Saturday, September 7, 2024

Over A Thousand Top Scientists Conclude There Is No Climate Emergency — There Is Only The PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE Depopulation Scam

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

Over a thousand top scientists from around the world, including Nobel Prize winners, sign the World Climate Declaration. They state “there is no climate emergency.” It as a con to consolidate resources, and ultimately achieve mass depopulation. 

Readers of this Substack appreciate that in 1968 the One World Government created The Club of Rome. This technocratic node, along with the WEF, UN, CFR, Rockefeller Crime Syndicate, and various captured governments would promote the climate fear project in order to convince humanity that they are responsible for all things weather. By duping the population into believing such anti-science nonsense, society would live in an perpetual state of self-loathing and fear. This would allow for all those that Trust the Psyop to be far more easily controlled (think “pandemic,” DEATHVAX™, child sex reassignment surgeries, etc.), and have a far greater propensity to not reproduce.

Climate cult DELUSIONS are CRUMBLING as world rejects dire consequences of energy strangulation

from Health Ranger Report:


Climate Alarmists Baffled: ‘There Are No Hurricanes This Season, Our Climate Models No Longer Work’

from 21st Century Wire:

You know the drill: August is here and we normally see the annual headlines of “deadly heat wave” and “climate chaos”, only this year it’s erily quiet on the lucrative climate alarmist front. 

How about this for a radical new idea: factors like solar activity and volcanos can also be major drivers of ‘climate change’ on the planet Earth.

Here’s a perfectly logical (rather than an emotional) explanation…

Weather Modification is Real

by Fed Up Texas Chick, Dr. Tenpenny’s Eye on the Evidence:

A 1996 Report About Taking Over Our Weather By 2025

Nearly 60 years ago, in May 1962, then US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) gave the commencement address at his alma mater, Southwest Texas State University, now known as Texas State University. In the speech, LBJ talked about his international travels and professed that the United States must set the agenda for the rest of the world. (Source: Texas Archive) It wasn’t so much a speech about freedom as it was a speech about control. A very interesting aspect of control that LBJ mentioned was a comment about controlling global cloud layers: “He who controls the weather will control the world.”

Climate activists tried to block a highway in Portugal. Drivers quickly ended it.

Two Elephants in the Climate Change CO2 Production Room

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Noah Smith has a question: What about per capita emissions? I have answers.

bUT wHAT aBOut per cApITA

Climate Engineering, From Firestorms To Floods. Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


No, Arctic Sea Ice Isn’t Shrinking

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Further scientific evidence has been produced to show that summer sea ice in the Arctic has shown no significant decline since 2007. The facts produced make a mockery of attempts by alarmists such as Al Gore and Sir David Attenborough to push the collectivist Net Zero agenda by stating that all the ice will be gone in just a few years. A leading Danish scientist notes a fall in sea ice between 1997 and 2007, but minimal loss in the 44-year satellite record both before and after this period. Furthermore, he concludes in a recently published paper that there is no apparent correlation between the variable extent of Arctic sea ice and the gradually increasing concentrations of the trace gas carbon dioxide.

Climate summit countries defy science: Set goal of no more fossil fuels

from WND:

Green ideology contradicted by hundreds of experts

A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists, including Nobel winners, recently debunked the idea that climate change – or global warming as it was known before the warming stopped – is a worldwide emergency.

The declaration from scientists from all around the globe said simply, “There is no climate emergency.” The statement is from CLINTEL, the Global Climate Intelligence Group.

Will the U.S. power grid function reliably during the coming arctic blast?

from Health Ranger Report:


Chinese Communist Party Secretly Funding Climate Agenda in America

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A disturbing paper trail has emerged showing that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is funneling vast sums of cash into the United States to fund the push for America to tackle the so-called “climate crisis.”

Financial records have exposed millions of dollars flowing from the CCP into “global warming” initiatives and climate pressure groups.

Dane Wigington Interview – Geoengineering, Nanotech & Bio-Carrier Platforms For Pathogen Dispersion

from TheLastAmericanVagabond:


Biden opens door to Bill Gates-style sun dimming to fight climate change

from WND:

Make America dimmer? It’s a concept President Joe Biden might be willing to explore.

A new White House report praises the theory of what has been called solar radiation modification (SRM) – a geoengineering concept that seeks to use various ways to block the sun’s rays from hitting the planet with the concept that this can reverse global warming.

Ex Australian government employee blows whistle on the climate scam

from SettingBrushfires: