by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says it looks like the destructive climate engineering operation that has been going on for decades is finally coming to the attention of the public with new legislation happening in states like Tennessee. Terms like “chemtrails” are used to hide the massive harm being done to the climate. Tennessee is taking action because the harm being done to the “public welfare” with everything from heavy metals, aluminum and nanoparticles being sprayed on everyone to manipulate the climate. Of course, there is no public discussion, let alone public approval, of this evil weather warfare that is well established climate Engineering science since just after WWII. With the Tennessee legislation, we may finally be getting enough public awareness to STOP spraying, poisoning and climate damage being done without public knowledge or permission. Is the Tennessee climate engineering “ban” good news? Wigington explains, “This is extremely good news. The key point here is this raising awareness and credibility for this issue.