Sunday, September 8, 2024

Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Earth Is Not Round But It Stunningly Backfires Providing Evidence That Debunks His Own Claims

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The belief in a flat Earth has gained traction over the years, leading to numerous attempts to prove this theory. However, a recent experiment conducted by a flat Earth proponent has inadvertently debunked their own claims.

Even though I ascribe to the notion of a round Earth, I very much like conversation and debate, not arguments, with people who promote the concept of a flat Earth. It is a fascinating topic if you like intellectual pursuits, which I very much do. In 2018, a flat earther spent $20,000 to conduct an experiment proving the earth is flat, and much to his chagrin, wound up showing just the opposite.

BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Investigation Began Due To Foreign Sex Trafficking Payments

from Bannons War Room:


Durham FIRE, Schiff censured, Titan, Blackrock, STORM! PRAY!

from And We Know:


Wearing Shirt Saying ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Not Protected Speech, Judge Says

from The Epoch Times:

School administrators were not infringing on a student’s constitutional rights when they ordered him to remove a shirt that said “there are only two genders,” a district judge ruled on June 17.

Massachusetts middle-schooler Liam Morrison’s lawyers said the order violated his First Amendment rights to free speech and his Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process, but U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani said the violations have not been proven.

U.S. Corn And Soy Crops Are At Risk As Drought Conditions Rapidly Spread In America’s Breadbasket


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Every time I write about this, conditions are even worse.  If you look at the latest map from the U.S. Drought Monitor, you will see that almost all of America’s heartland is now in some state of drought.  Much of Kansas is dealing with either “severe” or “exceptional” drought, and in previous articles I have written about how this will impact the winter wheat harvest.  But now areas that grow most of our corn and most of our soy are also getting absolutely hammered by drought.  If this drought in America’s breadbasket continues through the summer, we are going to have a very serious problem on our hands.

Robert Malone, SLAPP Lawsuits & Sanctioned Attorney Steven Biss

from Dr. Jane Ruby:


IMF CONFIRMS: GLOBAL CBDC INCOMING! – They Want A Technocratic Great Reset!

from World Alternative Media:


Peter Hotez’s War Against Science

by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Approaches for dealing with those who promote falsehoods and seek to silence the truth

Having previously posted the original version of this article, I think it necessary to cross-post the updated version now, which has become more relevant with the recent dust up between Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Bobbie Kennedy and Peter Hotez (with a particularly snide vice article thrown in for added spicing). Happy fathers day indeed. –

Note: This article was published as a guest post by Robert Malone four days ago so it could reach more people. Due to unexpected events that happened immediately following its publication on Twitter, I felt I needed to revise it to include them and republish it here.

SEC’s Binance, Bitcoin, Coinbase Suits Create Uncertain Future for Listed Tokens

from Peak Prosperity:


Report: Koch Network Plans Massive $100 Million Ad Blitz in Early Primary States to Stop Donald Trump

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

The massively wealthy and influential Koch Network is planning a $100 million ad blitz in an attempt to sabotage Trump’s chances in early primary states for the 2024 presidential election.

“The Koch Network put out kits to big donors saying they’re planning on spending all their time and energy to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee by spending 100 million in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada,” said Arizona RNC Committeeman Tyler Bowyer, who also serves as the COO of Turning Point Action.

Canadian Truck Driver Experiences Post-Vax Blackout While Driving, Government FORBIDS Him Working

from Tim Truth:


WHISTLEBLOWER: Federal Prosecutors Have Evidence Joe Biden Met with Hunter’s Chinese Energy Client CEFC

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

The House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday released devastating depositions detailing accounts of Biden corruption from two IRS whistleblowers.

The two IRS whistleblowers told lawmakers about the Justice Department’s effort to block search warrants and cover-up Hunter Biden’s tax crimes.

House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) on Thursday detailed MULTIPLE felony charges that whistleblowers said the IRS recommended against Hunter Biden.

WarRoom Battleground EP 319: The Refusal To End To Conflict In Ukraine

from Bannons War Room:


Smoking Gun FOIA Document Proves Fauci and the NIH Created Covid-19 FauciFOIACOVID-19

from The New American:


Full interview with Michael Yon, revealing how US government is FUNDING the “invasion camps” in Central America

from Health Ranger Report: