Thursday, March 13, 2025

Unsound Monetary System | David Morgan

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

Today, Craig Hemke hosts silver expert David Morgan, founder of The Morgan Report, to explore key topics like the unsound monetary system, silver’s supply deficit, and its enduring value as an investment. Morgan shares market insights, 2025 predictions, and strategies for investors. Will silver rally next year? Find out how supply, demand, and market trends might shape the future.

DOGE will help save small businesses from being “crushed” by bureaucracy.


Banks are giving Americans “Personal ESG Scores — We now have a social credit system right here in the United States that has been installed quietly”

U.S. pension systems are on the verge of debt collapse

by Cassie B., Natural News:

Pension systems throughout the U.S. are falling deeper into what experts term “pension debt paralysis,” even in the face of record-setting contributions from state and local governments.

The city of Milwaukee was recently given a grade of D by Truth in Accounting for its financial position due to its pension system’s huge net liability of $2.1 billion. A report by the Legislative Audit Bureau on Milwaukee’s finances revealed that they understated their net pension liability by $851 million.

Repatriated Gold Reaches Historic Highs

by Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Gold Seek:

The share of global official gold reserves not stored at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York (FRBNY) and Bank of England (BOE) in London has reached 78% in 2024, from 51% in 1972.

The shift in this ratio appears to be accelerating and can be seen as a proxy for the West’s decline in financial dominance.

The Original Buildup of Foreign Gold in New York and London

“Gold is the bedrock of stability for the international monetary system,” wrote former President of the German central bank, Jens Weidmann, in 2019. Not surprisingly, no national currency has ever become the world reserve currency without a substantial amount of precious metal supporting it.

Arizona State Professor Defends Sex Trafficking

from Moonbattery:

The objective isn’t homosexual depravity in particular, but degeneracy in general. Why else would a college professor defend sex trafficking?

Arizona State University Professor Crystal Jackson condemned the “anti-trafficking movement” and “deviant framing” of “sex workers” during an event on campus last week.

That which liberals want to normalize, they euphemize. Just as “MAP” is their euphemism for pedophile, “sex worker” is Liberalese for prostitute.

Nobody Knew (Except Most Did!)

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Media mouth-breathers are shocked that Dementia Joe Biden would pardon his son for eleven years’ worth of crimes against the United States.  He said he would do no such thing!  He gave us his word — as a Biden!

Yeah, about that last bit — I don’t know exactly when Child-Sniffing Joe started referencing his family name as a way to assure the public that his promises are always kept, but the word “Biden” has been synonymous with corruption at least since the Delaware Dimwit first entered politics a half-century ago.  Personally, I think Liar Joe watched too much Game of Thrones and appropriated a version of “a Lannister always pays his debts” for his own crime family motto.

The Fed Rings a Warning Bell: Hedge Funds and Life Insurers Are Reporting Historic Leverage


by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

The semi-annual Financial Stability Report released recently by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors rang a loud warning bell about high levels of leverage at hedge funds and life insurers.

Wall Street watchers will no doubt recall that in 2008, during the worst Wall Street collapse since the Great Depression, Bear Stearns went under after it blew up two internal hedge funds the prior year and the giant life insurer, American International Group (AIG), blew itself up by acting as a counterparty to Wall Street’s derivative schemes and had to be taken into receivership by the U.S. government.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Defends Biden’s Pardon of Son Hunter Because of Course She Does (VIDEO)

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

While many Democrats are upset about Joe Biden’s pardoning of his son Hunter, because it makes them look like total hypocrites and liars, some people on the left are defending Biden’s decision.

One of those people is MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who is trying to tie Biden’s decision to Trump and his FBI pick Kash Patel.

‘De-banking’ alarm sounded: Feds running secret program to spy on your money

from WND:

‘It’s far more common than you might think. Thousands of Americans have had their accounts closed with little warning or explanation’

A new report from the Institute for Justice is warning Americans that their banks – and the federal government – secretly are spying on their money, their spending habits, their banking accounts and more.

What To Expect From Trump 2.0

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

With the 2024 election in the rearview mirror and Donald Trump set to take office on January 20, 2025, what will his second term mean for America?

Let’s review the good, the bad and the ugly to prepare you for what’s coming:

The Good

Trump will pursue a twenty-first-century version of what was originally known as the American System. This system relied on the following policies:

Elon Musk and Senator Mike Lee just shared a thread showing US Government is using our Social Security to fund anything they need extra money for



from SGT Report:

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

THE TRUTH STORM HAS ARRIVED. The mainstream CIA whore media and their affiliates are toast. Done. Finished. And they are freaking out, in the United States and in Europe. Meanwhile Trump is making some excellent appointments who are NOT jewish, and a warning to my dear listeners about the future and Bitcoin – and not owning any. Thanks for tuning in.

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French Government May Collapse, France Bond Yields Higher than Greece

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

A fiscal and political crisis is brewing in France over mandated debt brakes. Marine le Pen threatens to collapse the government.

Greek Bond Milestone

EuroNews reports Greek Bonds Mark Historical Milestone Against France.

During the darkest days of the eurozone sovereign debt crisis, Greek 10-year bonds yielded nearly 40 percentage points, or about 4,000 basis points, more than France’s government bond, as the hellenic country teetered on the brink of default, weighed down by a debt burden exceeding 175% of the gross domestic product, severe austerity measures, and the spectre of a “Grexit.