Wednesday, October 16, 2024

US Debt: Net Interest to Exceed $700B by November

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

The chart below shows the gimmicks the Treasury has been using to manage the debt while the debt ceiling keeps a lid on new issuance. The primary gimmick used is pillaging government retirement funds which hold non-Marketable debt. In April, the government replenished some of what has been taken by retiring public debt (mostly short-term) as tax receipts increased cash available to the Treasury. They will most likely tap back into this next month as the government gets closer to running out of money.

Unmasking The Great Reset: Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF Plot to Depopulate the World using COVID Vaccines & Climate Change Lies as a Recipe for Disaster

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In a world shrouded in suspicion and scepticism, where power seems concentrated in the hands of a privileged few and giant corporations, critical thinkers are raising questions about the intentions and actions of prominent entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and renowned figure Bill Gates.

Whispers of a grand conspiracy suggest that under the guise of “saving the planet,” a dark agenda to depopulate the world may be unfolding.

PART 2 – Smoking Guns: Nord Stream Sabotage ‘Secret Teams’ Revealed

from 21st Century Wire:

Get comfortable as you are about to embark on Part 2 of our investigative report into the Secret Team behind the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage operation. Despite facing the large swell of propaganda coming from the legacy media and their sudden renewed interest in the Nord Stream attack, we hope readers will appreciate the evidence-based, more realistic picture presented here regarding what an actual CIA-backed covered operation entails, as we identify the likely players, aiders and abetters from participating NATO members states. 

Chomsky’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein—and Suspected 9/11 Mastermind Ehud Barak—Exposed

by Kevin Barrett, The Unz Review:

No wonder he lied so outrageously in our email correspondence

In early summer 1992 I caught the documentary film Manufacturing Consent when it opened in San Francisco’s Castro Theater. That film changed my life. It showcased Noam Chomsky, an accomplished linguistics professor, and his analysis of corporate media propaganda. Manufacturing Consent convinced me that the American academy could tolerate, and indeed celebrate, serious social criticism. If Chomsky, a radical opponent of America’s most powerful institutions, could not only survive but thrive in academia, speaking truth to power and building a huge audience along the way, why couldn’t others do the same?

De-dollarization is spreading and it’s not hard to see

from RT:

The major global economies are shifting and the clues are there for those who know where to look

De-dollarization is increasingly making headlines and signs of it are everywhere.

New sources of non-dollar finance are emerging. There are new bilateral agreements to trade and lend in currencies other than the US dollar. Even more importantly, major oil trade buyers and sellers – Moscow and Riyadh as much as Beijing and New Delhi – are agreeing to trade it in non-dollar currencies. These deals are destroying one of the main pillars of dollar dominance since OPEC quadrupled and then doubled oil prices in the 1970s, giving countries around the world a major reason to demand and hold dollars. 

Will Tucker Host a Trump Debate? (Ep. 2005)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


BOMBSHELL: Grassley and Comer Say They’ve Found Evidence of Biden Getting PAID OFF for ‘Policy Decisions’

by Robert Spencer, FrontPageMag:

If it’s accurate, it doesn’t just involve Joe Biden.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote to Gestapo chief Merrick Garland and his henchman, FBI top dog Christopher Wray, on Wednesday with some allegations that were positively explosive. Grassley and Comer say that they’ve “received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures” regarding a “criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” Would anyone really be surprised if it were positively determined that Old Joe Biden was paid off by foreigners to set policy in a way they dictated?

Was the Tucker “Take Down” a Deep-State Hit?

by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

“When honest people say what’s true … they become powerful…. That’s the iron-law of the universe, the truth prevails.” Tucker Carlson

Can we stop pretending that Tucker Carlson was fired because of the Dominion lawsuit? That’s a bunch of baloney. Carlson was fired because he used his prime-time platform to expose the crimes and illicit goings-on of the most powerful men, corporations and agencies in the world. That’s why he was fired, because he revealed the truth about big pharma’s toxic injections, Fauci’s deranged lockdowns, Brandon’s police-state surveillance, the expansive deep-state censorship program, CRT, BLM, ESG, George Floyd, drag-queen children’s hour, the oddball cult of trangenderism, Ukraine’s crummy dictator-president Zelensky and all the other pernicious inanities that are being used like a wrecking-ball on the nation’s moral and historical foundation. Tucker exposed them all.

Shockwaves in the Swamp Over Biden and Epstein (Ep. 2004)

from The Dan Bongino Show:



from SGT Report:

Investigative journalist Liz Crokin returns to SGT Report after a three year hiatus to discuss Pizzagate & Pedogate which has only gotten far worse over the years as the Biden administration is openly working with criminals and cartels to traffic tens of thousands of children, all of whom have vanished.

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