Monday, September 16, 2024

Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent—and GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit.


by Patrick Cleburne, The Unz Review: Editor Peter Brimelow writes: When the 2020 election controversy erupted, I decided that would not focus on it.’s Letitia James-drained resources, I thought, should be concentrated on our key issue: Immigration and the survival of the Historic American Nation.

The MSM and Big Tech, of course set up an echo-chamber of sloganeering and shadow-banning. But the major Conservative Inc. outlets, to my surprise, did very little.


from Ivory Hecker:



from SGT Report:

Major Jeffrey Prather joins me to discuss the crimes and treason of Joe Biden and his administration, including pizzagate and pedogate, the truth about which will rock the world to its very core. Please join & support Jeffrey Prather here:

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Mobile phone networks (i.e., Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile) allow Big Government to rig and steal elections: HERE’S HOW

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The great 2020 presidential election heist that delivered the White House to fake president Joe Biden instead of to Donald Trump, who rightfully won a second term, would not have been possible without electronic voting machines having been rigged with a two-way internet connection powered by one of the big three wireless networks: Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile.

These nationwide mobile phone providers allowed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Election Assistance Commission, and various leftist- and globalist-funded corporations, foreign companies, and private partners to monitor all election data in real time so they could implement the fix.

Massive 2020 Vote Fraud Was Never Addressed Before Trump’s Indictment

by Patrick J. McShay, State Of The Nation:

“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”
— Joe Biden  On the campaign trail in 2019

While former president Donald Trump continues to be harassed, and is now criminally charged for saying the 2020 election was rigged for Biden, new evidence continues to emerge that proves him right. If the public was aware of this evidence it would change the way the public sees the election, but the truth is, the criminal and complicit media refuses to cover these revelations.

The Muskegon Cover-Up: Gateway Pundit Investigators Visit Registration Fraud Epicenter and Find FBI Has Stalled Investigation and Silenced Officials, No Prosecutions in 3 Years

by Ben Wetmore, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Critical information for investigating the Muskegon Michigan voter fraud in 2020 is being illegally withheld from public review. Investigating systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election in Muskegon requires examining the 8,000-12,000 likely-fraudulent voter applications submitted by Biden campaign-financed GBI Strategies in October 2020, but those files have been withheld from public review on the argument that they are part of an ‘ongoing investigation’ by law enforcement.

Peeling Back the Rotten Michigan Onion

by Capt. Seth Keshel, Captain K’s Corner:

This piece isn’t intended to prove President Trump won Michigan in his reelection campaign of 2020.  I’ve already written that treatise, and my thorough scraping of all 83 counties in the Great Lakes State suggests Trump’s margin of victory would have settled around 8.5% in a fair election, which happens to jive with the trends in the state since Obama’s high point in 2008.

Blatant cheating, such as shutting out Republican observers at the TCF Center on Election Night 2020, is not all that makes the 2020 election suspect.  Michigan is losing population relative to the rest of the nation, growing by just 193,691 residents in the 2010s according to the U.S. Census Bureau, which is doing all it can to prop up so-called blue states and restrict the expansion of red ones.

D E V O L U T I O N — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

from SGT Report:

Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to discuss current events, the Karen Kingston situation and the possibility that DEVOLUTION is real. Pedo Joe Biden is the President of the bankrupt US Corporation and Donald J. Trump is the rightful President to the Republic of the 50 states. And the evidence and truth about the 2020 election coup will soon be known to all.

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Michigan Voter Fraud Uncovered

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

Today’s show is a special livestream episode on the Michigan voter fraud that was recently uncovered by the Gateway Pundit.

I’m joined by the leader of the Michigan GOP, Kristina Karamo, who witnessed the election fraud that occurred firsthand, and Benjamin Wittmore, who’s a wonderful attorney out of Michigan.

These two are heroes who are actually willing to fight. I’m fighting COVID and elections, anything that’s corruption-related.

Massive Voter Fraud Exposed? (Ep. 2064)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


BOMBSHELL: Michigan Law Enforcement Caught Covering Up Massive Election Fraud Scandal

from Bannons War Room:


Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – TIED TO JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN

by Jim Hoft, Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit broke a BLOCKBUSTER REPORT on 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

The investigation had been buried by politicians, government investigators and the press.

On October 8, 2020, only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female, whose name was later redacted from the police report, dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office. Clerk Meisch immediately noticed that the stacks of registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.

A New Day, a New Type of Election Fraud

by Jay Valentine, American Thinker:

Seems like every day, someone is finding new, fun types of election fraud. This is not accidental — this is exactly how industrial, at-scale, organized fraud is uncovered. We call it spiraling to accuracy.

When our team was hired by State Farm, GEICO, USAA, and other top insurers to stop organized auto fraud rings, we found the easy stuff fast — the equivalent of phantom voters.

Maricopa All Over Again: Ohio Special Election Plagued With Voting Machine Failures

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Voters go to their polling place to cast their ballots. They’re informed that the machines are jamming, but don’t worry because they can either leave their ballots in a special box or void their ballots and come back later.

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

An exclusive Gateway Pundit report by Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray

Special Thanks to Phil O’Halloran and Lori Skibo for their contributions and assistance with this story. The two election integrity activists obtained a copy of the State Police report and began investigating the story in June. Phil O’Halloran, now Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party’s Election Integrity Committee and Lori Skibo, Director of the MI GOP’s Poll Challenger Program, brought it to our attention and are assisting with our research of this story.