Friday, September 6, 2024

The Ben Armstrong | Donald Trump Jr. Breaks Down The Dangers We Are Facing

from The New American:


Silver Stacking: Patience and Persistence Pays Off

by James Wesley Rawles, Survival Blog:

I have been a “silver stacker” for many years. With money earned mowing lawns, at age 16 I started buying pre-1965 mint-date “junk”  U.S. silver dimes and quarters in 1976 at a small local coin shop in Livermore, California. It was called Bob’s Coin Corner. Bob was patient in explaining silver coins to me.  In 1979 I sold nearly half of my silver coins just after silver peaked, when spot silver was at $47.75 per Troy ounce.

I started buying some silver and gold again in June of 1987, when silver was at $8.98 per ounce.

A practical silver investor both buys and sells silver. I was warned by my Uncle Louis: “Never fall in love with any investment.” And he was right.  It is foolish to say: “I’ll never sell.”

Is the Playbook that Collapsed Rome Being Used on America Today? w/ Jeremy Slate

from Man in America:


TREASON! Nothing But Brazen, Reckless and Naked TREASON…..

from State Of The Nation:

…and the utterly TRAITOROUS Congress lets
Biden get away with it scot-free during the
most consequential election in U.S. history.

A POTUS Imposter has gone full-bore executing the notorious “Soros Scheme” of invading nations large and small, in our case with American-hating illegal aliens, and the U.S. Congress does absolutely nothing about it…except to abet the transparent treason via their willful negligence and criminal passivity in the face of the full-scale enemy invasion.

Bitcoin Ben – [DS] Rebooted The Cellular System To Update The OS, Patriots Have Backup Systems

from X22 Report:


Turns out we DO have a Deep State…and it’s “awesome”

by Kit Knightly, Off Guardian:

After years of denials, the mainstream media has decided to admit the Deep State does exist…and apparently it’s “awesome”.

At least, according to this new video from the New York Times:

It Turns Out the ‘Deep State’ Is Actually Kind of Awesome

The video itself is a six-minute strawman, presenting interviews with rocket scientists –  as if they genuinely think that’s what people mean when they refer to the deep state –  then piling on insanely manipulative attempts to “humanise” the concept of the Deep State by talking about these guys’  hobbies and interests.

Secret Financial Coup: Why was a CIA Agent selected to Oversee Stock Ownership & Settlement?

from Peak Prosperity:


7 Things You Need To Know About CBDCs

by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have been a big discussion for several years now.

On one hand, governments and elitists feel the need for greater control and surveillance over the money supply. On the other, many citizens don’t want the government to have more control than they already do. People are concerned about privacy. Further, CBDCs do not solve the core issue with the money supply: central banks and their systems of perpetual debt.

Bohemian Grove EXPOSED, Hollywood Elites Preform SATANIC Rituals, J6 Timeline DEBUNKS MSM LIES

from Stew Peters Network:


And Ivermectin is horse paste. 🤡

Death toll in Moscow concert hall attack climbs to 133 – investigators

from RT:

More bodies have been recovered from the fire-ravaged building, with the search still ongoing, Russia’s Investigative Committee says

The death toll in the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow Region has grown to 133, Russia’s Investigative Committee said on Saturday. Emergency services are continuing to dig through rubble from the building, which was partially destroyed in a massive fire sparked by the attackers.

Putin Vows Revenge For “Bloodbath” Moscow Attack, Points Finger At Help From Ukraine, As 11 ‘Terrorists’ Captured

from ZeroHedge:

The official death toll from Russian authorities in the wake of Friday’s terror attack on a Moscow concert hall has reached 133 killed, with some unofficial reports saying there could be as many as 140 or more. As the scene continues to be processed and investigated, and given some of the hospitalized are in critical condition, the death toll is likely to rise. Over 150 were wounded in the attack, which involved a group of well-equipped attackers sporadically shooting into crowds as they walked through the mall and into the concert hall. Three children are still in the hospital, with one in critical condition.

Despite Supreme Court Ruling, States are Still Confiscating People’s Homes

from The Epoch Times:

TUCSON, Ariz.—Horses taught Christine Searle the importance of being fair. Intelligent and innately honest creatures, horses know deceit when they see it. She wishes they could teach that principle to the state of Arizona.

The 70-year-old horse trainer and Arizona native is on the verge of losing her life’s savings over an unpaid $1,607.68 property tax bill.

“I owed them the money. And that’s what they should get—the money I owe them,” Ms. Searle told The Epoch Times.

“I don’t think that they should have the right to take all of it.”


from HopeGirl Alternative News:


George Soros, the United Nations and groups organising pro-Hamas protests

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October 2023, we have been witnessing a strange phenomenon whereby corporate media and independent media are pushing the same narrative, except for some outlets in America. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in the UK.  Yet few people pause long enough to ask why. 

Why are the majority of corporate media and independent media generally following the same narrative relating to events in Gaza?