Saturday, September 7, 2024

Looks like that “big club” is really not so big

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

With Charles & Kate (and other royals) down with sudden cancers, and Elizabeth & Philip having both “died suddenly” (and so has Jacob Rothschild!), it’s not so clear who’s really “in” and who is NOT

Since “COVID” started, and some of us could clearly see that certain prominent Covidians, while pushing masks on all the rest of us, weren’t wearing them off-camera (Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Fauci, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Dr. Kieran Moore in Canada), while others pushing lockdown on the rest of us weren’t locking down themselves (e.g., Chris Cuomo, Niel Ferguson, Matt Hancock, Dominic Cummings); and then we saw that some who made a big show of their “COVID shots” seemed to be faking it (e.g., Dr. Fauci, Justin Trudeau, possibly Joe Biden)—since all such signs of “COVID privilege” gave the game away, betraying what appears to be a whopping double standard, many of us have invoked George Carlin’s famous bit on the vast gap between those on high, across the board, and all the rest of us.

Wait, The Biden Administration Is Going to Label Jewish Goods Now? Sounds Pretty Hitlerian.

by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

So, does anyone have a history book in the Biden White House? Because this policy is a public relations nightmare. The Biden administration and the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are beyond strained due to the Gaza War. The Biden White House wants the war to end since it’s causing domestic issues, namely that scores of young voters and Muslim Americans are giving the president and the Democrats grief over their support for Israel. Jerusalem is going to continue its ground war against Hamas in the region—Biden can choke on it.

New Bodycam Footage Shows Cop Coming Face To Face With Failed Trump Assassin

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Before shots were fired

New police bodycam footage has been released showing a cop being hoisted on to the roof where Thomas Matthew Crooks was preparing to try and kill Donald Trump seconds before he fired the shots.

The video, obtained by Fox News, shows the Butler Township officer’s view as he got the first glimpse of the would be killer.

April 8, CERN, and the ‘God Particle’

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

We all recently learned that the large particle accelerator, or Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is set to once again smash protons together, and they’ve chosen a very special date of April 8 to do so. April 8 of course is the solar eclipse.

We’ve been reporting on CERN since 2022. CERN is the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider. It occupies a circular underground tunnel of nearly 17 miles along the Swiss-French border. The collider is buried 574 feet underground and was started back up in April 2022 after a three-year break. For more background, read Maryam Henein’s two part article on CERN (Part 1 and Part 2).

Biden’s Sinister Plan To Trick Young People Into Voting For Him

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Navy Whistleblower Exposes ‘937% Surge in Heart Failure’ Among Vaxxed Pilots

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A U.S. Navy medical officer has blown the whistle and gone public with explosive internal data regarding surges of serious health issues among vaccinated military personnel.

Lieutenant Ted Macie has selflessly waived anonymity in order to raise the alarm about the startling number of troops suffering potentially fatal heart-related problems.

Macie is currently serving as an officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps.

Tucker Carlson Takes Aim At “Wannabe Dictator” Joe Biden

from ZeroHedge:

After delivering an epic condemnation of the Deep State (‘permanent Washington’) in his previous episode – which has now been view over 90 million times – Tucker Carlson turns his acerbic eye first to his former employer – Fox News – and then to the “wannabe dictator” in The White House.

On Tuesday this week, shortly after former President Trump’s arrest, Fox News ran two video feeds (of Biden and Trump) simultaneously with the following chyron: “wannabe dictator speaks at The White House after having his political rival arrested.”

A Pause To The Pausing

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

The past week has brought a significant shift in the likelihood of a fed funds rate cut as soon as March. Recent economic data as well as comments from Fed Chair Powell have been a cold slap in the face to those who, just a month ago, were expecting as many as seven rate cuts in 2024.

None of this should come as a surprise to those of you who read these columns each week. In fact, our annual forecast, written in early January, was actually titled “Waiting For Jerome”! The point being that the markets had gotten far too optimistic in terms of rate cut projections and that the first few months of 2024 were bound to be challenging as rate cut expectations inevitably came back to earth.

Lead Exposure Linked to 5.5 Million Heart Disease Deaths, Loss of 5.9 IQ Points in Kids Under 5

by Angelo DePalma, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The health and economic effects of lead exposure may be 6-7 times higher than previously estimated, according to a report in The Lancet Planetary Health.

The report found that the magnitude of environmental risk from lead exposure is similar to that of fine-particulate air pollution and exceeds risks associated with unsafe drinking and household-use water.

The researchers were looking for IQ loss among children under 5, heart disease deaths and the lifetime economic impacts of both.

Episode 3383: Keeping America And Her Citizens First

from Bannons War Room:


Good start. Lol. Declined her call.

Klaus Schwab headlined this year’s World Governments Summit. But is his influence weakening?

by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

The US-dominated global order is no longer in place, and it looks like the kind of NGOs on which the WEF and the World Governments Summit rely to ‘shape the future’ are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (LifeSiteNews) — The eleventh World Governments Summit, a three-day event known as “Davos In the Desert,” comes to a close today.

Podcast — Larken Rose — Behind The Scenes Of The Jones Plantation: A Movie to Wake the Masses

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

In this episode of the Free Thought Project podcast, Matt is joined by guest-host Gavin Nascimento as we sit down with Amanda and Larken Rose to delve into their groundbreaking new movie, “The Jones Plantation.” “The Jones Plantation” is more than just a film – it’s a jarring reminder for us to interrogate the societal structures we inhabit, recognize the covert shackles that confine us, and strive for authentic freedom. The potency of this film is impossible to overstate, and we strongly encourage all of you to experience it firsthand.

Much, Much More Than Trump

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

How’s that lesser-evil thing working out?

As el gato malo recently observed, there are two types of Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. One afflicts a subset of those who don’t like him; one afflicts a subset of those who do. Among the afflicted, mere mention of his name evokes either foaming-at-the-mouth rage or enraptured paroxysms.

Trump is the vessel for a lot of hopes and dreams, most of which won’t come true. Should he win, he would again be taking on a multi-trillion dollar totalitarian monstrosity (the term “Blob” is too benign), its remit every important aspect of life within the United States and around the world. Those trillions support millions of government employees, contractors, and beneficiaries. The monstrosity resists any challenge, even if that challenge is only rhetorical. Trump’s challenge the first time was exclusively rhetorical. The monstrosity was bigger, more powerful, more indebted, and more monstrous at the end of his term than at the beginning.

Peter Schweizer: Tim Walz Tied to Chinese ‘Secret Police Stations’ That Kidnap CCP Critics

by Olivia Rondeau, Breitbart:

Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.”

During Schweizer’s latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities: