Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why Is Janet Yellen Panic-Calling CEOs?

from Birch Gold Group:

“Hello, Mr. Buffet? This is Janet Yellen and I have some bad news…” Composite of original photos by President of Ukraine and karlyukav

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen usually gets a good deal of media attention whenever the dramatic topic of resolving the “debt ceiling” comes up.

This week is no exception. Yellen warned, yet again, that severe economic consequences were imminent if the U.S. were suddenly not able to pay its bills:

Assassinating Vladimir Putin?

by Ron Unz, The Unz Review:

Early on the morning of May 3rd the Kremlin was attacked by two explosive drones, and although these were destroyed by the defenses, the Russian government claimed that the incident had probably been an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin.

I was skeptical at the time, but when Ray McGovern was interviewed a few days later he seemed to take the accusation seriously. Given his 27 years as a CIA Analyst, including serving as head of the Soviet Policy Group, I tend to trust his judgment on such matters:


from Arcadia Economics:


WATCH: SOLUTION TO European Energy CRISIS! – THIS Company Is Fighting Back!

from World Alternative Media:


Vera Sharav – Holocaust Survivor Says Smart Cities Are Modern-Day Concentration Camps

from mariazeee:


“It’s Just Not Safe”: Decades-Old Baltimore Business Closes Shop Because Of Crime, Blames Democrats

from ZeroHedge:

In cities stretching from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, New York City, Chicago, and numerous cities along the West Coast, progressive leadership has failed to enforce law and order. These crime-ridden metropolises are experiencing an exodus of businesses of all sizes due to a tidal wave of thefts.

The latest incident comes as a mom-and-pop business, operating in Baltimore City for more than four decades, has been forced to shutter operations because of numerous armed robberies.

Jody Rosoff, the owner of Doc’s Smoke Shop in Baltimore’s Highlandtown neighborhood, told local media Fox 45 that she has been robbed at gunpoint for the second time in six months and just recently had to shoot an intruder.

Ideological Echo Chambers Are Making Us All Stupid

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

American liberals just spent days raging at CNN for hosting a town hall with Donald Trump like it’s the worst thing CNN has ever done. CNN isn’t horrible because it “platformed” Trump, CNN is horrible because it’s an imperialist propaganda firm whose whole job is to deceive people into supporting the most depraved agendas of the world’s most powerful people. Hosting that town hall was one of the least evil things CNN has done.

If No Debt Ceiling Deal By Early June, Stocks Crash, The Economy Implodes, And Social Security Payments Don’t Go Out

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

We are being warned that there could be some real serious economic doom at the beginning of next month if the Democrats and the Republicans cannot agree on a deal to raise the debt ceiling.  Experts are telling us that the stock market will crash, the economy will immediately plunge into a recession, and tens of millions of Americans will not get their Social Security payments.  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that a U.S. debt default would begin somewhere around June 1st.  She can’t nail down the date precisely, because there is some uncertainty regarding how much tax money will come in over the next few weeks.  But what is exceedingly clear is that time is very short, and there are only four days when the House and the Senate are both scheduled to be in session before June 1st.  So the clock is ticking, and right now both sides are still far apart on any sort of a deal.

Toronto ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Pay-When-You-Can Cafe Shuts Down After Just One Year


from ZeroHedge:

A Toronto cafe for anti-capitalists, “The Anarchist,” is permanently shuttering after just 12 months in business after following a “pay-when-you-can” business model.

The Anarchist describes itself as an “anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop and radical community space on stolen land.”


from SGT Report:

Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^

Brad Peters is a tech expert who left his career when Intel tried to force him to take the jab. Brads began moving totally off the grid in 2016-17, and amidst all of Biden’s treason, looming food and energy shortages and open borders, Brad is well positioned to survive the coming collapse. I haven’t had Brad on the show in more than 5 years, but he’s back now for this important update.

Get ready, get storable food NOW – FREE SHIPPING & SAVE BIG:

GET physical precious metals NOW! SD Bullion:

Play it Again Uncle Sam… Debunked Syrian Chemical Weapons Card in Ukraine

by Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture:

The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.

Western media are now accusing Russian forces of preparing to use chemical weapons (CW) of mass destruction in Ukraine, thereby making the case for greater NATO military intervention.

The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows they are also complete duds, and that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.

Coronation of the New World Order, and the Pedos, Prostitutes, Perverts and Pinheads in Charge

from DollarVigilante:


Consolidating Control

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In an interview with Whitney Webb, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts discusses how central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will consolidate control of the financial system
  • Corporate media pushes the idea that you must put all your money with major banks to keep it safe, but this is a dangerous move
  • The big banks the media are trying to drive consumers to are engaged in criminal activities and allowed to operate above the law
  • When you have small, local banks and credit unions flourishing, it translates into healthy small businesses and small farms in the community
  • The most important thing you need to do to prepare financially is get yourself out of the control grid