Friday, September 6, 2024

Israel kills SEVEN Gaza food aid workers in “accidental” airstrikes where Israeli drones hunted, targeted and destroyed three clearly marked food aid vehicles

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

A convoy of aid workers from World Central Kitchen (WCK) was struck three times by Israel in Gaza bombings that the Zionist state says were not intentionally aimed at these targets.

According to reports, the convoy was struck three times in succession by airstrikes, with a drone further following the wounded aid workers to make sure they all ended up dead.

“No legit pretext and precise coordination with the IDF,” tweeted someone named “Ryan Grim” (@ryangrim) about the attack.

Episode 3513: The Elites And 75 Years Of NATO

from Bannons War Room:


EU’s Plan To Mass Surveil Private Chats Has Leaked

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

A new version of controversial “chat control” regulation has leaked, revealing unchanged mass surveillance plans and threats to digital privacy.

The latest version of the proposed European Parliament (EP) and EU Council regulation to adopt new rules related to combating child sexual abuse has been made available online.

Despite its declared goal, the proposal, which first saw the light of day in May 2022 and is referred to by opponents as “chat control” is in fact a highly divisive draft of legislation that aims to accomplish the stated objective through mass surveillance of citizens’ private communications.

Ed Dowd Identifies Disturbing Problem in Cancer Trends.

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Data analyst Edward Dowd said and has unveiled startling data that points to a significant and troubling rise in cancer deaths. The former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, Dowd is the co founder of  Phinace Technologies, who conduct data driven research with a mission to build “knowledge” as with “knowledge, informed decisions can be made, with the possible risks and rewards emerging organically from the process.” they argue. The latest report from Phinace Technologies, authored by Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, uncovers a disturbing trend in cancer deaths among elderly people following the rollout of the COVID-19 injections, specifically in the 75 to 84 age group.

Trannies INFILTRATE Women’s Sports World Athletics Org BANS Transgenderism

from Stew Peters Network:


Trump Attorney John Eastman on California Lawfare Case: “They Doctored the Quotation in Court – Then the Judge Repeated the Doctored Quotation” (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

President Trump’s lawyer John Eastman joined Emerald Robinson on The Absolute Truth on Thursday.

Eastman, a widely respected Constitutional attorney, was officially disbarred earlier this week after a California leftist judge ruled he should have his law license stripped for challenging the 2020 election.

Eastman on Thursday asked the judge to pause the disbarment ruling, citing massive legal fees.

Trump 2020 election lawyer John Eastman faced disbarment in California for ‘undermining democracy’ by trying to ‘overturn the presidential election.’

27% of Saudis in ‘Bombshell’ Study Experienced Heart Issues After mRNA COVID Shots

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

A study from Saudi Arabia reported on by TrialSite News found that 27.11% of participants experienced heart complications following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, with onset ranging from within one month to more than a year later.

More than a quarter of participants in a study from Saudi Arabia reported cardiac complications after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, and many of them required hospitalization or intensive care.

‘Long Vax’ Finally Enters Lexicon

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik are trying to get the word out that long vax is not only real but has disabled many Americans who were at the peak of health prior to getting a COVID jab
  • At Kory’s long COVID clinic, 70% of the patients actually have long vax and reported their symptoms began “minutes, hours, days or several weeks” after receiving a COVID-19 shot

The Nazi Roots of Covid & the Plan for Global Mind Control w/ Dr. Ealy

from Man in America:


Plan to Rape and Kill Children for Transgender Rights

from Moonbattery:

There isn’t time to induct every dangerous cross-dressing psychopath into the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors. But it would be remiss not to include Alexia Willie:

A trans-identified male in Illinois who threatened to commit a school shooting and rape children has pleaded guilty to one count of Interstate Communication with a Threat to Injure. Alexia Willie, also known as Jason Lee Willie, was arrested on August 14 after going on extended rants listing local children as targets.

The FBI took some time off from harassing Catholics to interrupt a live stream on social media, during which…

To Cut “Greenhouse Gases,” EPA Doles Out Dollars to Groups Tied to Biden, Democrats

by Michael Tennant, The New American:

Three organizations closely associated with the Biden administration and the Democratic Party were awarded $14 billion by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Thursday.

The EPA announced the first recipients of grants from the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), a creation of the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Of the $20 billion doled out Thursday, Climate United got $7 billion, the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) received $5 billion, and Power Forward Communities (PFC) pocketed $2 billion.

According to the Daily Caller, “Each of the three organizations are [sic] planning to route at least 50% of their investments to ‘low-income and disadvantaged communities,’ in line with the Biden administration’s ‘Justice40’ commitment to ensure that at least 40% of the benefits of climate-related spending flows to such communities to pursue ‘environmental justice.’”

John Kerry’s Daughter Says BILLIONS of Humans Must Die for the ‘New World Order’

from The People’s Voice:


NATO Invites War, Israel/Iran War, Dem Panic

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

In a surprise announcement, Secretary of State Tony Blinken said Ukraine will be joining NATO.  This has grave implications for an expanded war with Russia.  In 1991, the U.S. promised never to allow Ukraine to join NATO.  Ukraine was supposed to be neutral and not have a robust army.  All that changed in 2014 with the coup that was orchestrated by the Obama Administration.  From then on, the West has inched towards war.  Now, it looks like it’s an unstoppable slide of a NATO war with Russia, and NATO is inviting it with glee.

This Is The Eclipse “Conspiracy Theory” That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

As the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8th draws near, the mainstream media has been packed with stories that debunk various “conspiracy theories”.  Of course in order to have a “conspiracy theory”, you have got to have more than one individual that is alleged to be involved in some sort of a “conspiracy”, and so I have no idea how that term can possibly be applied to what is going on in the heavens.  In any event, there are certainly a lot of “theories” about this eclipse that are clearly not accurate, and the mainstream media has successfully debunked a number of them.  However, there is one “theory” regarding this eclipse that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about, and I will discuss that “theory” in this article.