Friday, January 24, 2025

The Banking Crisis Has Produced Extraordinary Testimony about Land Mines Lurking in the U.S. Banking System

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

On Wednesday, March 8 of this year, the holding company for the federally-insured Silvergate Bank announced it was winding down the bank. It had little choice but to do so. It was experiencing a bank run and had incinerated its reputation by focusing on deposits from crypto companies, including those majority-owned by indicted crypto kingpin, Sam Bankman-Fried.

According to testimony from the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Martin Gruenberg, before the Senate Banking Committee on March 28, “in the fourth quarter of 2022, Silvergate Bank experienced an outflow of deposits from digital asset customers that, combined with the FTX deposits, resulted in a 68 percent loss in deposits – from $11.9 billion in deposits to $3.8 billion.”

Nuke War in Ukraine, Durham Points to Guilty, Economy Danger

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) is lying to you about what is going on in Ukraine.  The war has taken a harsh turn in that Russian missiles are targeting ammunition depots to blow up rounds of Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions.  (DU can go through a foot of armor.)  Don’t let the name fool you.  Depleted Uranium is only depleted of its fuel and not it’s radioactive nightmare.  It has a 4-billion-year (that’s right, billion) half-life.

The Russians just blew up some fresh DU rounds imported from the UK, and it put a huge mushroom cloud in the sky over a city called Khmelnytskyi.  Have the people miles around this blast been told that a huge section of the city will no longer be inhabitable for a few billion years?  Is NATO crazy to continue this war?  Is anyone going to tell the public this has gone nuclear?

WHO Attack on National Sovereignty

from childrenshealthdefense:


NEW – Legislation reintroduced would create a federal U.S. agency to enact “enforceable behavioral codes” and various other rules for digital platforms such as Twitter.

Recipients of Bill Gates’ Favorite Vaccine Were Found to Die at 10x the Rate as Unvaccinated Children

from The Vigilant Fox:



by Harvey Organ, Harvey Organ Blog:


Business As Usual: The American police state will continue to spread its wings whether the government is shut down or not

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Author and veteran constitutional attorney John Whitehead is one of my heroes. Why? Because, unlike many commentators, essayists, journalists, etc., Whitehead doesn’t pull his punches. He’s a realist who gives the whole truth about America, not just bits and pieces of truth interspersed with nuggets of false hope about a coming human messiah.

Whitehead understands that one man or woman, even if well-intentioned, isn’t going to turn America around. Not in four years. Not in eight years.

Most of what we see and hear in the media about what is going on in Washington is mere theater meant to keep the masses divided and distracted. Whitehead gives us a strong dose of realism in the article below. While reading it, keep in mind that at the same time the regime in Washington is opening the borders to create more crime and chaos, which it then uses to justify its continued building of an American police state, it is also working around the clock to think up new ways to harass and disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Their ultimate goal is a police state ruling over a disarmed population.

US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse

by Pepe Escobar, The Unz Review:

Prof. Michael Hudson’s new book, The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point is a seminal event in this Year of Living Dangerously when, to paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed.

Prof. Hudson’s main thesis is absolutely devastating: he sets out to prove that economic/financial practices in Ancient Greece and Rome – the pillars of Western Civilization – set the stage for what is happening today right in front of our eyes: an empire reduced to a rentier economy, collapsing from within.

MK Ultra and the Ghost of Ceausescu Are Haunting Serbia – Controlled Destabilisation Is the Message

by Stephen Karganovic, Strategic Culture:

Stunned and bewildered, Serbs are now struggling to find an explanation for the horror they just experienced.

Battered Serbia has just received even more nasty blows. Already traumatised by a multiplicity of psy-op and other assaults, the Balkan nation is now undergoing its bloody “Western values” rite of passage. In the first week of May, in quick succession, events heretofore unimaginable in that country took place in the form of two grisly mass shootings. One occurred in a primary school in Belgrade and the other in a village in the interior, each claiming at least eight innocent lives.

Deagel Report’s Numbers For 2025 America Were No ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Cities Turning Into 3rd World Nations As Zombified Druggies Rule The Streets & Globalists Wage War On Americans

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While joe biden and Democrats continue to wage war upon US Veterans, American citizens nationwide, both men and women, and women in particular, bussing in illegal aliens to take the ‘homes‘ of homeless US Veterans while treating criminals as a ‘protected class, and as Susan Duclos perfectly summed up in this new ANP story, waging all-out-war on REAL women, Americans are fleeing Democrat-run cities in droves according to this new story at the Daily Mail, completely fed up with rampant crime and homelessness and drug addicts doing drugs on the streets, threatening their livelihoods and their lives.

I’m sorry, what? I’ve appealed. But what in the ever-loving world?

Argentina’s Left Craters, Opening Presidential Path for Libertarian Populist Javier Milei

by Christian K. Caruso, Breitbart:

Argentine libertarian economist Javier Milei formally debuted his political coalition’s campaign platform on Tuesday, a formal requirement for him to run in the October 2023 presidential elections.

Milei’s La Libertad Avanza (“Liberty Advances”) coalition issued its formal request to join the presidential race as the nation’s ruling leftist Frente de Todos (“Front for All”) coalition flounders in disarray, lacking a presidential candidate after incumbent President Alberto Fernández announced in April that he would not run for reelection. The current vice president, far-left former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has also withdrawn her name from the race, again confirming on Tuesday that she would not run.