Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

In the early 1970s the US and much of the western world was shifting into a stagflationary economic crisis. Nixon removed the dollar completely from the gold standard in 1971 with the aid of the Federal Reserve (or perhaps under the direction of the Fed) which ultimately escalated inflation pressures. Europe’s post war boom came to an abrupt end, while prices on goods (and oil/gasoline) in the US skyrocketed up until 1981-1982, when the Federal Reserve jacked interest rates up to around 20% and created a deliberate recessionary crash.


from Stew Peters Network:


Yep – a hoax for gullible fools, suckers, and government bootlickers.

CBS News Pushes Bill Gates’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’ by Blocking the Sun

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

CBS News has aired a show that offered up radical suggestions for fighting so-called “climate change.”

Among those ideas, “CBS Saturday Morning” pushed a plan backed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros.

The plan involves blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the Earth using solar geoengineering.

The scheme would lower the planet’s temperature and allegedly combat “global warming.”

Weather As A Weapon? Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


Climate fanatics say there’s no room for personal choice if global warming is to be stopped: Everyone will need to decrease their standard of living by 75% – using force if necessary

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

In the near future, everyone on earth – except the “elite,” of course – will have to drastically reduce their standard of living in order to save the planet from the devastating effects of warm weather, according to the BBC.

In its “Future World” series, the BBC is telling viewers that it is no longer an option to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle” – it is a requirement if the planet is to be saved from man-made so-called climate change.

The IPCC Radical Climate Change Agenda Is a Neo-Marxist, Postmodern Value Narrative

by Jerome Corsi, American Thinker:

In combating the global warming (aka, climate change) movement, we fail to understand that the radical left today lives in a value-relative phenomenology shaped by a mixture of postmodernism blended with neo-Marxism. It misses the mark merely to refute the hoax science behind the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s decision to eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels.

The sad truth is that government-funded climate scientists know CO2 is not the control knob of Earth’s temperature. The postmodernist mind lives in the John Lennon world where “reimagining” is required to advance us into their carbon-free utopia. In this bizarre world, post-modernism rejects the Enlightenment’s confidence in a fact-based, rule-driven reality anchored by scientific proof that overrides subjective desires. To them, reality is a “language game” (in Wittgenstein’s terms) or, as they say, a “narrative.”

What We Get for $50 Trillion

from Moonbattery:

Let’s pretend for a minute that there is something wrong with the weather. If we let Democrats bankrupt the country by spending $50 trillion on climate worship virtue signaling, how much weather improvement do we get for the money?

Most readers know the short answer: none. Senator John Kennedy pries the long answer out of Biden Regime apparatchik David Turk of the Department of Energy (which should be abolished):

Magnetic Rain? (Activist Video)

from Dane Wigington:


Climate Cult Eco-Fascism Incoming! The Social Engineers’ Plan Is Multi-Layered & Tricky AF

from Tim Truth:


From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich

by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

Let us, who walk on two legs and not four, salute those unsung legions who fell to make this knock-off Caesar appear to be great.

Although MI5’s BBC outlet recently gave us a full roadmap to King Charles 111’s Coronation, this article aims to add further to the festivities by discussing its religious hypocrisy, the charlatans who will be in attendance and its wider strategic significance as midwife to Europe’s Fourth Reich.