer Pulse polled 37,000 EV owners globally, 46% of whom said they are “very likely” to switch back to the combustion engine when purchasing their next vehicle.

One of my cars is electric and it is fine for shorter trips. It would be impractical to use it as a daily vehicle as charging the vehicle takes far more time than simply stopping at the pump. A long-distance trip would be improbable. Those who cited wishing to return to traditional vehicles said a lack of infrastructure (35%) was their main gripe, with 40% saying there are not enough charging stations on highways.

HISTORIC POWER OUTAGES WORLDWIDE! – Balkans Suffers Grid Collapse Not Even Seen In War! False Flag?

from World Alternative Media:


🇪🇨 – A widespread power blackout is reported in Ecuador after a “cascade disconnection” in the CENACE (Ecuador’s National Centre of Energy Control) systems.