Friday, September 27, 2024

The Rest of the Story with Lara Logan Episode 3

from Bannons War Room:


There Sure Has Been A Lot Of “International Intrigue” Lately…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

World leaders have been targeted quite frequently this month, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  I think that all of this geopolitical instability is a sign that there is far more going on behind the scenes than we are being told.  The major powers appear to be making moves in anticipation of what they believe is coming next.  Right now, the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is dominating the news cycle, and at this stage we don’t know if that was an accident or not.  But as a Twitter user known as “Cillian” has pointed out, there has been quite a lot of “international intrigue” during the past couple of weeks…

Covid-Vaxxed Suffer Staggering Loss of Life Expectancy

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

People who were “vaccinated” for Covid with mRNA injections have had decades wiped from their life expectancy, a new peer-reviewed study has revealed.

The bombshell study, published in the renowned Swiss medical journal MDPI, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community.

However, the study has further confirmed warnings from leading experts about the long-term impact of the Covid mRNA shots.

The researchers found that the Covid-vaxxed suffered a “statistically significant” loss of life expectancy after two or more doses.

Study Reveals the Myth of Federal Reserve Independence

by Mike Maharrey, Goldseek:

According to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, “The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy independence is an important and broadly supported institutional arrangement that has served the American public well.

According to Professor Thomas J. Weber at Pace University Lubin School of Business, this is nothing but a myth.

In a recently published paper, Webster argues that the relationship between the Fed and the U.S. government is more like a captive’s relationship with his captor.

“Something like the Stockholm syndrome seems to describe the institutional relationship that exists between the U.S. Congress and the White House (the captors), and the Federal Reserve (the captives).”

He goes on to insist, “The Fed is just another branch of the U.S. government with a political agenda.

CIA Veteran: Ukrainian Connection in Trump’s Assassination Attempt Cannot Be Ignored

from Sputnik News:

The fact that Ryan Routh was “an ardent supporter of the Ukraine and wants to see Russia attacked, and clearly saw Trump as a threat to Ukraine’s future receipt of US military support,” cannot be hidden, says former US State Department official and retired CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson.
“I’m sure that the Kiev regime is going to distance itself from this. The Kiev regime, along with the apparent support of the CIA, has put together a death list of Americans. A list of Americans who ought to be killed. It’s not a list to send them nasty letters. Scott Ritter’s on it, I think Douglas McGregor’s on it. It is not out of line for them to have done this,” Johnson tells Sputnik.


from NEM721:


The House Passes a TikTok Ban, What Happens Next?

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The House passed a bill that would require China to sell TikTok to a US or US-friendly buyer, or the US will turn it off. There are political ramifications. Here’s what to expect.

Internet War

The Wall Street Journal reports Internet War Intensifies as House Passes TikTok Ban

The House on Saturday easily passed a bill that would force a sale or ban of TikTok, which is owned by China–based ByteDance, bringing closer to reality a law that could remove the popular app and deepen the internet divide between the two countries.

The Supreme Court Resets the Game for Trump’s Vice-President

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

Now that the Supreme Court has unanimously destroyed the dreams of Davos to use January 6th as a means to keep him off the ballot, Donald Trump has passed the easiest of the hurdles in front of his returning to the White House.

Some things, politically, in the US still function.

This ruling was a lay-up. The SCOTUS had to rule decisively here.

Trump was never convicted of ‘insurrection.’ He was impeached and character-assassinated, sure, but none of that carries any weight of law. But, even if you somehow believe he was guilty of the crimes the Democrats accused him of, the facts of January 6th are so murky from that perspective, there was no way the SCOTUS could concoct a justification for his ballot disqualification.

Survival at the End of the Imperial Era

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

In a week which saw the attempted assassination of, and renomination of Donald Trump by the Republican Party, and Joe Biden placed in isolation due to COVID, the U.S. political turbulence continued — as did U.S.-NATO wars.  Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call for the convening of a Council of Reason by Elder Statesmen and women, to mobilize support for a new strategic and Development architecture, opens a pathway to peace, parallel to the initiative taken by Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban.  Meanwhile, corrupt and incompetent intel officials are accusing Iran of a plot to kill Trump.

‘The Left’ Plunges Deeper Every Day Into Mental Illness As Everything Democrats Do Blows Up In Their Own Faces, Wile E. Coyote Style – This Is The Death Of A Country

by James Howard Kunstler, All News Pipeline:

“The average Democrat knows the Biden family is profoundly corrupt and they simply don’t care…. Sam Harris spoke for all of them when he said it wouldn’t matter if Hunter’s laptop was packed w/pictures of dead kids.” — MartyrMade on Twitter

This is the dirty secret of our time: the device that the Woke / Progressive elite used to finally get rid of Donald Trump — Covid-19 — shoved them over a cliff Wile E. Coyote style. And now, as they freefall off that cliff, the supposed antidote to Covid-19 — getting vaccinated — is blowing up in their faces, again, Wile E. Coyote style. The elite now have to wake up every day and wonder if the vaccines they rushed to get will end up killing them prematurely. This is what has finally driven them crazy. And, of course, crazy people will do crazy things: like destroy their own country.

Former Trump Aide Harrison Floyd Set Up by Weaponized FBI, New Bodycam Footage Shows

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

It’s no secret the Federal Bureau of Investigation is in the business of manufacturing “criminals,” not catching the real ones. Entrapment and manipulation have become their primary tools of choice and their targets are invariably patriotic Americans who pose a threat to the UniParty Swamp’s agenda.

Harrison Floyd, a former Trump 2020 aide and a co-defendant in the Georgia case against multiple patriots, was arrested and charged with assault in what seems to be a crystal clear example of authoritarian abuse.

Minnesota Insanity Is the Model of the ‘America’ Coming to Your State Soon

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

“Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life.”

A.E. Samaan

Communism is not far away. It is as close as Minnesota, a state consumed by socialists, control freaks, and neo-Marxism; all in a post-modern communistic political state. Given the ridiculous and pathetic sensibilities of this current American population, I must clarify that my statements are general in nature, and not meant to ‘offend’ those self-conscious, weak, and easily insulted ‘conservatives’ and libertarian types, who live in Minnesota. This disclaimer should not be necessary given any amount of individual intelligence or confidence, but all in Minnesota should by now be aware of the state of affairs in this communal hellhole of socialism.

Tim Walz’s China Obsession Is Worse Than You Think

by Christine Favocci, The Gateway Pundit:

Vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz has a variety of troubling obsessions, but none so disturbing as his deep and abiding affection for communist China.

Long before the Democratic Minnesota governor was pushing for tampons in boys’ bathrooms or running the gay-straight alliance for teenagers, he was waxing poetic about the People’s Republic of China as a nation where “everybody shares,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Man observes obvious glitch during ISS live feed.