Saturday, September 7, 2024

Approaching the Bond Yield Event Horizon

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

I get asked for my opinions on what’s happening by members of the press pretty regularly. They don’t always make it into print, nor do i respond to them all. It’s a tough business so I don’t ascribe any malice to it. Some stories simply get stale. I was asked about two topics the other day — the potential government shut down’s effect on Ukraine aid and the FOMC meeting. I wrote up my comments and sent them off.

Exposed: Israeli Extremists & IDF Colluding to Block Gaza Aid, w/ Journalist Jeremy Loffredo

from Glenn Greenwald:



from Dr. Jane Ruby:



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Back during the planscamdemic, I and a few others around the world, including our friend and colleague Catherine Austin Fitts, all came to certain conclusions about what was going on based on our observations of the behavior and pronouncements of “authorities”, “experts”, and the big pharma companies. Our “scenario” (making allowances for slight differences from person to person advancing different versions of it) basically went as follows: the planscamdemic was contrived for several purposes, some of them social and cultural, some economic, and some medical. The medical aspect of our speculation was that a gigantic world-wide medical experiment was being conducted on the entire human population, or at least, as much of a diverse sampling of it as was possible , without its fully informed consent. That medical experiment included the deliberate release and infection of people by pathogens which, in turn, had been deliberately modified, and those modifications were the products of bioweapons research.  The other component of this vast Mengele-on-steroids operation was the “cure”: so-called vaccines were rushed to market via emergency use authorizations, use itself which had been carefully prepared by presidential declarations that allowed the terminally ill to receive experimental therapies.

WarRoom battleground EP 296: The WHO Pushes Pandemic Treaty

from Bannons War Room:


Naomi Wolf On FDAs Approval of New Booster Jab Prior to New Variant

from Bannons War Room:


Billionaire Larry Fink of BlackRock, Which Grabbed Fed Bailouts in 2020-2021, Lectures Struggling Seniors on Making More Sacrifices

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

Yesterday, billionaire Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of the giant investment manager BlackRock, released his annual letter to shareholders. In it, Fink revives the same ole trope that billionaires Kenneth Langone and Stanley Druckenmiller were taking on a road show in 2013. Back then the billionaire propaganda was called: “Generational Theft: How Entitlement Spending is Stealing Opportunity from America’s Youth.”

Every time there is talk of raising taxes on the super-rich, some of whom pay less in taxes than plumbers and teachers through a tricked-up tax dodge known as “carried interest,” the billionaires launch a concerted effort to scapegoat struggling seniors living on an average monthly Social Security retirement benefit of $1772.51.

15-Minute Cities, ESG Scores, Digital IDs: Where Will These Globalist Initiatives Lead?

by David Bowen, Harbingers Daily:

C40 Cities is a global network of the mayors of the world’s leading cities united in confronting climate change. There are 96 member cities, including 14 in the United States. These 96 cities account for more than 20% of the global economy. The mayors of these cities plan to pass laws and offer incentives to have their plans accepted and implemented.

One can look at Oxfordshire, England, as an example. Oxford is a city in England in the county of Oxfordshire and is one of the 96 members of the C40 Cities. I chose Oxfordshire as an example because they have a detailed website available to anyone who wants to understand this concept better.

CNN Laments “Conspiracy Theories” Spreading In Aftermath Of Trump Assassination Attempt

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Saturday’s shooting at a Donald Trump rally was the first assassination attempt of a United States presidential candidate in the age of social media and because of that, people can more widely express their views, opinions, and “conspiracy” theories as to what happened. But this level of free speech isn’t tolerable in a master/slave relationship like the “citizens” of the U.S. have with their government.

The former president had barely been hit before the internet was abuzz with all sorts of unsubstantiated explanations for what had, or had not, occurred, wrote CNN. Because heaven forbid that humans have the right to question the mainstream media and the masters who rule over them. Why can’t those pesky slaves just believe what the masters’ mouthpieces tell them to and stay in line?

You Are Not Alone, Anger Is Building Across The World!

by Bruce Wilds, Bruce Wilds Blogspot:

You are not alone if you are tired of watching your government grow increasingly oppressive and corrupt. Many people across the world share your pain. People continue to voice their anger and discontent, however, this is something the media often chooses not to report for it is owned by those same forces which are attempting to enslave us. Those on the left referred to the right as fascist or Nazi while those on the right refer to the left as communist.

UK military floating conscription programming. War drums in Europe intensifying.

The End of Empire Rapidly Approaches – Peak Prosperity

from Peak Prosperity:


Davos’ debauched underbelly: How the global elite indulge in cocaine, caviar and champagne at secret ‘bunga bunga’ parties behind the scenes of the World Economic Forum

by Claudia Aoraha, Daily Mail:

The theme this year is ‘Rebuilding Trust’ – and will be attended by 3,000 guests

But when guests descend on Davos, they do more than just discuss global conflicts, the economy, and the evolution of technology

Once a year, global elites from all sectors attend a five-day conference in the snow-capped town of Davos, Switzerland – which is supplemented by caviar, champagne, and all types of debauchery after hard work is over.

Washington behind Durov’s arrest – Russia’s top MP

from RT:

The US wants to control the Telegram messaging platform, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has claimed

The US government wants “total control” of social media, which is why it orchestrated the arrest of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, a messaging platform it so far has no influence over, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has claimed.

The senior lawmaker took to Telegram on Tuesday, three days after Durov’s detention in France, to argue that US President Joe Biden wants to take control of the messaging app before the election in November.