Friday, September 6, 2024

Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Donald Trump Jr. generally maintains the weakest judgement skills amid the Trump family organization.  In part, DJT Jr.’s poor judgement seems to be an outcome of his own sense of self-importance and rather openly inflated ego.

Today Donald Trump Jr. brought the professional MAGA grift team to New York City; some of the pros have a history that does not exactly align with the truthful and earnest side of justice.   One of the worst offenders, within MAGA Grift Inc., is Pam Bondi.

Anti-Jab & Anti-War Prime Minister GUNNED DOWN: Populist Slovakia Prime Minister Expected To Survive

from Stew Peters Network:


New EPA Rule Threatens Locally Produced Beef

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • A new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory rule will harm local food producers by forcing small meat and poultry producers to invest heavily in new water filtration systems or face closure
  • This rule threatens to have long-term repercussions on the food supply and benefits factory farms and multi-national beef producers by punishing small domestic producers and incentivizing imported meat and poultry products

Episode 3629: Taking Back Texas

from Bannons War Room:


My ‘Tribe’ Abandoned Me in Covid – But I Gained a New One That Loves Freedom

by Dr David Bell, Daily Sceptic:

Human societies naturally divide into groups or tribes. Human tribes rely on a shared pride of belonging and a sense of otherness toward non-members. This provides their members with a cause or meaning, such as jointly building a better life, and a feeling of superiority or victimhood based on comparison with, denigration of and exclusion of outsiders. A sense of shared superiority or victimhood builds comradeship, which most humans naturally seek.

A Forensic Analysis Of The X-Rays of JFK’s Skull Yields Surprising Results

by erome R. Corsi, American Thinker:

We now know with forensic certainty that two frontal headshots and one shot from the rear at a low angle (not from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository) killed JFK. The evidence for these conclusions comes from a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, that I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, who has a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist and who has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else.

MH370 Investigation Reveals MASSIVE Coverup of Advanced (Alien?) Tech w/ Ashton Forbes

from Man in America:


US House Passes FIT21 Crypto Bill With Bipartisan Support, Biden Does Not Threaten Veto

from ZeroHedge:

A majority of US House of Representatives members voted in favor of legislation to establish regulatory clarity over digital assets, CoinTelegraph reports.

In a 279 to 136 vote on May 22, House lawmakers approved H.R.4763, or the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century (FIT21) Act. If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill clarifies the roles the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have over digital assets. 71 Democrats joined with 208 Republicans to vote in favor of the bill.

Citigroup Gets Fined $79 Million Two Years After It Caused a $300 Billion Flash Crash in European Stock Markets

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

Two U.K. regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), announced this morning that they have leveled fines totaling $78.5 million against Citigroup’s European trading arm, Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. (CGML). See here and here. The fines relate to a $300 billion flash crash in European stock markets on May 2, 2022.

Citigroup is the parent of the fourth largest federally-insured bank in the United States, Citibank.  During the 2008 financial crisis, Citigroup imploded and became a 99-cent stock because of its high-risk market activities. It received over $2.5 trillion in bailouts and cumulative loans – the largest bailouts in global banking history.

WHO Orders ‘Worldwide Lockdowns’ As Australia Reports First Human Bird Flu Case

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has ordered government’s to prepare to initiate harsh new lockdowns after Australia reported its first human case of Bird Flu on Wednesday.

According to reports, authorities in Australia claim a child was infected with avian influenza in India and brought the disease to Australia.

“This is the first confirmed human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Australia,” Dr Claire Looker, the state’s chief health office declared in a statement.

The World Sees that the U.S. Has Gone Rogue

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

As the Unipolar Order is losing its hold over the world, the leadership of the Anglo-American world is escalating its provocations against the BRICS nations and the Global South. The emergence of a multipolar order is unstoppable, except by launching a world war — which seems to be the intent of the Anglo-American establishment. This will be a subject of my weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche today.

Illinois to Mandate “Climate” Brainwashing at School

by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

With the United Nations and other powerful international players demanding more, government schools across Illinois will soon be required to indoctrinate every student with man-made “climate change” propaganda. But despite a brouhaha about the scheme, children across the state are already being bombarded with global-warming hysteria.

The new mandate is included in legislation that has already cleared virtually every hurdle on the route to becoming law. If signed, schools would be required to teach children that human activities are causing global warming, along with supposed “solutions” to this alleged crisis.

NATO has become the military wing of a globalist power structure that promotes the self-destruction of all nations and a depopulated world

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg asserted on Friday the alliance’s commitment to defending the rights of LGBTQ individuals, aligning with numerous Western officials, institutions, and organizations in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.