Friday, September 6, 2024

CIA: Most Powerful Organization in the World?

from The New American:


Obama Told Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Reveals

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Former President Barack Obama once wrote a letter to his ex-girlfriend telling her he “repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men,” biographer David Garrow revealed in a new interview with Tablet Magazine.

From The Daily Caller, “Obama Once Wrote To Ex-Girlfriend That He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says”:

The former president expressed his fantasies in a letter to a girlfriend at the time, Garrow told Tablet magazine in the interview. That letter has been redacted and is currently in the possession of Emory University, according to Garrow.

Efrat Fenigson: Catastrophic Risks of Solar Geoengineering

from The New American:


Former Pfizer VP says next manufactured covid-like crisis is “closer than ever”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

As part of their dark campaign to tip over the next dominoes associated with the Great Reset and massively reduce the world’s population, the globalists are eagerly gearing up to unleash another Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)-like public health crisis, complete with harsh lockdowns and other horrors, to get the job done.

According to former Pfizer vice president Michael Yeadon, the world is “closer than ever” to the unleashing of the next manufactured crisis, which just like covid before it will be completely contrived for the purpose of implementing maximum tyranny and terror on the masses, thus leading to a new world order with far fewer people.

California Is Testing Controversial Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Major privacy and civil liberties questions are still unanswered.

The DMV – the Department of Motor Vehicles – in the US state of California is now testing introducing “mobile” driving licenses (MDL) for its residents.

The pilot is at this time extended to about 2,000 drivers, and their job is to “actively use it and provide feedback.”

What’s happening here is that the California DMV has launched a mobile app, currently in a testing phase, and the main features are the drivers’ having the ability to upload not only their license to it, but also their ID.

Are federal taxes actually mandatory? Interview with Peymon Mottahedeh from Freedom Law School

from Health Ranger Report:





One in Four Chance of Another Pandemic in Next Five Years, According to New Government Analysis

by Richard Eldred, Daily Sceptic:

The National Security Risk Assessment reads like a doomsayer’s checklist, featuring nearly 90 major threats facing Britain, including AI, drone attacks and the possibility of a future pandemic worse than Covid. inews has the story.

There is up to a one in four chance of another pandemic occurring within five years, according to new Government analysis of potential major threats facing the U.K.

The National Security Risk Assessment, which weighs up almost 90 potential vulnerabilities, was declassified by ministers on Thursday.

Government’s Collusion With Social Media Is Worse Than You Realize

by Greg Salsbury, American Thinker:

Thomas Jefferson was no fan of newspapers but, when asked about choosing between government without newspapers and newspapers without government, famously answered that he would not hesitate to choose the latter. His observation reflected two things. Firstly, and obviously, newspapers were the dominant medium of his day and, secondly, he profoundly suspected government and, therefore, saw newspapers as a check on unfettered power. Today’s social media, though, would give him pause, for it is the government’s ally, not its watcher.

Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

from ZeroHedge:

Australia’s Office of National Intelligence, the equivalent of the US Director of National Intelligence, is funding a project to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

A team of researchers collaborating with Melbourne-based startup Cortical Labs received a $600,000 grant to merge biology with AI. The team has already demonstrated how roughly 800,000 brain cells in a Petri dish is capable of playing a game of “Pong.

New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated

from The Epoch Times:

New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study published in ImmunoHorizons.

Extended mask requirements allowed scientists at the University of Colorado to evaluate whether vaccinated individuals could transfer aerosolized antibodies generated from COVID-19 vaccines. Aerosols are a manufactured or naturally occurring suspension of particles or droplets in the air, such as airborne dust, mists, fumes, or smoke, that can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled.

Ashley Biden Confirms Dad Joe ‘Repeatedly’ Sexually Abused Her as a Young Child

from The People’s Voice:


De-Dollarization; and the Neocons Aren’t Going Anywhere: The World According Martin Armstrong

by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network:

Kerry interviewed Martin Armstrong about his new book on De-Dollarization and its potential impact on global financial markets. Armstrong argued that the US dollar’s dominance is backed by deep financial markets and that the creation of a BRICS currency is unlikely to replace it. He also discussed the geopolitical factors at play, including the Biden administration’s removal of Russia from Swift and the impact on globalization. Armstrong suggested that the de-dollarization trend is driven by geopolitical factors rather than deficits, and that the US cannot continue to threaten China and Russia while expecting them to lend money to buy bullets to shoot them. The conversation also touched on the banking crisis and interest rates, with Armstrong explaining that the primary problem is that interest rates were kept artificially low for too long in Europe, resulting in pension funds and banks losing 30-40% of their capital.

Shocking FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Moms About Safety of MRNA-Vaccines

from DailyClout: