Monday, September 16, 2024

Elon Musk TORCHES Brazil’s Lula and Justice Moraes, and Tells the Unvarnished Truth About the Country’s Rigged Election

by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

Brazil’s conservatives and freedom lovers are in a state of bliss watching billionaire Elon Musk stare down their very own Supreme Court Justice-turned tyrant Alexandre de Moraes, using the unvarnished truth to demolish his reputation, and subjecting the justice to a barrage of ridicule that he so deserves.

The story is very simple: not only is Moraes demanding that X suspend the accounts of prominent conservatives, against Brazilian law, and under the penalty of heavy daily fines, but he also ‘forbids’ the company from even mentioning the reason for their suspension – X would have to pretend they were struck because they broke the platform terms of use – which they have not.

Google Denies Election Interference After Report Cites Dozens Of Instances Helping Dems, Censoring Republicans

from ZeroHedge:

Google has denied a new report by the right-leaning Media Research Center (MRC) alleging 41 instances of “election interference” since 2008.

According to the report, Google has “utilized its power to help push to electoral victory the most liberal candidates…while targeting their opponents for censorship.”

Top Democrats Brace for Donald Trump Victory: ‘We All Are Prepared to Lose’

by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:

Democrats with deep knowledge of the Biden campaign acknowledged former President Donald Trump’s significant chances of completing the greatest political comeback in American history.

Democrats are right to be concerned. In March, Trump beat the odds and won five victories that firmly kept him on a path to reclaim the White House:

Loomer uncovers diabolical connection between Trump “hush money” judge and NY Attorney General Letitia James…

from Revolver News:

Just so you’re in the loop, it seems like the political elites are throwing a massive bash, and surprise, surprise—we’re not on the guest list. We see how all the big shots in the “Destroy Trump” club are in on it together, all bound by this wild, over-the-top obsessive hatred for Trump. For example, the judge handling the sham “hush money” case? It turns out that his daughter isn’t shy about her disdain for Trump, allegedly posting pictures of him behind bars on social media, even after a gag order was issued.

Media Research Center: Google Interfered in 41 U.S. Elections over 16 Years

by Lucas Nolan, Breitbart:

A new study by the Media Research Center alleges that Google has repeatedly interfered in U.S. elections, favoring leftist candidates and suppressing conservative voices.

Google, the ultra-woke tech giant that dominates online search and advertising, has been accused of a staggering pattern of election interference spanning over 16 years and 41 separate instances, according to a bombshell report from the Media Research Center (MRC). The study, conducted by MRC’s Free Speech America division, levels severe allegations against the Silicon Valley giant, claiming it has systematically utilized its immense technological prowess to sway electoral outcomes in favor of left-leaning candidates.

BREAKING: Another Leftist Judge Removes Trump From State Ballot

by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

On Wednesday, Judge Tracie Porter of Cook County, Ill., issued an order stating that the State Board of Elections “shall remove Donald J. Trump from the ballot for the General Primary Election on March 19, 2024, or cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed.”

Last year, left-wing groups launched a nationwide effort to exclude Trump from primary ballots, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. While most states have rejected these attempts, in December, the Colorado Supreme Court declared Trump ineligible. Maine’s Secretary of State eventually followed suit. Last month, the Illinois State Board of Elections ruled it lacked the authority to remove Trump from the ballot over alleged violations of the 14th Amendment. Judge Porter’s ruling unilaterally overturned their ruling.

Noncitizens Could Serve as Election Administrators

from The National Pulse:

Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas) has proposed a legislative measure restricting noncitizens, including illegal aliens, from serving as election administrators. The “No Foreign Persons Administering Our Elections Act” seeks to ensure the sanctity of the democratic process by limiting election administration for federal positions to US citizens only.

The measure is part of a broader Republican effort to maintain the integrity of the election process. It follows the appointment of Kelly Wong, a non-US citizen from Hong Kong, to the San Francisco Elections Commission after the city removed citizenship requirements for such positions in 2020.

BREAKING: Wisconsin voters pass law to BAN Zuckerbucks in elections…

from Revolver News:

NBC News:

Wisconsin voters on Tuesday approved a pair of Republican-backed constitutional amendments that will change how elections are run in the critical battleground state, according to projections from the Associated Press.

The first measure, labeled on the ballot as Question 1, will ban the use of private funds in election administration — often referred derisively to by conservatives as “Zuckerbucks.”

And here is the State of the Union,

BREAKING: Russiagate 3.0 Has Fallen Flat On Its Face

from The Alex Jones Show:


Illinois Judge Bars Trump from State Primary Ballot as Supreme Court Ruling Looms

by Paul Bois, Breitbart:

A judge in Illinois ruled on Wednesday to bar former President Donald Trump from the state’s Republican primary ballot, citing his alleged actions during the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter sided with Illinois voters who argued that the former president should be disqualified from the state’s March 19 primary ballot and its Nov. 5 general election ballot for violating the anti-insurrection clause of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment,” Reuters reported.

Tucker Carlson: It was a hundred percent stolen. Are you joking?