Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unintended Consequences of Israel’s Assault on Palestine

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

According to the Zionist propaganda Hamas is a collection of evil beasts.  How do we reconcile this propaganda with the excellent condition of the Israeli women and children hostages released by Hamas?  

Despite the Israeli devastation of Gaza and murder of Palestinian women and children, Hamas has obtained a victory of sorts.  Netanyahu’s vicious attack on civilians has exposed the underbelly of the Apartheid Zionist State.  It is no longer possible for Israel’s apologists to maintain that “Israel can do no wrong.”

LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Dutch Central Bank prepares for Gold Standard, Metals win. Pray!

from And We Know:


Elon Musk says Microsoft developing real-life Skynet AI to control “every facet” of human life

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Despite his own companies’ dystopian endeavors, billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru-turned-hypocritical social media icon Elon Musk is blasting Microsoft for its artificial intelligence (AI) plans.

A new Microsoft AI chip called “Maia” is set to be the cornerstone of the company’s budding AI infrastructure, which competes with that being created by Musk, hence his criticisms of it.

WHO Calls on China to Bring Back Lockdowns to Tackle Mystery Outbreak

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on Communist China to bring back lockdowns and other Covid-era restrictions to tackle a new outbreak of a mystery respiratory illness.

The WHO is pressuring the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to reinstate mask-wearing and social distancing, and issue stay-at-home orders for the public.

The timing of the outbreak is eerily reminiscent of Covid, which first emerged in China this time in 2019, just under one year out from the 2020 election.

The Media Tells the TRUTH For Once! (With a Little Help from the Magic of Editing) 😂

from Mark Dice:


Mel K & Raven Ea | Stop Eating That: Glyphosate, MRNA, & GMO Junk

from The Mel K Show:


US weaponizing the dollar – Lavrov

from RT:

The West has destroyed free global competition and the immunity of property, Russia’s foreign minister says

The US is using the dollar to unleash trade wars worldwide, while international economic cooperation is also being weaponized, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

The US and its allies in the EU are using a wide range of “geopolitical engineering” tools, which include, among other things “unleashing trade and economic wars,” Lavrov stated, speaking at the Primakov Readings International Forum.

Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Neil Oliver delivered a good summation of recent global events in the world of politics when contrast against the stabbing of school children in Ireland; the resulting populist backlash to the forced multicultural import and elimination of national identity, and the immediate reaction by Ireland’s leader Leo Varadkar as he demands new hate speech laws to stop people from speaking out against government forced migration.

James Rickards: When the next financial crisis hits the elites are planning to freeze the financial system, worldwide

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

During an interview in 2017, James Rickards revealed that there is a network of 189 people who are positioned in the world’s financial systems that hold the fate of the global financial system in their hands.

They share one vision – One World Order, One World Taxation and One World Money – and have been working behind the scenes preparing to make that vision a reality.

Wisconsin Town Disapproves Red and Green Decorations

from Moonbattery:

For now, some liberals are content to subvert Christmas on behalf of their agenda. Target’s Pride Santa, Pride Christmas Nutcracker, and Black Paraplegic Santa ornaments are typical examples. But given that the holiday is based on a faith they hate, anything that reminds them of it will eventually be abolished — even the colors red and green:

CONTROLLED DEMOLITION OF THE GRID! – They Will Track Your Every Move! – The Great Reset PLAN

from World Alternative Media:


Irish Authorities Investigate Conor McGregor for “Hate Speech”

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

It looks like a lot of Irish have had enough. Farmers are ordered to kill cows, crime is increasing, and illegal aliens are pouring in. The new Prime Minister thinks the country is too white at 93%, so he’s doing something about it. His election was lauded because he’s of Indian descent and gay. Maybe they should have gone for actual qualifications.

As Elon Musk said, the Prime Minister hates the Irish people, making his hate speech laws very ironic.

[DS] Failed, Now They Are Pushing Assassination, 18 US Code Chapter 115, Game Over

from X22 Report:


Even Oliver Stone is starting to question the 2020 election

by Monica Showalter, American Thinker:

Oliver Stone is a Hollywood leftist who has an odd way of being right at times.

His Academy Award-winning JFK was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

Turns out he was likely closer to right all along — as Tucker Carlson noted in one of this segments.

That’s not the only one. His South of the Border documentary about Latin America’s wave of elected leftist dictators was initially criticized as Chavista propaganda, a glossing over of some of the region’s worst rulers … except that if you watch the thing, which I did twice, you realize he did an extraordinary job of revealing these people as the unattractive pigs that they were. Sleazy, covetous, Imelda-like, sidelong, gangsterly … he actually exposed them in all their glory in a way their worst critics couldn’t. That was a useful record of the era.

Javier Milei just DOOMED Argentina to financial collapse by rejecting BRICS and embracing the DOLLAR

from Health Ranger Report: