Monday, September 23, 2024


from Jim Crenshaw:


Invisibility: Increasing OPSEC – Part 4

by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 3. This concludes the article.)


I’ll let the reader research computer, email privacy, and encryption on their own but I do have two things I’ll pass on.

When I hover the mouse pointer over a file in one of my computer folders, a box opens above it showing the author, title (which is actually my LibreOffice template name), computer owner, and date among other things. There are two ways to prevent this from exposing personal information about me than I’d prefer when I share documents or photographs.



from Arcadia Economics:


Planned Parenthood is laying off up to 20% of its workforce. What a darn shame.

by Jesse James, Not The Bee:

I tell you, this hurts the heart.

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer industrial-scale abortion corporation:

Planned Parenthood is laying off its national office staff and restructuring its organization, nearly one year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

The abortion giant announced that it would be cutting up to 20% of its national workforce citing “difficult economic conditions”, saying “reproductive freedom is in jeopardy”.

Such a shame!

Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers: 37 yo Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais was driven to suicide by his Moderna COVID-19 booster Injuries, plus 9 other swimmers collapsing & dying

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, Big Pharma isn’t very concerned about the vaccine injured. They are collateral damage in a multi $100 billion profit scheme and their plight can always be blamed on Long COVID or Climate Change.

But they fear suicides. A COVID-19 vaccine injured person driven to suicide can do tremendous damage to the fraudulent COVID-19 vaccine narrative about “safe and effective”. Especially if they document their nightmare. Such is the case of Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais.

And he is not the only swimmer to suffer COVID-19 vaccine injuries, in fact, swimmers are dying suddenly in very high numbers now.

‘Surveillance over every citizen on Earth’: Devious group looks to rule entire world

from WND:

‘The likes of which we’ve never seen before’

The World Health Organization has set its sights on establishing “a platform for global governance through health care.”

So warns former GOP presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was in attendance at the ten-day annual assembly in Geneva of the World Health Assembly, considered the “decision-making body of the WHO.” Bachmann, according to a report in the Washington Stand, says the international body is poised to expand the influence of WHO’s mandate over health-care decisions worldwide.

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

While France led the proponents of the UN Security Council Resolution that would create a no-fly zone in Libya, it claimed that its primary concern was the protection of Libyan civilians (considering the current state of affairs alone, one must rethink the authenticity of this concern). As many “conspiracy theorists” will claim, one of the real reasons to go to Libya was Gaddafi’s planned gold dinar.

One of the 3,000 Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve (where real news is sent to die quietly) has revealed evidence that NATO’s plot to overthrow Gaddafi was fueled by first their desire to quash the gold-backed African currency, and second the Libyan oil reserves.

Home sales in China PLUMMET drastically, putting world’s largest real estate market on the brink of COLLAPSE

by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News:

The real estate market of China, the largest in the world, is on the brink of collapse as enthusiasm from Chinese home buyers plummets drastically.

China’s real estate market was already in a state of decline in early 2023, but it experienced a short-lived rebound as the Chinese Communist Party ordered local government units to issue policies bailing out real estate companies. By the end of April, the mortgage rate for first-time home buyers in more than 40 major cities had dropped to below four percent, thanks to government intervention. However, this optimistic outlook failed to live up to analysts’ expectations by April. (Related: Home prices DECLINE in 31% of the US, mostly in Democrat-controlled cities where crime and high taxation are rampant.)

Dr Buttar Poison HIT-JOB: We’re Next on the Hit List?! Plus DeSantis Trump Debacle and Target

from Stew Peters Network:


Most Important Medical History Lesson We Must Never Forget

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • One of the most egregious lies spread by mainstream media hosts and health authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Rochelle Walensky was that the COVID “vaccine” would stop the spread of infection, thereby ending the pandemic. It was a provable lie, because none of the COVID shots had ever been tested to see if they could prevent the spread of infection
  • As hospitals filled up with “vaccinated” individuals who were supposed to be immune, the PR slogan “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” was endlessly circulated — until the reality of the situation finally became too obvious to ignore. Then, suddenly, hospitals and health authorities simply quit keeping track of COVID hospitalizations

AWK interview w/ Dr. Elliot – Unemployment DOMINO effect on ALL. Prepare now! PRAY!

from And We Know:


UnionPay overtakes Visa in global debit card transactions – Nilson Report


from RT:

The Chinese payment system has benefited from its expansion in Russia after US rivals left, research shows

Chinese payment system UnionPay has overtaken rival Visa on the global debit card market, research by analytical company Nilson Report has found.

According to the study, UnionPay’s share of debit card transactions reached 40.03% in 2022, while the share of Visa transactions was around 38.8%. The volume of settlements made through UnionPay cards was also bigger, reaching $16.227 billion against Visa’s $14.109 billion.

What Is the End Goal of TARGETing Your Kids?

by Patricia Anthone, America Outloud:

Pride Month, a month-long “celebration” contrived to promote every conceivable sexual behaviororientation, and identity (except the one on which families are built), has yet to officially begin as of this writing. And yet it has already been the subject of multiple, destructive and divisive corporate promotions which bypass the offering of the company to directly promote LGBTQIA+ lifestyles and ideology.   

Target has lost $ 9 billion to the boycott provoked by, among other things, their promotion of “tuck-friendly” garments for young boys. It has many asking how, in light of the crashing sales of Bud Light, could Target have so miscalculated the market for “Pride” merchandise?

The Vote Fraud Monster Is Coming for Ted Cruz

by Jay Valentine, American Thinker:

On the Memorial Day weekend, while most Americans played near water, the leftists impeached the strongest elected voice in Texas for election integrity — Ken Paxton.

Impeachments were history book items until Clinton, then two more for Trump and some predicting one for Biden.  Everyone kind of gets it.  It’s a political thing, with preposterous second-raters giving speeches about honesty, integrity, rule of law as they bend the rules to get their way.

Profiting from War and Death: The Organ Harvesting Business in Ukraine

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has issued a plea to deal with the “big business” of organ harvesting and called for close international monitoring of these illegal activities in the combat zone of Ukraine.

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. The activity of “organ harvesters” in the combat zone in Ukraine calls for close international monitoring and urgent measures, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

According to her, illegal organ harvesting in Ukraine is an “accepted and proven fact.”