Friday, September 27, 2024

Study Finds 80 Percent Americans Exposed to Fertility-Lowering Chemicals in Cheerios, Quaker Oats

from The Epoch Times:

EPA proposed in April last year to allow the use of chlormequat on oats, barley, wheat, and triticale grown in the United States.

According to a recent study, four in five Americans tested positive for an agricultural chemical found in several wheat and oat products, including brands like Cheerios and Quaker Oats.

The peer-reviewed study, published in the JESEE journal on Feb. 15, looked at urine samples from American citizens to determine their exposure to chlormequat chloride—a plant growth chemical. Exposure to the chemical can result in lower fertility and harm developing fetuses even at doses below acceptable levels set by regulators. Researchers detected chlormequat in 80 percent of urine samples collected between 2017 and 2023, with “a significant increase in concentrations for samples from 2023.”

Whistleblower: 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk: Illegal Arms Trade & Trafficking Protected w/ Shine

from Sarah Westall:


Episode 3663: Defunding The Justice Department

from Bannons War Room:


Has the Criminal Biden Regime Utterly and Totally Corrupted Medicare?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

We are constantly told we cannot afford Social Security and Medicare.  Fighting Russia in Ukraine is more important than the survivability of the American population. 

I doubt anything can wake up the ignorant insouciant American population, but perhaps the Biden regime’s rip-off of Medicare in the interest of Big Pharma profits can introduce some reality into American consciousness.

Recently I have had physical therapy for a shoulder injury hoping to avoid an operation and received two Medicare “summary notices” setting out the charges and payments.  Incidentally, Medicare cost me annually  five to ten times more in Medicare taxes than I receive in Medicare payments to providers.  This is because I am still working despite being well passed retirement age and am subject to the Medicate tax on income.  Then there is the surcharge for Medicare part B that is income based, and then there is the cost of the private supplement to Medicare as Medicare never pays the full cost of the bill.  On me, Medicare makes a large annual profit.

Kenya On Fire: Parliament Set Ablaze As Furious Protesters Revolt Against Harsh New Taxes

from Great Game India:

Nairobi has erupted into chaos as angry Kenyans protest harsh new taxes and an eco-austerity program, leading to the burning of the parliament building. Lawmakers escaped through a tunnel after voting to pass the controversial Finance Bill 2024, which raises prices on essential goods like diapers and electronics. The situation turned violent, with police using live fire and tear gas, resulting in deaths and injuries. President William Ruto, currently out of the city, praised the youth’s enthusiasm, but the violence continues amid reports of abductions by security forces. The crisis reflects a broader pattern of international economic pressure causing local unrest.

Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship

by Rebekah Barnett, Activist Post:

The Australian Government’s proposed new laws to crack down on misinformation and disinformation have drawn intense criticism for their potential to restrict free expression and political dissent, paving the way for a digital censorship regime reminiscent of Soviet Lysenkoism.

Under the draft legislation, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will gain considerable expanded regulatory powers to “combat misinformation and disinformation,” which ACMA says poses a “threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy.”


from SGT Report:

Dr. Emoto’s water and rice experiments showed us the truth through REAL scientific studies: Water has consciousness and human intent has consequences. Mass prayer experiments have demonstrated the power of collective intent, love and faith. Now picture your home transformed into a sanctuary, where you and your family are protected and uplifted by a positive, life-affirming energy that shields you from harmful EMF radiation & more. The founders of Focused Life Force Energy join me to discuss REAL woo; Frontier science.

Get HEALTHY with the FREE video report from Chuck Norris:
↑ Regain control over your body! ↑


The media is trying to push a new “George Floyd” movement after a police sh00ting in Chicago.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


🇺🇦Odessa: Military recruiters jumped into a bus, grabbed a man, kicked him a bit and dragged him into a van.

January 6th Exposed in New Series: The Rest of The Story with Lara Logan

by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

The narrative of the so-called January 6th “insurrection” has fallen apart. Thanks to real investigative reporting, the set-up by Pelosi and others leading up to the Capitol chaos, the role federal agents likely played in instigating the Capitol breach, the persecution of January 6th defendants, weaponized agencies, and the rise of a police state to target political enemies under the guise of domestic extremism, have all been exposed.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Regular readers of this website, and even more so the paying members, know that I am a devotee of the works of C.S. Lewis, the famous Oxford don and Christian apologist , member of the “Inklings” with other famous (and Christian) authors, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and so on.  Lewis exercised an enormous influence on me and continues to do so. And one of his works, in particular, that continues to do so – I’ve re-read this work three times in just these past eight months – is his novel That Hideous Strength. During his life Lewis warned – repeatedly – of the dangers of the direction that the West was heading in, the direction of technocracy, of the scientismist-materialist who promised to end all the suffering of mankind through the ingenious development of technology, including even the conquest of death.

Will the World’s Most Pro-Bitcoin Politician Embrace Gold?

from Schiff Gold:

Since Nayib Bukele became president of El Salvador, El Salvador has been in American media and global political discussion more than ever. While much of the attention focuses on Bukele’s mass incarceration of gang members and a decline in homicide of over 70%, Bukele has also drawn attention to his favoritism towards Bitcoin and how he has pushed El Salvador to embrace cryptocurrency.

Bird Flu: Our Next P(L)andemic?

by Dr. Will Falconer, DVM, The Tenpenny Report:

To be sure your pulse rate doesn’t drop all the way back to normal after Covid has pretty much receded, we’re steadily getting news of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) a.k.a Bird Flu.

It’s a long known influenza A virus, that’s waxed and waned, mostly in birds, for decades.

This time around, called H5N1, it’s not going away so quickly.

And the news from the main stream media make it sound like its wiping out multi-thousand strong flocks of layers and broiler chickens.