Thursday, October 17, 2024

As ‘Government’ Wages A Losing War Upon God And All That Is Good, We’ve Gotten A ‘Communist Church’ With Brainwashed Pulpiteers As America’s Fall Into Despotism Nears Completion

by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

I guess I sort of consider myself a “visionary.” No, I don’t mean I see “visions” or am any sort of “prophet.” But I can see things as they are and ENVISION what could be. I can look at a broken-down, ramshackle house or car and see how it can be brought back to life. I can see a yard with badly neglected landscaping and lawn and see the beauty that it could be.

In the 1990s, I envisioned a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin — a virtually impossible feat to pull off, but the Lord God Himself TOLD me to start one, and now our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News is putting out more copies than ever before and it’s distributed nationally — not just for Wisconsin anymore. And I can also look upon a lost soul, consumed and deceived by worldly enticements and see a new creation in Christ, IF only they’ll seek Him in humble repentance and faith.

FBI Conceals Documents Proving Biden’s Bribes

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

There is concrete evidence that Joe Biden illegally accepted bribes from foreign nationals. The GOP and anyone who values US law and national security had hoped the Durham report, the contents on Hunter Biden’s laptop, or even the “joke” about “10% for the big guy” would have been enough to investigate Biden’s illegal dealings. Cathay Bank revealed that the Bidens were funneling money into their private accounts, but the world turned a blind eye.

Dig It! #188: Manifesting with Fiona Price

from Corey’s Digs:


Nolte: May Ratings Collapse — Fox Loses Third of Viewers Without Tucker Carlson

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

May was the Fox News Channel’s first full month without Tucker Carlson and it cost them 32 percent of primetime viewers.

Cuck News dropped Tucker Carlson’s primetime show in late April. To keep Carlson silent, he is still technically employed by the Fox fascists, but without Tucker Carlson Tonight in its primetime lineup, the once mighty and invincible Fox News primetime schedule only barely beat far-left MSNBC last month.

Throughout April, Cuck News averaged 2.072 million primetime viewers. But in May, the Tucker-less Cuck News’s average primetime viewership collapsed to just 1.417 million.

Musk Says Twitter Has “No Actual Choice” But Comply With Government Censorship Demands

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Twitter has recently received censorship orders from government… and is complying.

(Reclaim the Net) — Following criticism for complying with governments’ censorship demands, Twitter owner Elon Musk said that the platform has “no actual choice” when it comes to such requests.

When he announced interest in buying Twitter last year, Musk claimed to be a “free speech absolutist.” He argued that “we have free speech” when “someone you don’t like” is “allowed to say something you don’t like.”

At the time, Musk added that under his leadership, Twitter would “be very reluctant to delete things,” shy from permanent bans, and allow all legal speech.

The Storm Before The Storm

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

I really don’t know anyone that would argue that the U.S. economy is in great shape right now.  Inflation is out of control, large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over the nation, the housing bubble is starting to implode, and more homeless encampments are constantly popping up in our major cities as poverty spreads like wildfire.  But this isn’t the main event.  I am calling this “the storm before the storm”, because the truth is that this new economic crisis is still only in the very early chapters.  Unfortunately, much more suffering is on the way, and our country is not going to be able to handle it.

AIs Do NOT ‘Hallucinate’

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

Google and others have tried to make a wildly-false claim about “generative” AIs in the general caseThey can “hallucinate.”

One thing we’ve learned is generative AIs can hallucinate, meaning they come up with totally false information that bears no resemblance to reality. Don’t always believe what you read. And do be mindful of what you enter as generative AIs keep the information you type in. In fact, some major tech corporations, like Samsung, have banned their employees from using ChatGPT after some sensitive information was leaked.

The second part is correct.

The first part is a lie.

Meet the New Twitter, Same as the Old Twitter?

by Matt Taibbi, Racket News:

Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” is the kind of content most thought would be safe under new Twitter ownership. A new battle over the film feels like an attack of nanny-Twitter déjà vu

At roughly 8:30 a.m. ET this morning, Jeremy Boreingco-founder and co-CEO of the Daily Wire, posted a lengthy thread on Twitter outlining what appeared to be a major reversal on speech issues on the Elon Musk-owned platform. “Twitter canceled a deal with @realdailywire to premiere What is a Woman? for free on the platform because of two instances of ‘misgendering,’” Boreing wrote, adding, “I’m not kidding.”

COVID jabs contain graphene NANOBOTS, scientists discover – and they pass from the vaccinated to unvaccinated

by Ethan Huff, DC Clothesline:

The true nefarious purpose behind Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” extends far beyond just mass depopulation of the world.

The injections are laced with microscopic graphene oxide “nanobots” that alter natural human biology in ways that we are only just beginning to discover and understand.

Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional lattice structure, is remarkably powerful in terms of amalgamating the human frame with synthetic, man-made components.

The Solution Series: Mastering Field and Radio Tactics with Matt “NC Scout”

by Corey Lynn and James White, Corey’s Digs:

“As long as you remain true to yourself and continue training with sincerity, nobody can stop you from achieving excellence.”
~ Milkha Singh

There are a few levels of learning that we all must traverse before we can say that we have mastered a particular skill. Historically, the best way to get through the learning curve of a new idea or concept is to just do it—but to take that course of action, one needs to obtain advanced skills and knowledge from someone who has first-hand experience.

The Criminalization of Truth in the Western World

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Time is running out on truth, the telling of which is being criminalized.

In his Introduction to the 1946 edition of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley noted that the greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by dong something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an ‘iron curtain’ between the masses and such facts or arguments as the political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists influence thought more effectively than by lying.

Here’s What REALLY Happened With Biden’s Fall (Ep. 2023)

from The Dan Bongino Show: